FreeSpirit Posted September 19, 2010 Posted September 19, 2010 (edited) I dunno if there should be a thread for Pokemon Black/White codes now that it's released. But I'll make this thread just in case. For people who want to support this thread, you can add this to your signature bar if you want (Credits to Riolu Aura Sphere Now for the Post and Toffeguy for the Banner design): Banner Code Delete the * Reveal hidden contents[/img*][/url*] *~------------------------------~* Note: Most of these are gotten from other sources and are untested by me so use at your own risk. Pokemon Black Game ID: IRBJ B39DB08A Credits: GBAtemp Members, 2ch Reveal hidden contents Disable No EXP AP Reveal hidden contents 52004EA4 E12FFF1E 02004EA4 EAFFFDED E2004660 0000005C E59F003C E5901000 E59F2038 E1510002 059F1034 05801008 05801148 059F102C 058010A8 058011E8 E59F0024 E5901000 E59F2020 E1510002 03A01001 05C0100A E12FFF1E 02188064 E15F034F 36AAB337 36E0AA6A 02180C60 28AAFF1F 00000000 D2000000 00000000 Max Cash (Select) Reveal hidden contents 94000130 FFFB0000 0223CC0C 0098967F D2000000 00000000 Auto Run (B to Walk) Reveal hidden contents 2224F7AC 00000001 94000130 FFFD0000 2224F7AC 00000000 D2000000 00000000 No Wild Pokemon (Hold R for Instant Encounter) Reveal hidden contents 521A94B4 D1032800 121AA4B0 0000E001 D0000000 00000000 521A94B4 D1032800 94000130 FEFF0000 121AA4B0 000046C0 D2000000 00000000 Catch Any Pokémon (L+R) (Select) Reveal hidden contents ::: Press L+R, you will get 649 Master Ball and 100 Ultra Ball, Toss to change amounts to Pokémon number and level respectively. Press Select before heading into grass. 94000130 FCFF0000 02233E0C 02890001 02233E10 00640002 D2000000 00000000 94000130 FFFB0000 DA000000 02233E0E D3000000 00000000 D7000000 0224FE70 D3000000 00000000 DA000000 02233E12 D3000000 00000000 D7000000 0224FE72 D3000000 00000000 D9000000 0224FE70 D3000000 00000000 C0000000 00000037 D6000000 0224FE70 D2000000 00000000 Box Pokémon Clone (Hold Select while moving) Reveal hidden contents ::: Hold Select after picking up a Pokemon to make a perfectly identical copy of it. Refresh screen to see results. 94000130 FCFB0304 5200768C 1E523308 1200768C 0000C303 D2000000 00000000 94000130 FCFB0300 5200768C 1E52C303 1200768C 00003308 D2000000 00000000 Box Pokémon Clone (Hold L while moving) Reveal hidden contents :::Hold L after picking up a Pokemon to make a perfectly identical copy of it. Refresh screen to see results. 94000130 FCFF0300 5200768C 1E523308 1200768C 0000C303 D2000000 00000000 94000130 FCFF0100 5200768C 1E52C303 1200768C 00003308 D2000000 00000000 Box Pokémon Delete (Hold R while moving) Reveal hidden contents :::Hold R after picking up a Pokemon to erase it completely. Refresh screen to see results. Deleted Pokemon cannot be recovered! 94000130 FCFF0300 52007698 1E523508 12007698 0000C503 D2000000 00000000 94000130 FCFF0200 52007698 1E52C503 12007698 00003508 D2000000 00000000 View IV/EV in Status (L for EV, R for IV, Start for normal) Reveal hidden contents 537FBEEC E7921005 E380C400 00000078 021D9200 1C38D10D E51F0010 E5900000 E51F1014 E1500001 1A000013 E3A00301 E5900130 E3A010A0 E3100C01 03A01046 E3100C02 03A0100D E51F0040 E5C01DA8 E5C01DFE E2811001 E5C01E5E E2811001 E5C01EBE E2811001 E5C01FDE E2811001 E5C01F1E E2811001 E5C01F7E E7921005 EAFFBE9E E1A00000 037FBEEC EA004145 D0000000 00000000 521D4220 1C286809 E2002000 00000020 E5951058 E3510001 112FFF1E E3100FC2 13A01000 15851058 128EE006 E12FFF1E 021D5224 EEECF62C D0000000 00000000 Learn Any TM/HM Reveal hidden contents 521B8A70 1C28D108 121B9A6C 000046C0 D0000000 00000000 Rematch Trainers Reveal hidden contents 5215A0B8 1C281C01 0215B0B4 E0002000 D0000000 00000000 No Forced Trainer Battles Reveal hidden contents 521AD2EC 62606220 121AE2EE 0000E009 D0000000 00000000 View Secret ID (Select+Up) Reveal hidden contents Press Select+Up then look at your money, it'll be your SID. Make sure not to activate the code while viewing your trainer card, otherwise you'll have to exit it and re-enter. 94000130 FFBB0000 DA000000 0224F79E D6000000 0223CC0C D2000000 00000000 Gym Badge x16 (?) Reveal hidden contents 1223CC10 0000FFFF Instant Text Display Reveal hidden contents 5201D0B0 D1024281 1201D038 000046C0 1201D0B2 0000D1D1 D0000000 00000000 Battle Codes: ::: Try not to activate out of battle. 100% Capture Ratio Reveal hidden contents 521CAAF4 E12FFF1C 121CBAF4 000046C0 D0000000 00000000 Catch Trainer's Pokémon v1 Reveal hidden contents 521CA8D0 98021C06 121CB8CC 000046C0 D0000000 00000000 Infinite PP Reveal hidden contents 921D545E 00002200 121D5460 000046C0 D2000000 00000000 Refill HP (Select) Reveal hidden contents 94000130 FFFB0000 DA000000 022BED24 D7000000 0226D514 D7000000 022BED1E D2000000 00000000 Enemy 1 has 1HP (Select) Reveal hidden contents 94000130 FFFB0000 1226D738 00000001 1226DB80 00000001 D2000000 00000000 Item/Unlock Codes: All Badges Reveal hidden contents :::Use at own risk 1223CC10 0000FFFF Have All Healing Items (Select) Reveal hidden contents 94000130 FFFB0000 D5000000 03840011 C0000000 00000025 D6000000 022345E4 D4000000 00000001 D2000000 00000000 Have All TMs (Select) Reveal hidden contents :::Use at own risk 94000130 FFFB0000 022345A0 0001026A 022345A4 0001026B 022345A8 0001026C D5000000 00010148 C0000000 0000005A D6000000 02234430 D4000000 00000001 D2000000 00000000 Have All HMs (Select) Reveal hidden contents :::Use at own risk 94000130 FFFB0000 C0000000 00000005 122345AE 00000001 DC000000 00000004 D2000000 00000000 94000130 FFFB0000 D5000000 000001A4 C0000000 00000005 D7000000 022345AC D4000000 00000001 DC000000 00000002 D2000000 00000000 Have All Berries (Select) Reveal hidden contents 94000130 FFFB0000 C0000000 0000003F 122346A6 00000384 DC000000 00000004 D2000000 00000000 94000130 FFFB0000 D5000000 00000095 C0000000 0000003F D7000000 022346A4 D4000000 00000001 DC000000 00000002 D2000000 00000000 I'm too lazy to update this any further. I'm very inactive and am too busy with other things. Just go to the Gbatemp website and find the rest there. Now if only I can transfer the thread ownership to RioluAuraSphere... Will add the rest later. You can just go to their site instead of waiting for me to post them here. Edited January 15, 2011 by FreeSpirit Lazy, and Dead (Inactive)
Tbird Posted September 19, 2010 Posted September 19, 2010 (edited) Has anyone got a happiness mod code yet? IF not, does anyone want to help me make one? Edited September 20, 2010 by Guested modified topic to remove derogatory racial slur
Riolu Aura Sphere Now Posted September 20, 2010 Posted September 20, 2010 (edited) Edit: Edit 2: [All Untested] Max Happiness: Mark a Pokemon in PC Reveal hidden contents (Black) 02019698 FBB2F7E8 02001E00 73B4B4FF 02001E08 24017E88 02001E0C 733840FF 02001FFC BDF8BCFF (White) 020196B4 FBA4F7E8 02001E00 73B4B4FF 02001E08 24017E88 02001E0C 733840FF 02001FFC BDF8BCFF Marking Ability: Mark a Pokemon in PC Reveal hidden contents (Black) 02019698 FBB2F7E8 02001E00 73B4B4FF 02001E08 24017E88 02001E0C 73784XXX 02001FFC BDF8BCFF (White) 020196B4 FBA4F7E8 02001E00 73B4B4FF 02001E08 24017E88 02001E0C 73784XXX 02001FFC BDF8BCFF Replace XXX with an Ability. Sorry, but I have no list of Abilities. Change Pokemon Pokeball: (86h) Mark a Pokemon in PC Reveal hidden contents (Black) 02019698 FBB2F7E8 02001E00 73B4B4FF 02001E08 24017E88 02001E0C 77B040XX 02001FFC BDF8BCFF (White) 020196B4 FBA4F7E8 02001E00 73B4B4FF 02001E08 24017E88 02001E0C 77B040XX 02001FFC BDF8BCFF Replace XX with the Pokeball Hex Value. Sorry, but I have no list of Pokeball Hex Values. Change Pokemon Pokeball: (83h) Mark a Pokemon in PC Reveal hidden contents (Black) 02019698 FBB2F7E8 02001E00 73B4B4FF 02001E08 24017E88 02001E0C 76F040XX 02001FFC BDF8BCFF (White) 020196B4 FBA4F7E8 02001E00 73B4B4FF 02001E08 24017E88 02001E0C 76F040XX 02001FFC BDF8BCFF Replace XX with a Pokeball Hex Value. Sorry, but I have no list of Pokeball Hex Values. Edited September 21, 2010 by Riolu Aura Sphere Now
Mr.Fuji Posted September 20, 2010 Posted September 20, 2010 (edited) Riolu Aura Sphere Now said: [untested]Max Happiness: Mark a Pokemon in PC Reveal hidden contents 02019698 FBB2F7E8 02001E00 73B4B4FF 02001FFC BDF8BCFF 02001E08 24017E88 02001E0C 733840FF Marking Ability: Mark a Pokemon in PC Reveal hidden contents 02019698 FBB2F7E8 02001E00 73B4B4FF 02001FFC BDF8BCFF 02001E08 24017E88 02001E0C 73784XXX Replace XXX with an Ability. Sorry, but I have no list of Abilities. Change Pokemon Pokeball: Mark a Pokemon in PC Reveal hidden contents 02019698 FBB2F7F8 02001E00 73B4B4FF 02001FFC BDF8BCFF 02001E08 24017E88 02001E0C 77F040XX Replace XX with the Pokeball Hex Value. Sorry, but I have no list of Pokeball Hex Values. EV Modifier: Mark a Pokemon in PC Reveal hidden contents 02019698 FBB2F7F8 02001E00 73B4B4FF 613854EE 82B854EC BDF8BCFF 0000ZZYY XXWWVVUU 46C046C0 [ZZ=SPD, YY=SPA, XX=SPE, WW=DEF, VV=ATK, UU=HP] Replace ZZ, YY, XX, WW, VV, UU with any Hex Value between 00-FC. Great, can do you do a Nature mod ? edit: it seems the EV's code freezes when you go to mark the pokemon, i entered everything correctly too, i was going for a spread of 252 hp / 252 atk / 6 def, with this code: 02019698 FBB2F7F8 02001E00 73B4B4FF 613854EE 82B854EC BDF8BCFF 00000000 0006FCFC 46C046C0 and it froze when i went to mark the pokemon. Edited September 20, 2010 by Mr.Fuji
Riolu Aura Sphere Now Posted September 20, 2010 Posted September 20, 2010 Ok, I will try and fix it. Did the other codes work?
Mr.Fuji Posted September 20, 2010 Posted September 20, 2010 No sorry i did not test the other codes but im guessing they won't work either considering they use the same 'mark pokemon for effect' mechanic. Thanks for looking into the ev one, hope you get it working!
Riolu Aura Sphere Now Posted September 20, 2010 Posted September 20, 2010 I am pretty sure that the Max Happiness, Marking Ability and Change Pokemon Pokeball codes will work.
Mr.Fuji Posted September 20, 2010 Posted September 20, 2010 Riolu Aura Sphere Now said: I am pretty sure that the Max Happiness, Marking Ability and Change Pokemon Pokeball codes will work. Hmm, maybe if you tried splitting the codes up for each stat, making it so you can put in the ev value 0 - 252 for each stat, sort of how the IV codes are that were posted on the GBAtemp cheat site: Quote ::Max HP IVs02019698 FBB2F7E8 02001E00 73B4B4FF 02001FFC BDF8BCFF 02001E10 0024241F 02001E14 43A06928 02001E18 0024241F 02001E1C 61284320 ::Max Attack IVs 02019698 FBB2F7E8 02001E00 73B4B4FF 02001FFC BDF8BCFF 02001E20 0164241F 02001E24 43A06928 02001E28 0164241F 02001E2C 61284320 ::Max Defense IVs 02019698 FBB2F7E8 02001E00 73B4B4FF 02001FFC BDF8BCFF 02001E30 02A4241F 02001E34 43A06928 02001E38 02A4241F 02001E3C 61284320 ::Max Sp. Atk IVs 02019698 FBB2F7E8 02001E00 73B4B4FF 02001FFC BDF8BCFF 02001E50 0524241F 02001E54 43A06928 02001E58 0524241F 02001E5C 61284320 ::Max Sp. Def IVs 02019698 FBB2F7E8 02001E00 73B4B4FF 02001FFC BDF8BCFF 02001E60 0664241F 02001E64 43A06928 02001E68 0664241F 02001E6C 61284320 ::Max Speed IVs 02019698 FBB2F7E8 02001E00 73B4B4FF 02001FFC BDF8BCFF 02001E40 03E4241F 02001E44 43A06928 02001E48 03E4241F 02001E4C 61284320 *these use the same 'mark pokemon for effect' mechanic, and they do work perfectly*
Riolu Aura Sphere Now Posted September 20, 2010 Posted September 20, 2010 I have Edited my post. Yes, but remember that not all Marking Codes will work in the same manner.
Mr.Fuji Posted September 20, 2010 Posted September 20, 2010 Riolu Aura Sphere Now said: I have Edited my post. Yes, but remember that not all Marking Codes will work in the same manner. Wait i just realized, after your edit there are black and whtie versions for your codes yet there was no specific version for the EV code, im playing black version perhaps this was the isshu, or does version not matter with that code =P
Riolu Aura Sphere Now Posted September 20, 2010 Posted September 20, 2010 Originally, the codes I posted were for Pokemon: Black. I have added codes for both Pokemon: Black and White. I am assuming that the codes for both Pokemon: Black and White uses different codes for each Version.
Mr.Fuji Posted September 20, 2010 Posted September 20, 2010 Ah ok then, well that eliminates that theory, also, please don't forget a nature modifier , with the nature mod, iv and ev mods, i can definetly hold out on COM to release a new pokesav.
Riolu Aura Sphere Now Posted September 21, 2010 Posted September 21, 2010 [untested] Max Speed Ev: Mark a Pokemon in PC Reveal hidden contents (Black) 02019698 FBB2F7E8 02001E00 73B4B4FF 02001FFC BDF8BCFF 02001E40 03E4241F 02001E44 43A06928 02001E48 03E4241F 02001E4C 61384801 (White) 020196B4 FBA4F7E8 02001E00 73B4B4FF 02001FFC BDF8BCFF 02001E40 03E4241F 02001E44 43A06928 02001E48 03E4241F 02001E4C 61384801
Tbird Posted September 21, 2010 Posted September 21, 2010 (edited) Credits to: GBATemp (code makers - elixirdream, basher11, KazoWAR, Prof. 9, M@T, Mastermind_X, 2ch) BLACK Reveal hidden contents !!!Pokémon Black !!IRBJ B39DB08A :: Disable No Exp AP ::: Credits to 2ch 52004EA4 E12FFF1E 02004EA4 EAFFFDED E2004660 0000005C E59F003C E5901000 E59F2038 E1510002 059F1034 05801008 05801148 059F102C 058010A8 058011E8 E59F0024 E5901000 E59F2020 E1510002 03A01001 05C0100A E12FFF1E 02188064 E15F034F 36AAB337 36E0AA6A 02180C60 28AAFF1F 00000000 D2000000 00000000 :: No$gba Fix ::: No saving or loading! Credits to Mastermind_X 52006F2C FDD8F1D8 02006F2C 00000000 D2000000 00000000 52180B88 42018811 52180B8C 4770D1FC 12180B8C 000046C0 D2000000 00000000 !Misc Codes :: Max Money (Select) 94000130 FFFB0000 0223CC0C 0098967F D2000000 00000000 :: Auto Run (B to walk) 2224F7AC 00000001 94000130 FFFD0000 2224F7AC 00000000 D2000000 00000000 :: No Wild Pokémon (Hold R for Instant Encounter) 521A94B4 D1032800 121AA4B0 0000E001 D0000000 00000000 521A94B4 D1032800 94000130 FEFF0000 121AA4B0 000046C0 D2000000 00000000 :: Catch Any Pokémon (L+R) (Select) ::: Press L+R, you will get 649 Master Ball and 100 Ultra Ball, Toss to change amounts to Pokémon number and level respectively. Press Select before heading into grass. 94000130 FCFF0000 02233E0C 02890001 02233E10 00640002 D2000000 00000000 94000130 FFFB0000 DA000000 02233E0E D3000000 00000000 D7000000 0224FE70 D3000000 00000000 DA000000 02233E12 D3000000 00000000 D7000000 0224FE72 D3000000 00000000 D9000000 0224FE70 D3000000 00000000 C0000000 00000037 D6000000 0224FE70 D2000000 00000000 :: Box Pokémon Clone (Hold L while moving) ::: Hold L after picking up a Pokemon to make a perfectly identical copy of it. Refresh screen to see results. 94000130 FCFF0300 5200768C 1E523308 1200768C 0000C303 D2000000 00000000 94000130 FCFF0100 5200768C 1E52C303 1200768C 00003308 D2000000 00000000 :: Box Pokémon Delete (Hold R while moving) ::: Hold R after picking up a Pokemon to erase it completely. Refresh screen to see results. Deleted Pokemon cannot be recovered! 94000130 FCFF0300 52007698 1E523508 12007698 0000C503 D2000000 00000000 94000130 FCFF0200 52007698 1E52C503 12007698 00003508 D2000000 00000000 :: View IV/EV in Status (L for EV, R for IV, Start for normal) 537FBEEC E7921005 E380C400 00000078 021D9200 1C38D10D E51F0010 E5900000 E51F1014 E1500001 1A000013 E3A00301 E5900130 E3A010A0 E3100C01 03A01046 E3100C02 03A0100D E51F0040 E5C01DA8 E5C01DFE E2811001 E5C01E5E E2811001 E5C01EBE E2811001 E5C01FDE E2811001 E5C01F1E E2811001 E5C01F7E E7921005 EAFFBE9E E1A00000 037FBEEC EA004145 D0000000 00000000 521D4220 1C286809 E2002000 00000020 E5951058 E3510001 112FFF1E E3100FC2 13A01000 15851058 128EE006 E12FFF1E 021D5224 EEECF62C D0000000 00000000 :: Rematch Trainers 5215A0B8 1C281C01 0215B0B4 E0002000 D0000000 00000000 :: No Forced Trainer Battles 521AD2EC 62606220 121AE2EE 0000E009 D0000000 00000000 :: Instant Text Display 5201D0B0 D1024281 1201D038 000046C0 1201D0B2 0000D1D1 D0000000 00000000 !Battle Codes ::: Try not to activate out of battle :: 100% Capture Ratio 521CAAF4 E12FFF1C 121CBAF4 000046C0 D0000000 00000000 :: Catch Trainer's Pokémon v1 521CA8D0 98021C06 121CB8CC 000046C0 D0000000 00000000 :: Infinite PP 921D545E 00002200 121D5460 000046C0 D2000000 00000000 :: Refill HP (Select) 94000130 FFFB0000 DA000000 022BED24 D7000000 0226D514 D7000000 022BED1E D2000000 00000000 :: Pokémon 1 Full HP (Select) 94000130 FFFB0000 DA000000 0226D512 D7000000 0226D514 D7000000 0226D95A D2000000 00000000 :: Enemy 1 has 1HP (Select) 94000130 FFFB0000 1226D738 00000001 1226DB80 00000001 D2000000 00000000 !Item/Unlock Codes :: All Badges :: :Use at own risk 1223CC10 0000FFFF :: Have All Healing Items (Select) 94000130 FFFB0000 D5000000 03840011 C0000000 00000025 D6000000 022345E4 D4000000 00000001 D2000000 00000000 :: Have All HMs (Select) ::: Use at own risk 94000130 FFFB0000 C0000000 00000005 122345AE 00000001 DC000000 00000004 D2000000 00000000 94000130 FFFB0000 D5000000 000001A4 C0000000 00000005 D7000000 022345AC D4000000 00000001 DC000000 00000002 D2000000 00000000 :: Have All Berries (Select) 94000130 FFFB0000 C0000000 0000003F 122346A6 00000384 DC000000 00000004 D2000000 00000000 94000130 FFFB0000 D5000000 00000095 C0000000 0000003F D7000000 022346A4 D4000000 00000001 DC000000 00000002 D2000000 00000000 : Exp. Points Multiplier Codes :: x2 521D6D0C 46C0BDF8 121D7D0E 00002502 121D7D10 00004345 D0000000 00000000 :: x3 521D6D0C 46C0BDF8 121D7D0E 00002503 121D7D10 00004345 D0000000 00000000 :: x4 521D6D0C 46C0BDF8 121D7D0E 00002504 121D7D10 00004345 D0000000 00000000 :: x5 521D6D0C 46C0BDF8 121D7D0E 00002505 121D7D10 00004345 D0000000 00000000 :: x10 521D6D0C 46C0BDF8 121D7D0E 0000250A 121D7D10 00004345 D0000000 00000000 :: x20 521D6D0C 46C0BDF8 121D7D0E 00002514 121D7D10 00004345 D0000000 00000000 :: x50 521D6D0C 46C0BDF8 121D7D0E 00002532 121D7D10 00004345 D0000000 00000000 :: x100 521D6D0C 46C0BDF8 121D7D0E 00002564 121D7D10 00004345 D0000000 00000000 :: x200 521D6D0C 46C0BDF8 121D7D0E 000025C8 121D7D10 00004345 D0000000 00000000 : Pokémon Marking Codes ::: Mark Pokémon in Box for effect, use 1 at a time :: Have Pokérus 02019698 FBB2F7E8 02001E00 73B4B4FF 02001E08 24017E88 02001E0C 76884060 02001FFC BDF8BCFF :: Max HP IVs 02019698 FBB2F7E8 02001E00 73B4B4FF 02001FFC BDF8BCFF 02001E10 0024241F 02001E14 43A06928 02001E18 0024241F 02001E1C 61284320 :: Max Attack IVs 02019698 FBB2F7E8 02001E00 73B4B4FF 02001FFC BDF8BCFF 02001E20 0164241F 02001E24 43A06928 02001E28 0164241F 02001E2C 61284320 :: Max Defense IVs 02019698 FBB2F7E8 02001E00 73B4B4FF 02001FFC BDF8BCFF 02001E30 02A4241F 02001E34 43A06928 02001E38 02A4241F 02001E3C 61284320 :: Max Sp. Atk IVs 02019698 FBB2F7E8 02001E00 73B4B4FF 02001FFC BDF8BCFF 02001E50 0524241F 02001E54 43A06928 02001E58 0524241F 02001E5C 61284320 :: Max Sp. Def IVs 02019698 FBB2F7E8 02001E00 73B4B4FF 02001FFC BDF8BCFF 02001E60 0664241F 02001E64 43A06928 02001E68 0664241F 02001E6C 61284320 :: Max Speed IVs 02019698 FBB2F7E8 02001E00 73B4B4FF 02001FFC BDF8BCFF 02001E40 03E4241F 02001E44 43A06928 02001E48 03E4241F 02001E4C 61284320 !Movement Codes :: Walk Through Walls (Hold L, press A/B to Enable/Disable) 94000130 FDFC0002 1216367A 00000200 D2000000 00000000 94000130 FDFD0000 1216367A 00001C20 D0000000 00000000 :: Double Walking Speed 52197054 BD381C28 02198050 085F0056 D0000000 00000000 :: Instant Change of Direction 521A3600 68A0D102 121A45FA 0000E001 121A4606 0000E001 D0000000 00000000 !Gender Modifier ::: Save game and reset. Permanent effect. :: Boy 22234E2D 00000000 :: Girl 22234E2D 00000001 !Delete Attacks ::: Go into any battle, activate code, attack will be gone after battle :: Attack 1 (Select+Up) 9226D4E2 00FF0200 9226D4E6 00FF0200 6226D510 00000000 94000130 FFBB0000 0226DA50 00000000 1226DA56 00000000 0226DA58 00000000 D2000000 00000000 :: Attack 2 (Select+Right) 9226D4E2 00FF0200 9226D4E6 00FF0200 6226D510 00000000 94000130 FFEB0000 1226DA5E 00000000 0226DA60 00000000 0226DA64 00000000 D2000000 00000000 :: Attack 3 (Select+Down) 9226D4E2 00FF0200 9226D4E6 00FF0200 6226D510 00000000 94000130 FF7B0000 1226DA6C 00000000 0226DA70 00000000 0226DA74 00000000 D2000000 00000000 :: Attack 4 (Select+Left) 9226D4E2 00FF0200 9226D4E6 00FF0200 6226D510 00000000 94000130 FFDB0000 1226DA7A 00000000 0226DA7C 00000000 0226DA80 00000000 D2000000 00000000 !Pokédex Codes :: Have National Dex (Select) ::: Use at own risk 94000130 FFFB0000 2223D010 00000003 D2000000 00000000 !Season Modifier ::: Save Game and reset :: Spring (Select+Up) 94000130 FFBB0000 2224F81C 00000000 D2000000 00000000 :: Summer (Select+Right) 94000130 FFEB0000 2224F81C 00000001 D2000000 00000000 :: Autumn (Select+Down) 94000130 FF7B0000 2224F81C 00000002 D2000000 00000000 :: Winter (Select+Left) 94000130 FFDB0000 2224F81C 00000003 D2000000 00000000 !Game Time Codes :: 000:00 02256E34 00000000 :: 999:59 02256E34 003B03E7 WHITE Reveal hidden contents !!!Pokémon White (J) !!IRAJ 4F2FDEC2 :: Disable No Exp AP ::: Credits to 2ch 52004EA4 E12FFF1E 02004EA4 EAFFFDD5 E2004600 0000005C E59F003C E5901000 E59F2038 E1510002 059F1034 05801008 05801148 059F102C 058010A8 058011E8 E59F0024 E5901000 E59F2020 E1510002 03A01001 05C0100A E12FFF1E 02188084 E15F034F 36AAB337 36AAE06A 02180C80 28AAFF1F 00000000 D2000000 00000000 :: No$gba Fix ::: No saving or loading! Credits to Mastermind_X 52006F2C FDE8F1D8 02006F2C 00000000 D2000000 00000000 52180BA8 42018811 52180BAC 4770D1FC 12180BAC 000046C0 D2000000 00000000 !Misc Codes :: Max Money (Select) 94000130 FFFB0000 0223CC2C 0098967F D2000000 00000000 :: No Wild Pokémon (Hold R for Instant Encounter) 521A94D4 D1032800 121AA4D0 0000E001 D0000000 00000000 521A94D4 D1032800 94000130 FEFF0000 121AA4D0 000046C0 D2000000 00000000 :: Catch Any Pokémon (L+R) (Select) ::: Press L+R, you will get 649 Master Ball and 100 Ultra Ball, Toss to change amounts to Pokémon number and level respectively. Press Select before heading into grass. 94000130 FCFF0000 02233E2C 02890001 02233E30 00640002 D2000000 00000000 94000130 FFFB0000 DA000000 02233E2E D3000000 00000000 D7000000 0224FE90 D3000000 00000000 DA000000 02233E32 D3000000 00000000 D7000000 0224FE92 D3000000 00000000 D9000000 0224FE90 D3000000 00000000 C0000000 00000037 D6000000 0224FE90 D2000000 00000000 :: Box Pokémon Clone (Hold L while moving) ::: Hold L after picking up a Pokemon to make a perfectly identical copy of it. Refresh screen to see results. 94000130 FCFF0300 5200768C 1E523308 1200768C 0000C303 D2000000 00000000 94000130 FCFF0100 5200768C 1E52C303 1200768C 00003308 D2000000 00000000 :: Box Pokémon Delete (Hold R while moving) ::: Hold R after picking up a Pokemon to erase it completely. Refresh screen to see results. Deleted Pokemon cannot be recovered! 94000130 FCFF0300 52007698 1E523508 12007698 0000C503 D2000000 00000000 94000130 FCFF0200 52007698 1E52C503 12007698 00003508 D2000000 00000000 :: View IV/EV in Status (L for EV, R for IV, Start for normal) 537FBEEC E7921005 E380C400 00000078 021D9220 1C38D10D E51F0010 E5900000 E51F1014 E1500001 1A000013 E3A00301 E5900130 E3A010A0 E3100C01 03A01046 E3100C02 03A0100D E51F0040 E5C01DA8 E5C01DFE E2811001 E5C01E5E E2811001 E5C01EBE E2811001 E5C01FDE E2811001 E5C01F1E E2811001 E5C01F7E E7921005 EAFFBE9E E1A00000 037FBEEC EA004145 D0000000 00000000 521D4240 1C286809 E2002000 00000020 E5951058 E3510001 112FFF1E E3100FC2 13A01000 15851058 128EE006 E12FFF1E 021D5244 EEDCF62C D0000000 00000000 :: Rematch Trainers (Hold L) 5215A0D8 1C281C01 94000130 FDFF0000 0215B0D4 E0002000 D0000000 00000000 94000130 FDFF0200 0215B0D4 F7FF1C39 D2000000 00000000 :: No Forced Trainer Battles (Hold L) 521AD30C 62606220 94000130 FDFF0000 121AE30E 0000E009 D0000000 00000000 94000130 FDFF0200 121AE30E 0000D109 D2000000 00000000 :: Instant Text Display 5201D0CC D1024281 1201D054 000046C0 1201D0CE 0000D1D1 D0000000 00000000 !Battle Codes :::Try not to activate out of battle :: 100% Capture Ratio 521CAB14 E12FFF1C 121CBB14 000046C0 D0000000 00000000 :: Catch Trainer's Pokémon v1 521CA8F0 98021C06 121CB8EC 000046C0 D0000000 00000000 :: Infinite PP 921D547E 00002200 121D5480 000046C0 D2000000 00000000 :: Pokémon 1 Full HP 9226D502 00FF0200 9226D506 00FF0200 6226D530 00000000 DA000000 0226D532 D7000000 0226D534 D7000000 0226D97A D2000000 00000000 :: Enemy 1 has 1HP (Select) 9226D726 00FF0200 94000130 FFFB0000 1226D758 00000001 1226DBA0 00000001 D2000000 00000000 !Item/Unlock Codes :: All Badges ::: Use at own risk 1223CC30 0000FFFF :: Have All Healing Items (Select) 94000130 FFFB0000 D5000000 03840011 C0000000 00000025 D6000000 02234604 D4000000 00000001 D2000000 00000000 :: Have All HMs (Select) ::: Use at own risk 94000130 FFFB0000 C0000000 00000005 122345C2 00000001 DC000000 00000004 D2000000 00000000 94000130 FFFB0000 D5000000 000001A4 C0000000 00000005 D7000000 022345C0 D4000000 00000001 DC000000 00000002 D2000000 00000000 :Exp. Points Multiplier Codes :: x2 521D6D2C 46C0BDF8 121D7D2E 00002502 121D7D30 00004345 D0000000 00000000 :: x3 521D6D2C 46C0BDF8 121D7D2E 00002503 121D7D30 00004345 D0000000 00000000 :: x4 521D6D2C 46C0BDF8 121D7D2E 00002504 121D7D30 00004345 D0000000 00000000 :: x5 521D6D2C 46C0BDF8 121D7D2E 00002505 121D7D30 00004345 D0000000 00000000 :: x10 521D6D2C 46C0BDF8 121D7D2E 0000250A 121D7D30 00004345 D0000000 00000000 :: x20 521D6D2C 46C0BDF8 121D7D2E 00002514 121D7D30 00004345 D0000000 00000000 :: x50 521D6D2C 46C0BDF8 121D7D2E 00002532 121D7D30 00004345 D0000000 00000000 :: x100 521D6D2C 46C0BDF8 121D7D2E 00002564 121D7D30 00004345 D0000000 00000000 :: x200 521D6D2C 46C0BDF8 121D7D2E 000025C8 121D7D30 00004345 D0000000 00000000 : Pokémon Marking Codes ::: Mark Pokémon in Box for effect, use 1 at a time :: Mark Pokémon for Pokérus 020196B4 FBA4F7E8 02001E00 73B4B4FF 02001FFC BDF8BCFF 02001E08 24017E88 02001E0C 76884060 :: Max HP IVs 020196B4 FBA4F7E8 02001E00 73B4B4FF 02001FFC BDF8BCFF 02001E10 0024241F 02001E14 43A06928 02001E18 0024241F 02001E1C 61284320 :: Max Attack IVs 020196B4 FBA4F7E8 02001E00 73B4B4FF 02001FFC BDF8BCFF 02001E20 0164241F 02001E24 43A06928 02001E28 0164241F 02001E2C 61284320 :: Max Defense IVs 020196B4 FBA4F7E8 02001E00 73B4B4FF 02001FFC BDF8BCFF 02001E30 02A4241F 02001E34 43A06928 02001E38 02A4241F 02001E3C 61284320 :: Max Sp. Atk IVs 020196B4 FBA4F7E8 02001E00 73B4B4FF 02001FFC BDF8BCFF 02001E50 0524241F 02001E54 43A06928 02001E58 0524241F 02001E5C 61284320 :: Max Sp. Def IVs 020196B4 FBA4F7E8 02001E00 73B4B4FF 02001FFC BDF8BCFF 02001E60 0664241F 02001E64 43A06928 02001E68 0664241F 02001E6C 61284320 :: Max Speed IVs 020196B4 FBA4F7E8 02001E00 73B4B4FF 02001FFC BDF8BCFF 02001E40 03E4241F 02001E44 43A06928 02001E48 03E4241F 02001E4C 61284320 !Movement Codes :: Walk Through Walls (Hold L, press A/B to Enable/Disable) 94000130 FDFC0002 1216369A 00000200 D2000000 00000000 94000130 FDFD0000 1216369A 00001C20 D2000000 00000000 :: Double Walking Speed 52197074 BD381C28 02198070 085F0056 D0000000 00000000 :: Instant Change of Direction 521A3620 68A0D102 121A461A 0000E001 121A4626 0000E001 D0000000 00000000 !Gender Modifier ::: Save game and reset. Permanent effect. :: Boy 22234E4D 00000000 :: Girl 22234E4D 00000001 !Delete Attacks ::: Go into any battle, activate code, attack will be gone after battle :: Attack 1 (Select+Up) 9226D502 00FF0200 9226D506 00FF0200 6226D530 00000000 94000130 FFBB0000 0226DA70 00000000 1226DA76 00000000 0226DA78 00000000 D2000000 00000000 :: Attack 2 (Select+Right) 9226D502 00FF0200 9226D506 00FF0200 6226D530 00000000 94000130 FFEB0000 1226DA7E 00000000 0226DA80 00000000 0226DA84 00000000 D2000000 00000000 :: Attack 3 (Select+Down) 9226D502 00FF0200 9226D506 00FF0200 6226D530 00000000 94000130 FF7B0000 1226DA8C 00000000 0226DA90 00000000 0226DA94 00000000 D2000000 00000000 :: Attack 4 (Select+Left) 9226D502 00FF0200 9226D506 00FF0200 6226D530 00000000 94000130 FFDB0000 1226DA9A 00000000 0226DA9C 00000000 0226DAA0 00000000 D2000000 00000000 !Pokédex Codes :: Have National Dex (Select) ::: Use at own risk 94000130 FFFB0000 2223D030 00000003 D2000000 00000000 !Season Modifier :::Save Game and reset :: Spring (Select+Up) 94000130 FFBB0000 2224F83C 00000000 D2000000 00000000 :: Summer (Select+Right) 94000130 FFEB0000 2224F83C 00000001 D2000000 00000000 :: Autumn (Select+Down) 94000130 FF7B0000 2224F83C 00000002 D2000000 00000000 :: Winter (Select+Left) 94000130 FFDB0000 2224F83C 00000003 D2000000 00000000 !Game Time Codes :: 000:00 02256E54 00000000 :: 999:59 02256E54 003B03E7 Edited September 21, 2010 by Tbird Removed random faces
Frou Posted September 21, 2010 Posted September 21, 2010 Is there a code to change the gender of your Pokémon? And are there any codes to put 99 balls of EVERY kind of Pokeball there is in your bag? Thanks in advance!
Zekrom Posted September 21, 2010 Posted September 21, 2010 Is there a code for the 100% complete Pokedex? Pls, i need the code really!
Mr.Fuji Posted September 21, 2010 Posted September 21, 2010 Riolu Aura Sphere Now said: [untested]Max Speed Ev: Mark a Pokemon in PC Reveal hidden contents (Black) 02019698 FBB2F7E8 02001E00 73B4B4FF 02001FFC BDF8BCFF 02001E40 03E4241F 02001E44 43A06928 02001E48 03E4241F 02001E4C 61384801 (White) 020196B4 FBA4F7E8 02001E00 73B4B4FF 02001FFC BDF8BCFF 02001E40 03E4241F 02001E44 43A06928 02001E48 03E4241F 02001E4C 61384801 I was able to mark the pokemon this time but it didnt give it the EV's, all it did was screw its name up =P; it's name was Rucca, then after the code turned it into Rucc???
Riolu Aura Sphere Now Posted September 21, 2010 Posted September 21, 2010 Credits to GBAtemp (code makers - elixirdream, basher11, KazoWAR, Prof. 9, M@T, Mastermind_X, 2ch) Thanks for help: someonewhodied, Groovy Ayu Pokémon Black Code: Reveal hidden contents !!!Pokémon Black !!IRBJ B39DB08A ::Disable No Exp AP :::Credits to 2ch 52004EA4 E12FFF1E 02004EA4 EAFFFDED E2004660 0000005C E59F003C E5901000 E59F2038 E1510002 059F1034 05801008 05801148 059F102C 058010A8 058011E8 E59F0024 E5901000 E59F2020 E1510002 03A01001 05C0100A E12FFF1E 02188064 E15F034F 36AAB337 36E0AA6A 02180C60 28AAFF1F 00000000 D2000000 00000000 ::No$gba Fix :::No saving or loading! Credits to Mastermind_X 52006F2C FDD8F1D8 02006F2C 00000000 D2000000 00000000 52180B88 42018811 52180B8C 4770D1FC 12180B8C 000046C0 D2000000 00000000 !Misc Codes ::Max Money (Select) 94000130 FFFB0000 0223CC0C 0098967F D2000000 00000000 ::Auto Run (B to walk) 2224F7AC 00000001 94000130 FFFD0000 2224F7AC 00000000 D2000000 00000000 ::No Wild Pokémon (Hold R for Instant Encounter) 521A94B4 D1032800 121AA4B0 0000E001 D0000000 00000000 521A94B4 D1032800 94000130 FEFF0000 121AA4B0 000046C0 D2000000 00000000 ::Catch Any Pokémon (L+R) (Select) :::Press L+R, you will get 649 Master Ball and 100 Ultra Ball, Toss to change amounts to Pokémon number and level respectively. Press Select before heading into grass. 94000130 FCFF0000 02233E0C 02890001 02233E10 00640002 D2000000 00000000 94000130 FFFB0000 DA000000 02233E0E D3000000 00000000 D7000000 0224FE70 D3000000 00000000 DA000000 02233E12 D3000000 00000000 D7000000 0224FE72 D3000000 00000000 D9000000 0224FE70 D3000000 00000000 C0000000 00000037 D6000000 0224FE70 D2000000 00000000 ::Box Pokémon Clone (Hold L while moving) :::Hold L after picking up a Pokemon to make a perfectly identical copy of it. Refresh screen to see results. 94000130 FCFF0300 5200768C 1E523308 1200768C 0000C303 D2000000 00000000 94000130 FCFF0100 5200768C 1E52C303 1200768C 00003308 D2000000 00000000 ::Box Pokémon Delete (Hold R while moving) :::Hold R after picking up a Pokemon to erase it completely. Refresh screen to see results. Deleted Pokemon cannot be recovered! 94000130 FCFF0300 52007698 1E523508 12007698 0000C503 D2000000 00000000 94000130 FCFF0200 52007698 1E52C503 12007698 00003508 D2000000 00000000 ::View IV/EV in Status (L for EV, R for IV, Start for normal) 537FBEEC E7921005 E380C400 00000078 021D9200 1C38D10D E51F0010 E5900000 E51F1014 E1500001 1A000013 E3A00301 E5900130 E3A010A0 E3100C01 03A01046 E3100C02 03A0100D E51F0040 E5C01DA8 E5C01DFE E2811001 E5C01E5E E2811001 E5C01EBE E2811001 E5C01FDE E2811001 E5C01F1E E2811001 E5C01F7E E7921005 EAFFBE9E E1A00000 037FBEEC EA004145 D0000000 00000000 521D4220 1C286809 E2002000 00000020 E5951058 E3510001 112FFF1E E3100FC2 13A01000 15851058 128EE006 E12FFF1E 021D5224 EEECF62C D0000000 00000000 ::Rematch Trainers 5215A0B8 1C281C01 0215B0B4 E0002000 D0000000 00000000 ::No Forced Trainer Battles 521AD2EC 62606220 121AE2EE 0000E009 D0000000 00000000 ::Instant Text Display 5201D0B0 D1024281 1201D038 000046C0 1201D0B2 0000D1D1 D0000000 00000000 !Battle Codes :::Try not to activate out of battle ::100% Capture Ratio 521CAAF4 E12FFF1C 121CBAF4 000046C0 D0000000 00000000 ::Catch Trainer's Pokémon v1 521CA8D0 98021C06 121CB8CC 000046C0 D0000000 00000000 ::Infinite PP 921D545E 00002200 121D5460 000046C0 D2000000 00000000 ::Refill HP (Select) 94000130 FFFB0000 DA000000 022BED24 D7000000 0226D514 D7000000 022BED1E D2000000 00000000 ::Pokémon 1 Full HP (Select) 94000130 FFFB0000 DA000000 0226D512 D7000000 0226D514 D7000000 0226D95A D2000000 00000000 ::Enemy 1 has 1HP (Select) 94000130 FFFB0000 1226D738 00000001 1226DB80 00000001 D2000000 00000000 !Item/Unlock Codes ::All Badges :::Use at own risk 1223CC10 0000FFFF ::Have All Healing Items (Select) 94000130 FFFB0000 D5000000 03840011 C0000000 00000025 D6000000 022345E4 D4000000 00000001 D2000000 00000000 ::Have All HMs (Select) :::Use at own risk 94000130 FFFB0000 C0000000 00000005 122345AE 00000001 DC000000 00000004 D2000000 00000000 94000130 FFFB0000 D5000000 000001A4 C0000000 00000005 D7000000 022345AC D4000000 00000001 DC000000 00000002 D2000000 00000000 ::Have All Berries (Select) 94000130 FFFB0000 C0000000 0000003F 122346A6 00000384 DC000000 00000004 D2000000 00000000 94000130 FFFB0000 D5000000 00000095 C0000000 0000003F D7000000 022346A4 D4000000 00000001 DC000000 00000002 D2000000 00000000 :Exp. Points Multiplier Codes ::x2 521D6D0C 46C0BDF8 121D7D0E 00002502 121D7D10 00004345 D0000000 00000000 ::x3 521D6D0C 46C0BDF8 121D7D0E 00002503 121D7D10 00004345 D0000000 00000000 ::x4 521D6D0C 46C0BDF8 121D7D0E 00002504 121D7D10 00004345 D0000000 00000000 ::x5 521D6D0C 46C0BDF8 121D7D0E 00002505 121D7D10 00004345 D0000000 00000000 ::x10 521D6D0C 46C0BDF8 121D7D0E 0000250A 121D7D10 00004345 D0000000 00000000 ::x20 521D6D0C 46C0BDF8 121D7D0E 00002514 121D7D10 00004345 D0000000 00000000 ::x50 521D6D0C 46C0BDF8 121D7D0E 00002532 121D7D10 00004345 D0000000 00000000 ::x100 521D6D0C 46C0BDF8 121D7D0E 00002564 121D7D10 00004345 D0000000 00000000 ::x200 521D6D0C 46C0BDF8 121D7D0E 000025C8 121D7D10 00004345 D0000000 00000000 :Pokémon Marking Codes :::Mark Pokémon in Box for effect, use 1 at a time ::Have Pokérus 02019698 FBB2F7E8 02001E00 73B4B4FF 02001E08 24017E88 02001E0C 76884060 02001FFC BDF8BCFF ::Max HP IVs 02019698 FBB2F7E8 02001E00 73B4B4FF 02001FFC BDF8BCFF 02001E10 0024241F 02001E14 43A06928 02001E18 0024241F 02001E1C 61284320 ::Max Attack IVs 02019698 FBB2F7E8 02001E00 73B4B4FF 02001FFC BDF8BCFF 02001E20 0164241F 02001E24 43A06928 02001E28 0164241F 02001E2C 61284320 ::Max Defense IVs 02019698 FBB2F7E8 02001E00 73B4B4FF 02001FFC BDF8BCFF 02001E30 02A4241F 02001E34 43A06928 02001E38 02A4241F 02001E3C 61284320 ::Max Sp. Atk IVs 02019698 FBB2F7E8 02001E00 73B4B4FF 02001FFC BDF8BCFF 02001E50 0524241F 02001E54 43A06928 02001E58 0524241F 02001E5C 61284320 ::Max Sp. Def IVs 02019698 FBB2F7E8 02001E00 73B4B4FF 02001FFC BDF8BCFF 02001E60 0664241F 02001E64 43A06928 02001E68 0664241F 02001E6C 61284320 ::Max Speed IVs 02019698 FBB2F7E8 02001E00 73B4B4FF 02001FFC BDF8BCFF 02001E40 03E4241F 02001E44 43A06928 02001E48 03E4241F 02001E4C 61284320 !Movement Codes ::Walk Through Walls (Hold L, press A/B to Enable/Disable) 94000130 FDFC0002 1216367A 00000200 D2000000 00000000 94000130 FDFD0000 1216367A 00001C20 D0000000 00000000 ::Double Walking Speed 52197054 BD381C28 02198050 085F0056 D0000000 00000000 ::Instant Change of Direction 521A3600 68A0D102 121A45FA 0000E001 121A4606 0000E001 D0000000 00000000 !Gender Modifier :::Save game and reset. Permanent effect. ::Boy 22234E2D 00000000 ::Girl 22234E2D 00000001 !Delete Attacks :::Go into any battle, activate code, attack will be gone after battle ::Attack 1 (Select+Up) 9226D4E2 00FF0200 9226D4E6 00FF0200 6226D510 00000000 94000130 FFBB0000 0226DA50 00000000 1226DA56 00000000 0226DA58 00000000 D2000000 00000000 ::Attack 2 (Select+Right) 9226D4E2 00FF0200 9226D4E6 00FF0200 6226D510 00000000 94000130 FFEB0000 1226DA5E 00000000 0226DA60 00000000 0226DA64 00000000 D2000000 00000000 ::Attack 3 (Select+Down) 9226D4E2 00FF0200 9226D4E6 00FF0200 6226D510 00000000 94000130 FF7B0000 1226DA6C 00000000 0226DA70 00000000 0226DA74 00000000 D2000000 00000000 ::Attack 4 (Select+Left) 9226D4E2 00FF0200 9226D4E6 00FF0200 6226D510 00000000 94000130 FFDB0000 1226DA7A 00000000 0226DA7C 00000000 0226DA80 00000000 D2000000 00000000 !Pokédex Codes ::Have National Dex (Select) :::Use at own risk 94000130 FFFB0000 2223D010 00000003 D2000000 00000000 !Season Modifier :::Save Game and reset ::Spring (Select+Up) 94000130 FFBB0000 2224F81C 00000000 D2000000 00000000 ::Summer (Select+Right) 94000130 FFEB0000 2224F81C 00000001 D2000000 00000000 ::Autumn (Select+Down) 94000130 FF7B0000 2224F81C 00000002 D2000000 00000000 ::Winter (Select+Left) 94000130 FFDB0000 2224F81C 00000003 D2000000 00000000 !Game Time Codes ::000:00 02256E34 00000000 ::999:59 02256E34 003B03E7 Pokémon White Code: Reveal hidden contents !!!Pokémon White (J) !!IRAJ 4F2FDEC2 ::Disable No Exp AP :::Credits to 2ch 52004EA4 E12FFF1E 02004EA4 EAFFFDD5 E2004600 0000005C E59F003C E5901000 E59F2038 E1510002 059F1034 05801008 05801148 059F102C 058010A8 058011E8 E59F0024 E5901000 E59F2020 E1510002 03A01001 05C0100A E12FFF1E 02188084 E15F034F 36AAB337 36AAE06A 02180C80 28AAFF1F 00000000 D2000000 00000000 ::No$gba Fix :::No saving or loading! Credits to Mastermind_X 52006F2C FDE8F1D8 02006F2C 00000000 D2000000 00000000 52180BA8 42018811 52180BAC 4770D1FC 12180BAC 000046C0 D2000000 00000000 !Misc Codes ::Max Money (Select) 94000130 FFFB0000 0223CC2C 0098967F D2000000 00000000 ::No Wild Pokémon (Hold R for Instant Encounter) 521A94D4 D1032800 121AA4D0 0000E001 D0000000 00000000 521A94D4 D1032800 94000130 FEFF0000 121AA4D0 000046C0 D2000000 00000000 ::Catch Any Pokémon (L+R) (Select) :::Press L+R, you will get 649 Master Ball and 100 Ultra Ball, Toss to change amounts to Pokémon number and level respectively. Press Select before heading into grass. 94000130 FCFF0000 02233E2C 02890001 02233E30 00640002 D2000000 00000000 94000130 FFFB0000 DA000000 02233E2E D3000000 00000000 D7000000 0224FE90 D3000000 00000000 DA000000 02233E32 D3000000 00000000 D7000000 0224FE92 D3000000 00000000 D9000000 0224FE90 D3000000 00000000 C0000000 00000037 D6000000 0224FE90 D2000000 00000000 ::Box Pokémon Clone (Hold L while moving) :::Hold L after picking up a Pokemon to make a perfectly identical copy of it. Refresh screen to see results. 94000130 FCFF0300 5200768C 1E523308 1200768C 0000C303 D2000000 00000000 94000130 FCFF0100 5200768C 1E52C303 1200768C 00003308 D2000000 00000000 ::Box Pokémon Delete (Hold R while moving) :::Hold R after picking up a Pokemon to erase it completely. Refresh screen to see results. Deleted Pokemon cannot be recovered! 94000130 FCFF0300 52007698 1E523508 12007698 0000C503 D2000000 00000000 94000130 FCFF0200 52007698 1E52C503 12007698 00003508 D2000000 00000000 ::View IV/EV in Status (L for EV, R for IV, Start for normal) 537FBEEC E7921005 E380C400 00000078 021D9220 1C38D10D E51F0010 E5900000 E51F1014 E1500001 1A000013 E3A00301 E5900130 E3A010A0 E3100C01 03A01046 E3100C02 03A0100D E51F0040 E5C01DA8 E5C01DFE E2811001 E5C01E5E E2811001 E5C01EBE E2811001 E5C01FDE E2811001 E5C01F1E E2811001 E5C01F7E E7921005 EAFFBE9E E1A00000 037FBEEC EA004145 D0000000 00000000 521D4240 1C286809 E2002000 00000020 E5951058 E3510001 112FFF1E E3100FC2 13A01000 15851058 128EE006 E12FFF1E 021D5244 EEDCF62C D0000000 00000000 ::Rematch Trainers (Hold L) 5215A0D8 1C281C01 94000130 FDFF0000 0215B0D4 E0002000 D0000000 00000000 94000130 FDFF0200 0215B0D4 F7FF1C39 D2000000 00000000 ::No Forced Trainer Battles (Hold L) 521AD30C 62606220 94000130 FDFF0000 121AE30E 0000E009 D0000000 00000000 94000130 FDFF0200 121AE30E 0000D109 D2000000 00000000 ::Instant Text Display 5201D0CC D1024281 1201D054 000046C0 1201D0CE 0000D1D1 D0000000 00000000 !Battle Codes :::Try not to activate out of battle ::100% Capture Ratio 521CAB14 E12FFF1C 121CBB14 000046C0 D0000000 00000000 ::Catch Trainer's Pokémon v1 521CA8F0 98021C06 121CB8EC 000046C0 D0000000 00000000 ::Infinite PP 921D547E 00002200 121D5480 000046C0 D2000000 00000000 ::Pokémon 1 Full HP 9226D502 00FF0200 9226D506 00FF0200 6226D530 00000000 DA000000 0226D532 D7000000 0226D534 D7000000 0226D97A D2000000 00000000 ::Enemy 1 has 1HP (Select) 9226D726 00FF0200 94000130 FFFB0000 1226D758 00000001 1226DBA0 00000001 D2000000 00000000 !Item/Unlock Codes ::All Badges :::Use at own risk 1223CC30 0000FFFF ::Have All Healing Items (Select) 94000130 FFFB0000 D5000000 03840011 C0000000 00000025 D6000000 02234604 D4000000 00000001 D2000000 00000000 ::Have All HMs (Select) :::Use at own risk 94000130 FFFB0000 C0000000 00000005 122345C2 00000001 DC000000 00000004 D2000000 00000000 94000130 FFFB0000 D5000000 000001A4 C0000000 00000005 D7000000 022345C0 D4000000 00000001 DC000000 00000002 D2000000 00000000 :Exp. Points Multiplier Codes ::x2 521D6D2C 46C0BDF8 121D7D2E 00002502 121D7D30 00004345 D0000000 00000000 ::x3 521D6D2C 46C0BDF8 121D7D2E 00002503 121D7D30 00004345 D0000000 00000000 ::x4 521D6D2C 46C0BDF8 121D7D2E 00002504 121D7D30 00004345 D0000000 00000000 ::x5 521D6D2C 46C0BDF8 121D7D2E 00002505 121D7D30 00004345 D0000000 00000000 ::x10 521D6D2C 46C0BDF8 121D7D2E 0000250A 121D7D30 00004345 D0000000 00000000 ::x20 521D6D2C 46C0BDF8 121D7D2E 00002514 121D7D30 00004345 D0000000 00000000 ::x50 521D6D2C 46C0BDF8 121D7D2E 00002532 121D7D30 00004345 D0000000 00000000 ::x100 521D6D2C 46C0BDF8 121D7D2E 00002564 121D7D30 00004345 D0000000 00000000 ::x200 521D6D2C 46C0BDF8 121D7D2E 000025C8 121D7D30 00004345 D0000000 00000000 :Pokémon Marking Codes :::Mark Pokémon in Box for effect, use 1 at a time ::Mark Pokémon for Pokérus 020196B4 FBA4F7E8 02001E00 73B4B4FF 02001FFC BDF8BCFF 02001E08 24017E88 02001E0C 76884060 ::Max HP IVs 020196B4 FBA4F7E8 02001E00 73B4B4FF 02001FFC BDF8BCFF 02001E10 0024241F 02001E14 43A06928 02001E18 0024241F 02001E1C 61284320 ::Max Attack IVs 020196B4 FBA4F7E8 02001E00 73B4B4FF 02001FFC BDF8BCFF 02001E20 0164241F 02001E24 43A06928 02001E28 0164241F 02001E2C 61284320 ::Max Defense IVs 020196B4 FBA4F7E8 02001E00 73B4B4FF 02001FFC BDF8BCFF 02001E30 02A4241F 02001E34 43A06928 02001E38 02A4241F 02001E3C 61284320 ::Max Sp. Atk IVs 020196B4 FBA4F7E8 02001E00 73B4B4FF 02001FFC BDF8BCFF 02001E50 0524241F 02001E54 43A06928 02001E58 0524241F 02001E5C 61284320 ::Max Sp. Def IVs 020196B4 FBA4F7E8 02001E00 73B4B4FF 02001FFC BDF8BCFF 02001E60 0664241F 02001E64 43A06928 02001E68 0664241F 02001E6C 61284320 ::Max Speed IVs 020196B4 FBA4F7E8 02001E00 73B4B4FF 02001FFC BDF8BCFF 02001E40 03E4241F 02001E44 43A06928 02001E48 03E4241F 02001E4C 61284320 !Movement Codes ::Walk Through Walls (Hold L, press A/B to Enable/Disable) 94000130 FDFC0002 1216369A 00000200 D2000000 00000000 94000130 FDFD0000 1216369A 00001C20 D2000000 00000000 ::Double Walking Speed 52197074 BD381C28 02198070 085F0056 D0000000 00000000 ::Instant Change of Direction 521A3620 68A0D102 121A461A 0000E001 121A4626 0000E001 D0000000 00000000 !Gender Modifier :::Save game and reset. Permanent effect. ::Boy 22234E4D 00000000 ::Girl 22234E4D 00000001 !Delete Attacks :::Go into any battle, activate code, attack will be gone after battle ::Attack 1 (Select+Up) 9226D502 00FF0200 9226D506 00FF0200 6226D530 00000000 94000130 FFBB0000 0226DA70 00000000 1226DA76 00000000 0226DA78 00000000 D2000000 00000000 ::Attack 2 (Select+Right) 9226D502 00FF0200 9226D506 00FF0200 6226D530 00000000 94000130 FFEB0000 1226DA7E 00000000 0226DA80 00000000 0226DA84 00000000 D2000000 00000000 ::Attack 3 (Select+Down) 9226D502 00FF0200 9226D506 00FF0200 6226D530 00000000 94000130 FF7B0000 1226DA8C 00000000 0226DA90 00000000 0226DA94 00000000 D2000000 00000000 ::Attack 4 (Select+Left) 9226D502 00FF0200 9226D506 00FF0200 6226D530 00000000 94000130 FFDB0000 1226DA9A 00000000 0226DA9C 00000000 0226DAA0 00000000 D2000000 00000000 !Pokédex Codes ::Have National Dex (Select) :::Use at own risk 94000130 FFFB0000 2223D030 00000003 D2000000 00000000 !Season Modifier :::Save Game and reset ::Spring (Select+Up) 94000130 FFBB0000 2224F83C 00000000 D2000000 00000000 ::Summer (Select+Right) 94000130 FFEB0000 2224F83C 00000001 D2000000 00000000 ::Autumn (Select+Down) 94000130 FF7B0000 2224F83C 00000002 D2000000 00000000 ::Winter (Select+Left) 94000130 FFDB0000 2224F83C 00000003 D2000000 00000000 !Game Time Codes ::000:00 02256E54 00000000 ::999:59 02256E54 003B03E7 [All Untested] Max Happiness: Mark a Pokemon in PC Reveal hidden contents (Black) 02019698 FBB2F7E8 02001E00 73B4B4FF 02001E08 24017E88 02001E0C 733840FF 02001FFC BDF8BCFF (White) 020196B4 FBA4F7E8 02001E00 73B4B4FF 02001E08 24017E88 02001E0C 733840FF 02001FFC BDF8BCFF Marking Ability: Mark a Pokemon in PC Reveal hidden contents (Black) 02019698 FBB2F7E8 02001E00 73B4B4FF 02001E08 24017E88 02001E0C 73784XXX 02001FFC BDF8BCFF (White) 020196B4 FBA4F7E8 02001E00 73B4B4FF 02001E08 24017E88 02001E0C 73784XXX 02001FFC BDF8BCFF Replace XXX with an Ability. Sorry, but I have no list of Abilities. Change Pokemon Pokeball: (86h) Mark a Pokemon in PC Reveal hidden contents (Black) 02019698 FBB2F7E8 02001E00 73B4B4FF 02001E08 24017E88 02001E0C 77B040XX 02001FFC BDF8BCFF (White) 020196B4 FBA4F7E8 02001E00 73B4B4FF 02001E08 24017E88 02001E0C 77B040XX 02001FFC BDF8BCFF Replace XX with the Pokeball Hex Value. Sorry, but I have no list of Pokeball Hex Values. Change Pokemon Pokeball: (83h) Mark a Pokemon in PC Reveal hidden contents (Black) 02019698 FBB2F7E8 02001E00 73B4B4FF 02001E08 24017E88 02001E0C 76F040XX 02001FFC BDF8BCFF (White) 020196B4 FBA4F7E8 02001E00 73B4B4FF 02001E08 24017E88 02001E0C 76F040XX 02001FFC BDF8BCFF Replace XX with a Pokeball Hex Value. Sorry, but I have no list of Pokeball Hex Values.
Tbird Posted September 21, 2010 Posted September 21, 2010 To add to the above it might be worth testing if the hex is still the same as HGSS Where XXXX replace with: 0001 = Master Ball 0002 = Ultra Ball 0003 = Great Ball 0004 = Poké Ball 0005 = Safari Ball 0006 = Net Ball 0007 = Dive Ball 0008 = Nest Ball 0009 = Repeat Ball 000A = Timer Ball 000B = Luxury Ball 000C = Premier Ball 000D = Dusk Ball 000E = Heal Ball 000F = Quick Ball 0010 = Cherish Ball 01EC = Fast Ball 01ED = Level Ball 01EE = Lure Ball 01EF = Heavy Ball 01F0 = Love Ball 01F1 = Friend Ball 01F2 = Moon Ball 01F3 = Competition Ball 01F4 = Park Ball
plasmashadow Posted September 21, 2010 Posted September 21, 2010 (edited) may i request the following: Crown Entei (Box 2 Slot 1) Crown Suicune (Box 2 Slot 2) Crown Raikou (Box 2 Slot 3) Zorua Unlocking Celebi (Egikian) Box 2 Slot 4 For Pokemon White Please Edited September 21, 2010 by ZoroarkX forgot sumthin
kira1000 Posted September 22, 2010 Posted September 22, 2010 does anyone know if the save fix for no$gba even works?
Riolu Aura Sphere Now Posted September 22, 2010 Posted September 22, 2010 (edited) Yes, all the codes that Tbird and I posted from GBAtemp works. The codes that I posted that says Untested may not work properly. I will test them further this Thursday. ------- Tbird: It seems that B/W uses the same 83h as HG/SS. Reveal hidden contents (83h) 000 - Poké Ball (Default Ball) 001 - Master Ball 002 - Ultra Ball 003 - Great Ball 004 - Poké Ball 005 - Safari Ball 006 - Net Ball 007 - Dive Ball 008 - Nest Ball 009 - Repeat Ball 00A - Timer Ball 00B - Luxury Ball 00C - Premier Ball 00D - Dusk Ball 00E - Heal Ball 00F - Quick Ball 010 - Cherish Ball 011 - Fast Ball 012 - Level Ball 013 - Lure Ball 014 - Heavy Ball 015 - Love Ball 016 - Friend Ball 017 - Moon Ball 018 - Comp Ball 019 - Dream Ball Edited October 6, 2010 by Riolu Aura Sphere Now
Loco Posted September 22, 2010 Posted September 22, 2010 kira1000 said: does anyone know if the save fix for no$gba even works? I tried it, but it didn't work for me.
Loco Posted September 22, 2010 Posted September 22, 2010 Riolu Aura Sphere Now said: Which game are you using? Pokemon Black, but I think it was my mistake anyway, I might have used the White code.
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