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What you (and others) need to do is not download the text file directly but just copy paste the text file from the github page and save as a unicode document to preserve what you wrote I think


It's great to see a team set to work so quickly on this!

I'm sure that there will be a usable patch in no time, you guys are the best!

I wish I could offer my support, but my Japanese skills kinda really suck these days.

I'll give you all the support and rally for you as often and as much as I can! I know that you guys can do this and I REALLY look forward to any work that you produce!

  shadowhunter93 said:
Can we get a menu translation for the Uniion Room? It'd be greatly handy to know what I'm doing instead of blindly stumbling. xD

The file for the Union Room Menu is .txt

The file for introductions (Hello, hola, bonjour, etc.) and general sayings (Sure, I'm sorry, Bye, etc.) in the Union Room is 0144.txt

General words are in 0145.txt 0146.txt 0149.txt (Ex: heroine, TV, etc.)

All the Pokemon (Including Gen V's) are named in 0070.txt


Just finished 0146.txt of course not all is correct.

うつくしさ Beauty
うれしさ Joy
おかしさ Strange
おすすめ Recommended
かしこさ Intelligent
がっかり Dissapointed
かっこよさ Cool
かなしさ Sad
かわいさ Pretty 
かんたん Easy
くやしさ Dissapointment
げんき Healthy
ざんねん Awful
しあわせ Happiness
しょんぼり Lonely
しんじられない Unbelievable
すき Like
だいきらい Hate
たいくつ Boring
だいじ Importance
だいじょうぶ Certain
だいすき Great liking for
たくましさ Hardiness
たのしさ Happiness
ダメダメ Mistake
だらだら Slowly
ドキドキ Pounding
とくい Pride
ナイス Nice
なみだ Tears
にがて Weak Point
ばくしょう Laughter
ハッピー Happy
バリバリ Actively
びっくり Surprise
びみょう Subtle
ふあん Anxiety
ほしい Desire
まんぞく Satisfaction
むずかしい Hard
めずらしい Rare
めちゃめちゃ Rash
やだ I hate
やばい Dangerous
ラブラブ Romance
わくわく Exciting
わらい Laughter


Please excuse me if i am being a complete dumb-ass here, but can't you just use google translator to translate each txt file? Like, i just loaded one of them up, and obviously it was all in japanese but i used google translate as im using google chrome so it asks if i would like totranslate the page. Cant you just do that for each one? You'd be dont in like an hour? BTW i hardly know anything about this, so dont be all raw raw if its more complicated lol.

  Glitch said:
Just finished 0146.txt of course not all is correct.

うつくしさ Beauty
うれしさ Joy
おかしさ Strange
おすすめ Recommended
かしこさ Intelligent
がっかり Dissapointed
かっこよさ Cool
かなしさ Sad
かわいさ Pretty 
かんたん Easy
くやしさ Dissapointment
げんき Healthy
ざんねん Awful
しあわせ Happiness
しょんぼり Lonely
しんじられない Unbelievable
すき Like
だいきらい Hate
たいくつ Boring
だいじ Importance
だいじょうぶ Certain
だいすき Great liking for
たくましさ Hardiness
たのしさ Happiness
ダメダメ Mistake
だらだら Slowly
ドキドキ Pounding
とくい Pride
ナイス Nice
なみだ Tears
にがて Weak Point
ばくしょう Laughter
ハッピー Happy
バリバリ Actively
びっくり Surprise
びみょう Subtle
ふあん Anxiety
ほしい Desire
まんぞく Satisfaction
むずかしい Hard
めずらしい Rare
めちゃめちゃ Rash
やだ I hate
やばい Dangerous
ラブラブ Romance
わくわく Exciting
わらい Laughter

That's better than what I can do. lol

0062.txt looks like it may be important. When I translated it, a good portion of the lines were also the same as some typical menu names (Single/Double/Triple Battle, Union Room, Bag, Trainer Card, etc.)


You CAN use google translate to translate everything, but it will most definietly not be 100% accurate, which is what we are somewhat aiming for. Just that if you google translate something, you kinda got to use either basic knowledge or another translator to compare the results, then you can see what the line is actually trying to say.

Also I recommend: http://www.sharedtalk.com You can talk to japanese people there. I did that. lol.

Posted (edited)
  jintrigger said:
Hello everyone...I just registered so I can help. So does anything need to be translated...I have a translation guide I have been working on which can be found here ===> http://www.mediafire.com/?35i26o2uoq8ih5w

The more the merrier!!! I will look at it right now!!!

In 0012.txt, just from playing the games so much, this is what I could do (not much, but....)

ボックス1 Box 1

ボックス2 Box 2

ボックス3 Box 3

ボックス4 Box 4

ボックス5 Box 5

ボックス6 Box 6

ボックス7 Box 7

ボックス8 Box 8

ボックス9 Box 9

ボックス10 Box 10

ボックス11 Box 11

ボックス12 Box 12

ボックス13 Box 13

ボックス14 Box 14

ボックス15 Box 15

ボックス16 Box 16

ボックス17 Box 17

ボックス18 Box 18

ボックス19 Box 19

ボックス20 Box 20

ボックス21 Box 21

ボックス22 Box 22

ボックス23 Box 23

ボックス24 Box 24

Also, this is what I translated from 0089.txt:

カノコタウン Kanoko Town

カラクサタウン Karakusa Town

サンヨウシティ Sanyou City

シッポウシティ Shippou City

ヒウンシティ Hiun City

ライモンシティ Raimon City

ホドモエシティ Hodomoe City

フキヨセシティ Fukiyose City

セッカシティ Sekka City

ソウリュウシティ Souryuu City

1ばんどうろ Route 1

2ばんどうろ Route 2

3ばんどうろ Route 3

4ばんどうろ Route 4

5ばんどうろ Route 5

6ばんどうろ Route 6

7ばんどうろ Route 7

8ばんどうろ Route 8

9ばんどうろ Route 9

10ばんどうろ Route 10

11ばんどうろ Route 11

12ばんどうろ Route 12

13ばんどうろ Route 13

14ばんどうろ Route 14

15ばんどうろ Route 15

16ばんどうろ Route 16

17ばんすいどう ------- 17

18ばんどうろ Route 18

Edited by SuzieJoeBob
More Translations, but I don't want to Double-Post.....
Posted (edited)

I'm doing locations....my guide had a few cities in it and now im doing what I can with my kana charts

Edited by jintrigger
i said patch..didnt want to start an epicdempic
Posted (edited)

Just use the text from my last post I just edited. I have the main towns/cities and the routes (the routes use the same freakin' word, so how could I not do them???)

EDIT: I am going to go to sleep, so I'll come back tomorrow after school to see what I am missing. Bye!!!

Edited by SuzieJoeBob
Just to give a "Heads-up", but again, I don't want to Double-Post...

Hey guys, I'm currently working on translating file 0016.txt, let me know if there's anyone else working on it or something. I'll try to have it done tomorrow or the day after, it's over 1000 lines long.


Thread caught my eye while I was browsing, I'll give some of this a bit of work, lend a hand and maybe help get out the first non-malware English patch for Pokemon Black/White. Cheers guys and good luck to the other involving their selves in this project.


I doubt it dude above me...And here's what I have so far with 0089. Most of it was easy thanks to my chart but the Kanji are a different story. I was able to read the kanji for forest thanks to the book I got my chart from so thats why all the forest are marked "(?) forests" since I know its the name of a forest.


0089.txtFetching info...

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