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Everything posted by Cheronprince

  1. This seems like the reverse of your last issue. If you made the Shelder after you made the Dratini you may have left the Extra byte set to '1'. Set the Extra byte '66 0x42' Back to '0' and you should be fine. The Pokemon should only change to it's dream world ability if the DW Flag has been set by the Extra Byte
  2. Remember, creating a Dream World Ability is more than just setting the Ablility on the Main Tab. On the OT/Misc Tab under the heading Extra bytes set '66 (0x42)' to '1' for 'DW' (Dream World/Hidden Grotto) Flag on Abilities. If the Flag is not set the Pokemon will revert to a non dreamworld ability when evolved. You may also need to ensure you have a Dream World valid PID (which Ability you would normally get is determined by the PID) or you could lose the DW flag when you evolve (possible, but not tested, by me at least so I could be wrong on that count)
  3. Generating a shiny ID changes the SID. If you want the Pokemon to stay as your OT you can't use this feature. To make a Shiny with your correct OT/SID info follow the instructions in This Post.
  4. Right now the AR Code Generator works for everything on English Black/White2 except Wonder Cards. That is unfortunate for those of us who only have basic AR's and not the flashcarts needed for save editing. Codr had stated that he would include WC code generation with 4.0, but since he's retired now, well *shrug*... If I am remembering correctly Bond697 stated that since he uses save editing updating this facet of PokeGen is not high on his To-Do list.
  5. Correct
  6. I don't mess with XML files so my way is a little different. Initial Set-up for ARDSi Code Manager: On my DSi Code Manager (with my ARDSi hooked up) on the bottom right is the 'My Codelist' box. On this list I clicked 'New' and made a folder called 'My Games'. I then drug the game I'm using (in your case Pokemon Black) from the list under 'Memory Card' and put it in the 'My Codelist' folder. Entering New Codes: I right click on the game I wish to add codes to and select 'Add New Cheat' (or add folder if I'm making a category i.e. Wonder Cards, since you really should only use 1 Wonder Card code at a time). I enter the name for my Code (i.e. 2012MAY Darkrai) in the first box (Cheat Name) then I take the Code Generated by PokeGen (from the PokeGen Code Generator click 'Copy') and paste it (Ctrl-V) into the second box (Cheat Codes) and Click OK. Saving New Codes to the ARDSi: From the 'My Codelists' box drag your 'My Games' Folder (or whatever you chose to call it) into the 'Memory Card' box. You should get a Warning message saying it will replace Duplicate Files, Click 'OK' If you have multiple games in your game folder you will get a 2nd warning asking if you want to replace the entire code list with your folder. Click 'NO' (Clicking 'No' overwrites only the specific games you have in the folder, Clicking yes Deletes all the games on your memory card and replaces them with only the games in the folder meaning you've permanently lost all the default game codes that were on your AR) You will see a brief dialog box appear as it updates the specific games you selected At the top of the Code Manager click 'Commit Changes' then click 'Yes' in the Dialog Box The AR will then Update with your new codes, notify you when you can remove the AR from your computer cord, and you are ready to play. Note: when I made my Wondercard Folder I right clicked on the folder (as if I were going to select 'Add new Cheat') and Clicked 'Set to Radial'. This made it so I could only select 1 code at a time from that folder that way I don't accidentally try to use 2 of the codes at the same time which would be a bad idea. FYI you can find most Wonder Card codes for Gen 4 and 5 English (Except Black2/White2) in This Thread on PokemonGTS.com. I generated them myself using PokeGen and the WC data provided here on ProjectPokemon.org. If Bond697 decides to update PokeGen to include English Language compatibility for Black2/White2 Action Replay Wonder Card Codes I'll update that post to include the New Wondercards. *Blinks* I just realized I can add the New Meloetta WC to the Black1/White1 section since it was released for all four Gen 5 games. Hope this helps you out.
  7. Right now the AR Code Generator works for everything on Black/White2 except Wonder Cards. That is unfortunate for those of us who only have basic AR's and not the flashcarts needed for save editing. Codr had stated that he would include WC code generation with 4.0, but since he's retired now, well *shrug*...
  8. A Pokemon's "Shiny" status is directly generated by the PID# and nothing else about the Pokemon will affect whether or not your Pokemon is shiny. All it means is the PID that Pokegen auto-generated for your Pokemon was not a shiny PID. In order for you to get a "Shiny PID" certain things must be entered. 1. Under tab 5 (OT/Misc) you must insure that the 2 ID numbers are correct. The first # is your Trainer ID (TID) which can be found on your trainer card in-game. The 2nd # is your Secret (SID) which can't be obtained via normal means. To get your Secret ID I recommend using Pokecheck.org which is a GTS Legality checker. Follow the instruction there to upload a Pokemon you caught or bred (not traded for) in your game (this is not an actual upload, just a data copy, the Pokemon never leaves your game) and you will see your SID. 2. Under tab 1 (Main) next to the PID Line click the 'F' button 3. Fill in the relevant info (IV's [0-31], species, Nature, Gender, ability) and ensure that the 'Shiny' box has a check in it. 4. Click 'Search' and select the PID you wish to use. That's the Pokegen way to get a PID. Personally to get a PID I use a program called RNGReporter which is used by people who, instead of 'hacking' their Pokemon with Pokegen, prefer a method called 'RNG abuse' that uses a program (RNGReporter for Windows, I forget what the MAC Equivalent is) to determine what time they need to set there DS's clock to in order to predetermine the Stats, Nature, Gender, Ability, and Shiny a Pokemon has when they catch, hatch, or receive it from a Wonder Card. Setting up your RNGReporter can take a bit, and still requires you have your TID/SID, but it can generate PID's (though they need to be converted from Heximal to Decimal) while giving a much more accurate ability to Specify all the aforementioned qualities of your pokemon. It's very easy for an amateur to make a mistake with Pokegen and find that the Pokemon they made does not pass a legality check. If you are patient (it can take a couple days to really learn the system) RNG abuse produces 100% legal Pokemon because all you are changing is the time on your DS, not introducing or altering data to the game. Normally I RNG my pokemon, I only use Pokegen when I want to have a specific move set that would require multiple generations of breeding and am feeling lazy. Hope this helps you get your shiny Pokemon generated.
  9. Yup. 1. Create the Pokemon 2. Set the Pokemon (I prefer in a PC box and not in Party) 3. Under 'Tools' select 'Code Generator' 4. Set Game and Language that the code is going on (Black 2 and your games language, Default is English) 5. Set the code activation button/buttons 6. Under 'Generate codes for' check 'Selected Pokemon' (the pokemon will be generated in the PC box/slot you set it) 7. Click 'Generate' 8. If more than one Pokemon is 'Set' then choose the Specific Pokemon you want from the drop down menu above the code to view that Pokemon's code. 9. If using AR Code Manager (recommended due to code lengths) Click 'Copy' then you can paste (Ctrl+V) into the Code Generator Note: Due to the Length of the codes you can only Generate codes for single Pokemon, not whole groups. It may be time consuming, but you should only try to activate 1 code at a time as using multiple codes with the same activation button can cause the game to crash.
  10. Bump, Kinda...Has this aspect been updated for 3.1.13 or is it still on the 'to-do' list?
  11. Note that this is a 3DS Compatible ARDSi...it is not compatible with 3DS games, it just allows the DS/DSi enhanced games to use an ARDSi while in a 3DS.
  12. A couple problems that will be encountered for Gen 6 games... 1. Nintendo will be using a banking level encryption on their Wi-Fi\Internet connection, which means there is unlikely to be any FakeGTS type sites compatible with Gen 6. 2. Datel (Action Replay makers) have stated that they are unable to decrypt the 3DS ROM protection so they cannot make a device that works on 3DS games. (The best they could do was make an AR device that allows DS/DSi games to still use an AR on the 3DS) 3 Save Modding uses a similar Decryption to what Datel would need so it is unlikely that Codr (or anyone) would be able to make PokeGen (or anything of similar function) Gen 6 Compatible. Off-topic...has a Paid version been released yet? I'm still running 3.1.10...haven't seen an update link for the paid version yet.
  13. On the 5th Tab in PokeGen (OT/Msc) there is a section called 'Extra bytes.' Certain Flags needed for Pokemon Generation can be set with these. What I have found so far Byte 66 (0x42) - Set to '1' for 'DW' (Dream World/Hidden Grotto) Flag on Abilities Byte 66 (0x42) - Set to '2' for "N's Pokemon" Flag Byte 66 (0x42) - Set to '3' for "N's Pokemon" Flag with 'DW' (Dream World/Hidden Grotto) Flag on Abilities Byte 135 (0x87) - Set to '1-255' for PokeStar Fame (not sure where shiny animation starts, 255 max) Got any others that you know? Post them and once I verify them I'll add them to this list!
  14. Saving to party/boxes is for a. people using flash carts instead of retail games, they are downloading their save files from the emulators and editing them. b. people creating Pokemon from scratch and then using the 'code generator' under 'tools' to make action replay codes to put the Pokemon into specific locations in their games. note: if you add Pokemon that you haven't encountered in game via an AR code it does not update your Pokedex with that Pokemon's information. You typically need to trade that poke to another game then get it back to update the Pokedex.
  15. Somebody must have hacked a code that muted us. Interesting... I thought I read (or misread probably) that some (but not all) Pokemon's Natures are Gender matched (i.e Poke 'A' must be 'Female' to have a 'Timid' Nature). I might be confusing 'Nature' with 'Characteristic' tho. I'll leave that to the people that actually know about those things as my ADD still hinders my ability to get past the learning curve before something shiny (double entendre only partially intended) appears.
  16. Lol, this is the first place I've seen anyone other than myself use the name Solunar...Anyways... Had this code from White1 (never saw it converted over to Black1) One Hit K.O. and Invincibility (in battle R-on, L-off) 62000e00 1c224c06 e2000e00 00000020 1c224c06 cc013230 d0024286 d1fa4294 2400e000 47004800 021b913d 022699c0 d0000000 00000000 521c6070 1c0e6868 94000130 fdff0000 021c6078 f860f7f3 d0000000 00000000 94000130 feff0000 021c6078 fec2f63a d2000000 00000000 Now I've only ever made one code and all I did was condense all the single berry codes into an all berry code when P/D came out so converting this is way beyond me. Is there anyone who can use this as a base to make a similar code for White2? Of course if anyone can convert it to work for Black1 and/or Black2 I'm sure everyone would be most appreciative. ~No more will wait with eyes of hate, and Souls and Hearts of gall; But purge this world of Light and Good, and Gods forgive us all...
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