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Everything posted by richmFTW

  1. is there a specific way to clear it? when I delete it and try to enter all 0's it only lets me add about 7 of them
  2. Hi, so I put that pack together from pk8 files from pokemon that were able to be traded to me, so in my mind they were all legal as far as trading across servers goes.
  3. Hi all, I put together a RAR file of the new transfer pokemon for those that can gen them into their save file. Most show as legal although a few of them are still flagged as illegal (Solgaleo, Lunala, Necrozma, the ones we know are still not valid online). Remember to use at your own risk. If anyone manages to make the illegal ones legal again, host up the pk8 file so I can grab it. Thanks and enjoy. (files illegal, wrong origin game and lcoations, removed)
  4. On Switch and smartphone apps, wondering when a PkHex update would come out with a legality update since all of mine still say the same error (incorrectly transferred). No rush to the dev team, just curious. Also, maybe we can get a .pk8 file swap thread going? Thanks!
  5. I thought they said Feb 27?
  6. Has anyone heard this? I'm seeing in multiple outlets on Facebook and Twitter that they are now tradeable. True? Anyone have a legal pk8 file?
  7. I was going to say the same thing, PkHex flagging as illegal but I'll use. Thanks Slayer.
  8. doing it that way I have been fine. been doing it almost every day for months.
  9. What I do is run atmosphere for 9.1.0 and change over to customer firmware. Then I'll run a backup in Checkpoint and then use FTPD to transfer the save to my PC and use PkHex to make changes. Finally I run Checkpoint again and Restore the changes to my Switch save. I open up Sword/Shield and double check everything took effect, Once I know that my changes are in game, then I'm done. I turn my Switch off. Not asleep, not a restart, OFF. While it's off I put back all my stuff I needed to run atmosphere (USB-C cable, jig, etc). Then I turn it back on, I go to Settings and double check I'm back on stock firmware 9.1.0. Then I'm safe to get into the game and go online. Hope that helps.
  10. great to know, I've been wondering how to do that myself.
  11. Attached. 876-01 ★ - Indeedee - 14D2BC1CCF84.pk8 sorry forgot to tag you. see attached when you have a moment.
  12. Hi guys. So an observation of mine, I've noticed that PkHex gives off an error of "Invalid: Hidden Ability not available." yet the Pokemon with the HA trades just fine. Serebii says hidden abilities such as Psychic Surge on female Indeedee is available, yet PkHex keeps it marked as illegal. It traded across to a friend of mine without any problems. My question is, is this something that is still being worked on? I always take PkHex to be accurate as it usually is. Just thought I'd get some ideas from others on this. Thx!
  13. oh. good to know. Thanks!
  14. There was a guy on the boards that had uploaded EVERY single .pk8 file for each of the 400 pokemon in the SWSH dex. I asked him a few times if he could put them all into a WinRAR file to make them a hell of alot easier to download but he never did, so I downloaded those all individually and slid them into a folder. I can add the folder to a WinRAR if you want? Maybe you (or someone) can make the batch edit changes and reupload?
  15. Hello all. I appreciate any help on this. I updated to the new version today (20191209) and now when I load my save almost all of my pokemon show the same errors as follows: Invalid: Invalid Console Region. Invalid: Contest Stats should be 0. Can someone help me understand how to fix these? Even better, how to batch edit them out? TIA!
  16. thanks for the help, I'm not sure what you mean by 16 bit numbers. Can you screenshot what field that is maybe?
  17. Hi all. I'm trying to use the batch editor to change all Pokemon in my boxes at the same time. I'm trying to change the SID and TID, however when I use the drop down boxes I make this .SID=0144 .TID=991418 When I run this, it tells me the files were all modified, but the numbers don't change to my specified values. Am I missing something?
  18. do you have the 112519 edition? if not its a free download. everything works for me.
  19. Cool. I was about to ask myself.
  20. idk if you read what I said but I'm adding the pokemon to the game BEFORE the adventure. its for someone else to play through. finally a response tho.
  21. Ok so, I bought a copy of Ultra Sun for my friends little boy. My goal is to use PkHex to essentially port all of the pokemon from my games PC to his (I have them all, pre-evoluteions, events, etc so no worry there) and then once I am done, to be able to use the Batch Editor to make them all list as if they were his so they will obey him. As far as I know, the TID and SId have to match. I also edited the OT name to his character as well. Am I missing anything? I'll list below what I have in the Batch Editor, maybe someone can tell me if I am missing anything in order to get ALL the pc pokemon to obey in battle, should he draw them out to use. My Batch Editor shows as: .SID=1626 .TID=036527 .PID=$shiny .OT_Name=Elijah Please advise if I am missing anything! Thanks in advance!!
  22. Can someone tell me, is there a way to change the TID on ALL the Pokemon in a save file at once? For example, I have loaded the .pk7 files of each pokemon into my PC storage in the order I wanted them saved and they are now in the save fle. My question is, in PkHex, can I edit all of them at once? Specifically to change their TID, SID and OT fields? If so, please leave instructions! Thanks!!!
  23. I uploaded this save with all pokemon translated to Englush and I can't find the post anymore to share to others. Was it taken down?
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