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About xvirus

  • Birthday 11/24/1987
  1. the correct translations would be Congratulations on entering the Hall of Fame! The End Congratulations on clearing the game! The game is being saved.\xfffeDo not turn off the power. \xf000Ā\x0001\x0000\xfffesaved the game! The game could not be saved.
  2. To fit with the previous games, yeah. Though it is pretty much more around the lines of "Would you like to record your activity up to this point?".
  3. I believe the kanji you're looking for is 配信 not 背信 ワイヤレス配信 means something around the lines of "Wireless Distribution".
  4. Not to be mean or anything, but I think you're wasting your time with machine-translating. It seems that the goal of this project is QUALITY over speed, so the translating is probably best left up to those who know Japanese. It's not going to help anyone at all to read a sentence like "a.m. to speak to speak speak speak here Pokemonzu" vs Japanese that they can't read anyways.
  5. Been working on this on and off all morning. I've already added some of the translations posted in this thread such as Rhea's and some of njt's. Keep up the great work!
  6. As far as I know, there isn't a way to edit them directly, so you will have to create a fork and edit that. To do that click the Fork button at the top, which will create your own clone of the repo that is editable by you. once you've made and committed the edits to your fork, click the "pull request" button and fill out some info on the changes. The people in charge should see that and if they like your edits, will merge it into the main repo.
  7. I've started adding some of njt's translations to my branch, along with fixing some of the errors he made. I feel kinda stupid though... I was over half way through translating 0006 before I noticed that njt already posted them in the thread :bidoof:
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