i was fine until the xor part.. once i open xor..it asks for 3 files. one is save1keystream, one is any save file that i want to open..what file should be the destination file?
a few other questions: you wrote "Put your cartridge into your 3ds, and go to the main menu. Then, close the game" so i put the cartrdge into the system after i edited the original backup with FF.. i turn the game on. and what do you mean by main menu? u mean once i am in the game and press x..so i see bag, save, pokemon, options etc?
you wrote "In powersaves, apply the "Slot 1 x999 modifier code." After doing that, remove your cart from the powersaves dongle, then stick it back in. Now make a backup of your cartridge's save file." so after i apply the slot 1x999 master ball cheats..i dont put the game back into the console..i just make a backup..correct?
you wrote " and then delete the first 0x9C bytes in a hex editor".. well because i didnt know what to put in the "destination" column because everytime i selected a save file it would save it already exists..so i chose a save file and renamed it..and it worked...but when i opened it with hex edit..and tried to delete all the numbers from there..it would say i dont have the permission to do so. i highlighted everything before 0x9c and pressed delete..and every time same thing. i may be deleting what i am not supposed to.. so if you can..could you highlight the area i need to delete please?
I am very very very very new to this hex editing..i have no idea about all this..i am sorry for asking so many questions..