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  1. Rockruff evolved to midnight Lycanroc
  2. hey evan dixon checkout and leave a vote in my new topic "what lycanroc should i choose"

  3. Hey Rosieplier check out my new topic "lycanaroc, lycanaroc and lyconarac"

  4. Ok so 1 for midnight Lycanaroc*. Anymore suggestions?
  5. Hey slayer check out my new topic "lycanaroc, lycanaroc and lyconarac"

  6. Midday & Midnight Lycanroc(respectively) Dusk Lycanroc
  7. Hello guys! So today I'm gonna forward a question, it's about the amazing cute rocktype, ROCKRUFF. Rockruff is one of the must haves in sun & moon and also ultra sun & ultra moon. You guys may know this already but Rockruff has 3 evolutions. They are namely, midday Lyconarac, midnight Lyconarac, and also the new one dusk Lyconarac. They are all commonly known as Lyconarac. So every evolution has a strength, midnight Lyconarac has more HP than the other 2 while midday Lyconarac has more speed, and the dusk Lyconarac is more like midday Lyconarac. I personally have a Rockruff and it's LVL is 23 and it evolve at LVL 25. So the favour I'm asking is to you guys to tell me who to evolve Rockruff to. Also another important fact there is a rumour that is there will be another evolution of Rockruff soon. Most probably with the name dawn Lyconarac. So guys leave your suggestions. THANKS!
  8. Wondering what the best pokemon game for pc is. any suggetions?
  9. wow a fix for alola photoclub. i dont think there is a thing quite like this.


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