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Everything posted by whitealcal

  1. good excuse use option 679 of rutile ruby but I feel that the pokemon were not affected supposedly zigzagoon and wingull came out more rarely but they go 2 games, which come easily
  2. What percentage does "common" pokemon have? as zigzagoon and wingull? , is that I download version 679 and I do not know if they already come out more pokemon, because I played as 3 games and in all of them I always get those pokemon "easily" and also lilipup
  3. Good, excuse no longer update to add the pokemon of the seventh generation? and a comment, insert the folder but several pokemon appear duplicates same data, same movements, to what is due?
  4. Good Have you thought about making bigger changes? For example editing and improving base stats, change types in some pokemon and make them come out with hidden ability?
  5. Good evening, excuse that there is probability that I will get a nidoran in the tunnel where the whismur come out? Is that I am playing the star saphire and I really prefer to play the rutile ruby .. more than anything for the magma team, but I wanted to choose from initial to treecko, and as iva to play in nuzlocke mode, roxane becomes difficult if it is not carried To a pokemon with fighting type so. Is it more common for Nidoran to come out or is it pure luck?
  6. Is there any way to change the banner and icon to the "drag and drop" installation ??
  7. Is there any way to change the banner and icon to the "drag and drop" installation ??
  8. Hello. Hey, I've got a question Wild pokemon also has altered levels? For example I see that in a zone there are coaches level 40 but the wild pokemon also appear around that level? Or are they much lower ?? I can install the updates?
  9. Hello. Hey, I've got a question Wild pokemon also has altered levels? For example I see that in a zone there are coaches level 40 but the wild pokemon also appear around that level? Or are they much lower ?? I can install the updates?
  10. Hello. Hey, I've got a question Wild pokemon also has altered levels? For example I see that in a zone there are coaches level 40 but the wild pokemon also appear around that level? Or are they much lower ?? I can install the updates?
  11. Hi. Sorry, there is no problem if I have version 1.4 and I install update 1.1 ?? I feel that the only thing missing from the game is that you can get pokemon with its hidden abilities and some type changes in pokemon
  12. Good evening sorry Do normal coaches have no complicated objects or strategies? Only the leaders, the rival, the elite four and the champion? I wish you could add something like this, although I know it's a lot of work lol
  13. Hello Goodnight. Sorry. Have you thought of not being able to edit the pokemon, movements and stats? I mean to edit the types of certain pokemon, increase other base stat, change type, and power moves, such as cut .. or edit the learning moves? Or at least that they can capture with their hidden ability and that they have 31 ivs? I say it because it only seems that you edited the teams nadamas, or edited something more? Sorry for the comment but I always had that doubt
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