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Ruby Genseki

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Ruby Genseki last won the day on January 20 2018

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About Ruby Genseki

  • Birthday 05/27/1997

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  1. I encountered these two Pokémon in the Battle Tree today. Serebii's catalogue said they were holding Smooth Rocks, but judging their movesets, I thought they were supposed to hold Heat Rocks and so decided to dump them and see wether they were actually holding wrong items or it was just an error in the page.
    And..well...turns out they're actually holding Smooth Rocks.

    Now I wonder wether this is an actual error or they just did it deliberately in order to give the player some "advantage" in the relatively early battles (between 20th and 30th). I mean, they haven't fixed this in any of the updates, whereas they fixed the Shell Smash Kommo-o, a Hawlucha (Idk what was the problem with that one) and the Battle Royal's Stockpile Shuckle.

    1. Show previous comments  16 more
    2. Got_Eevees


      Heh,you don't? I'll try to talk like this. bleh. Bland,no?




      If I wanted that I would have asked you directly for the files by PM and it would have been a fair trade.

      I was asking if you would like to help Porybox? By being some super-mod on Reddit and programming on Github.

      You have to apply,too. -_- Those people don't know greatness.


    3. Ruby Genseki

      Ruby Genseki

      Um...guess you flatter me? but I'm quite an amateur when it comes to this programming stuff, some sort of flea compared to the people in here such as Kaphotics or jojo himself.
      And, about the mod thing...games, anime, drawing, writing, RP'ing...all of my spare time is split between these things, I've rejected admin/mod positions in a couple of places before since I've simply never felt up to it, I don't have the time to take on the responsibility of being a mod.

    4. Got_Eevees


      :(. Ok.

      But really,you ain't no flea.

      If you are a flea,then what am I?

      A subatomic particle?

      I try..but....

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