zork787 Posted November 1, 2010 Posted November 1, 2010 oi yoi yoi Ive been at this for a bit now and I cant get the Liberty Ticket event to trigger for me even though I used the PokesavBW editor to edit the wonder card into my sav (using desmune btw) and I cant enable the event using the editor because the event button is grey'd out =/
Riolu Aura Sphere Now Posted November 1, 2010 Posted November 1, 2010 Are you using PokesavBW v0.06c? If you use the Liberty Ticket.pgf I posted a few pages back, you must save it as a new Liberty Ticket.pgf. Each B/W Wi-fi Event differs from each Trainer's Mac Address.
zork787 Posted November 1, 2010 Posted November 1, 2010 Riolu Aura Sphere Now said: Are you using PokesavBW v0.06c?If you use the Liberty Ticket.pgf I posted a few pages back, you must save it as a new Liberty Ticket.pgf. Each B/W Wi-fi Event differs from each Trainer's Mac Address. ah right, so I saved it as a new liberty ticket.pgf now what do I do?
Riolu Aura Sphere Now Posted November 1, 2010 Posted November 1, 2010 After saving the Liberty Ticket.pgf, try to do the Event.
zork787 Posted November 1, 2010 Posted November 1, 2010 Riolu Aura Sphere Now said: After saving the Liberty Ticket.pgf, try to do the Event. Edit: Nevermind got it working, turns out I needed to have recipient is OT unticked and the Wonder Card ID's box filled with the card ID before it would work as shown in the picture bellow
gogogogo99 Posted November 1, 2010 Posted November 1, 2010 For the liberty ticket code it isnt working. I think it is because the code is so long. I was just wondering if it could be as short as the azure flute for aceus darkrai, shaymin, and manaphy in d/p/pl? Also here is a useful code Everywhere is Computer (Start) Black: 52188EF0 B086B570 E2002240 00000030 F033B50E 2170EF78 D00A2808 E006981F F033B50E 219EEF70 D0022808 07C09822 2027BD0E 306A0200 18529A03 BD0E9203 12189EDA 0000F678 12189EDC 0000F9B9 1218A41E 0000F677 1218A420 0000FF0F D0000000 00000000 White: 52188F10 B086B570 E2002240 00000030 F033B50E 2170EF84 D00A2808 E006981F F033B50E 219EEF7C D0022808 07C09822 2027BD0E 306A0200 18529A03 BD0E9203 12189EFA 0000F678 12189EFC 0000F9A9 1218A43E 0000F677 1218A440 0000FEFF D0000000 00000000
zork787 Posted November 1, 2010 Posted November 1, 2010 Riolu Aura Sphere Now said: For the Liberty Ticket code, it can't be any shorter than what I posted.The Liberty Ticket code I posted was created with Nigoli's Liberty Ticket Present.pgf using BWPokesav v0.06c. However, you can Copy and Paste the code instead of typing it. heres your answer to it being shorter
LeGacyFN Posted November 1, 2010 Posted November 1, 2010 (edited) the ev/iv viewer code doesnt work for me. it instantly freezes on dsume when u put the code, can any one help me!!!!!!!!! please. Edited November 3, 2010 by LeGacyFN
KaiKai Posted November 2, 2010 Posted November 2, 2010 (edited) thanks i was waiting to go to the 8th gym because i wanted the story to be translated instead of just guessing what there saying wrong topic Delete Ok on topic zork no wonder it didnt work about a month ago when i had the liberty ticket and wanted to make the code! I didnt have those checked off Edited November 2, 2010 by KaiKai
Riolu Aura Sphere Now Posted November 2, 2010 Posted November 2, 2010 ::Liberty Ticket Victini: Press Select :Pick up via Box 1 :Replaces your 1st Pokemon Black Reveal hidden contents 94000130 FFFB0000 02234814 7942EF72 02234818 852E0000 0223481C 5C87D833 02234820 56B3BC7C 02234824 91E7AFB1 02234828 06A5477C 0223482C A963C4F3 02234830 5C029059 02234834 412F6EE6 02234838 7A42DDB8 0223483C 9AB58ACA 02234840 F5BA51E4 02234844 CFA21940 02234848 22A289E7 0223484C 097609E7 02234850 4CA52BEF 02234854 A4074CBE 02234858 1018546F 0223485C 7E031EF4 02234860 2D239B94 02234864 92EAA3DC 02234868 A7F87C44 0223486C AD2532A1 02234870 F7698182 02234874 0CD175EE 02234878 C11B3570 0223487C BE5A79D6 02234880 BAA7B469 02234884 42AE3893 02234888 D15F15F6 0223488C 933DA54A 02234890 D1976A4B 02234894 8B80D172 02234898 25259C55 0223489C D4212AA1 022348A0 0CA62149 022348A4 50178301 022348A8 3B575A7A 022348AC 064893DC 022348B0 5131D5E9 022348B4 C9E0FE00 022348B8 60E509DD 022348BC 392A8A4E 022348C0 7FAC9F58 022348C4 F1741530 022348C8 9AC267BC 022348CC 589A814E 022348D0 6E1ACAB4 022348D4 2141E5DA 022348D8 5F150189 022348DC ED3C6C08 022348E0 3F90B3B3 022348E4 B2328FBD 022348E8 3D23C8B3 022348EC C47DB786 0221BE0C 7942EF72 0221BE10 852E0000 0221BE14 5C87D833 0221BE18 56B3BC7C 0221BE1C 91E7AFB1 0221BE20 06A5477C 0221BE24 A963C4F3 0221BE28 5C029059 0221BE2C 412F6EE6 0221BE30 7A42DDB8 0221BE34 9AB58ACA 0221BE38 F5BA51E4 0221BE3C CFA21940 0221BE40 22A289E7 0221BE44 097609E7 0221BE48 4CA52BEF 0221BE4C A4074CBE 0221BE50 1018546F 0221BE54 7E031EF4 0221BE58 2D239B94 0221BE5C 92EAA3DC 0221BE60 A7F87C44 0221BE64 AD2532A1 0221BE68 F7698182 0221BE6C 0CD175EE 0221BE70 C11B3570 0221BE74 BE5A79D6 0221BE78 BAA7B469 0221BE7C 42AE3893 0221BE80 D15F15F6 0221BE84 933DA54A 0221BE88 D1976A4B 0221BE8C 8B80D172 0221BE90 25259C55 D2000000 00000000 White Reveal hidden contents 94000130 FFFB0000 02234834 7942EF72 02234838 852E0000 0223483C 5C87D833 02234840 56B3BC7C 02234844 91E7AFB1 02234848 06A5477C 0223484C A963C4F3 02234850 5C029059 02234854 412F6EE6 02234858 7A42DDB8 0223485C 9AB58ACA 02234860 F5BA51E4 02234864 CFA21940 02234868 22A289E7 0223486C 097609E7 02234870 4CA52BEF 02234874 A4074CBE 02234878 1018546F 0223487C 7E031EF4 02234880 2D239B94 02234884 92EAA3DC 02234888 A7F87C44 0223488C AD2532A1 02234890 F7698182 02234894 0CD175EE 02234898 C11B3570 0223489C BE5A79D6 022348A0 BAA7B469 022348A4 42AE3893 022348A8 D15F15F6 022348AC 933DA54A 022348B0 D1976A4B 022348B4 8B80D172 022348B8 25259C55 022348BC D4212AA1 022348C0 0CA62149 022348C4 50178301 022348C8 3B575A7A 022348CC 064893DC 022348D0 5131D5E9 022348D4 C9E0FE00 022348D8 60E509DD 022348DC 392A8A4E 022348E0 7FAC9F58 022348E4 F1741530 022348E8 9AC267BC 022348EC 589A814E 022348F0 6E1ACAB4 022348F4 2141E5DA 022348F8 5F150189 022348FC ED3C6C08 02234900 3F90B3B3 02234904 B2328FBD 02234908 3D23C8B3 0223490C C47DB786 0221BE2C 7942EF72 0221BE30 852E0000 0221BE34 5C87D833 0221BE38 56B3BC7C 0221BE3C 91E7AFB1 0221BE40 06A5477C 0221BE44 A963C4F3 0221BE48 5C029059 0221BE4C 412F6EE6 0221BE50 7A42DDB8 0221BE54 9AB58ACA 0221BE58 F5BA51E4 0221BE5C CFA21940 0221BE60 22A289E7 0221BE64 097609E7 0221BE68 4CA52BEF 0221BE6C A4074CBE 0221BE70 1018546F 0221BE74 7E031EF4 0221BE78 2D239B94 0221BE7C 92EAA3DC 0221BE80 A7F87C44 0221BE84 AD2532A1 0221BE88 F7698182 0221BE8C 0CD175EE 0221BE90 C11B3570 0221BE94 BE5A79D6 0221BE98 BAA7B469 0221BE9C 42AE3893 0221BEA0 D15F15F6 0221BEA4 933DA54A 0221BEA8 D1976A4B 0221BEAC 8B80D172 0221BEB0 25259C55 D2000000 00000000 victini.pkm.zipFetching info... victini-1.pkm.zipFetching info...
moosenugget Posted November 2, 2010 Posted November 2, 2010 awsome. What are the two files? and what level does Victini learn V-generate?
Riolu Aura Sphere Now Posted November 2, 2010 Posted November 2, 2010 moosenugget said: awsome. What are the two files? and what level does Victini learn V-generate? One is for a Victini to be place inside Box 1 and the other is for a Victini to be replaced with your First Party Pokemon. V-generate is either a Special Event Attack or a Special Dream World Attack, thus can not be learned normally.
moosenugget Posted November 2, 2010 Posted November 2, 2010 thank you. well since it wont learn it is there any way to get victini to learn it's other singnature attack ball of flame, flame bomb, or whatever it translates to. thank you for your time.
wertrew Posted November 2, 2010 Posted November 2, 2010 moosenugget said: thank you. well since it wont learn it is there any way to get victini to learn it's other singnature attack ball of flame, flame bomb, or whatever it translates to. thank you for your time. You have to bring him to the move relearner and "relearn" the move.
moosenugget Posted November 3, 2010 Posted November 3, 2010 thank you. forgive the constant questions but has a move modifier been created for black and white yet? I mean a lot of people who want victini might want V-generate as well and it might save time by creating other codes.
gogogogo99 Posted November 3, 2010 Posted November 3, 2010 moosenugget said: thank you. forgive the constant questions but has a move modifier been created for black and white yet? I mean a lot of people who want victini might want V-generate as well and it might save time by creating other codes. Black: Reveal hidden contents 521D9950 60083190 E2002100 000000C0 2800482F 2080D006 4486309C A1202000 47706308 F034B5FE 21C3E80E 42080109 BDFED100 29006961 BDFED000 21011C28 FF30F1D3 F1D31C28 1C07FEF5 31291C21 1C31780E 22003136 FF10F015 F0331C03 0900EFF2 D1012801 E00A3301 D1012802 E0063B01 D1012840 E0023310 D1002880 20013B10 210207C0 312F0209 3A011C1A D9004282 428B2301 1C0BD900 1C1A1C38 31361C31 FED8F015 21001C28 FEFAF1D3 F1D31C28 1C21FCD9 3E013129 2000700E 98077120 900730A4 20014679 BDFE6048 021DA954 FBD4F627 D0000000 00000000 White: Reveal hidden contents 521D9970 60083190 E2002100 000000C0 2800482F 2080D006 4486309C A1202000 47706308 F034B5FE 21C3E81A 42080109 BDFED100 29006961 BDFED000 21011C28 FF40F1D3 F1D31C28 1C07FF05 31291C21 1C31780E 22003136 FF1EF015 F0331C03 0900EFFE D1012801 E00A3301 D1012802 E0063B01 D1012840 E0023310 D1002880 20013B10 210207C0 312F0209 3A011C1A D9004282 428B2301 1C0BD900 1C1A1C38 31361C31 FEE6F015 21001C28 FF0AF1D3 F1D31C28 1C21FCE9 3E013129 2000700E 98077120 900730A4 20014679 BDFE6048 021DA974 FBC4F627 D0000000 00000000 heres a move modifier. Select a move to change on the move screen and change it by using (left/right/X/Y)
cali_kid_818 Posted November 3, 2010 Posted November 3, 2010 ya u can use that move modifier or just use pokesav i have one for my desmume pokesavBW 0.05 eng f2 i guess try googling that and download it. with that u can make ur pokemon shiny, choose the natures, change the levels, change abilities w/e u want really
banqaz Posted November 3, 2010 Posted November 3, 2010 Riolu Aura Sphere Now said: My New Files.Key Item Liberty Ticket.xml Liberty Ticket.pgf Liberty Ticket_2.sav cant download links can u or some1 make mirrors please.
banqaz Posted November 3, 2010 Posted November 3, 2010 Bond697 said: they're available in the event forum here. thanks i figured it out.
moosenugget Posted November 3, 2010 Posted November 3, 2010 thank you for the move modifier codes on page 22.
gogogogo99 Posted November 4, 2010 Posted November 4, 2010 your welcome moosenugget I still cant get the liberty ticket because the code doesnt work for me can someone help I have Pokemon Black (J) english patch v5 on an r4i I also tried to use Pokesav BW 0.06c English F2 with the pgf file. Still no luck
Riolu Aura Sphere Now Posted November 4, 2010 Posted November 4, 2010 (edited) The Liberty Ticket code will not work for now. You can use the Liberty Ticket Victini code above instead. It was caught by me and it is from the Liberty Garden Tower. I used the Wild IV Modifier to have Max IV. Edit: I think I found out why the Liberty Ticket wasn't working. I will upload my New Liberty Ticket.pgf File tomorrow. Edited November 4, 2010 by Riolu Aura Sphere Now
gogogogo99 Posted November 4, 2010 Posted November 4, 2010 thanks Riolu Aura Sphere Now. I really want to do the event myself. Cant wait for the new pgf file
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