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Everything posted by RubenPikachu

  1. I have updated the app, I finally fixed the import party, I was missing the save file checksum, now it is working Now I will be working on some details, first I will add the OT trash bytes in Pal Park which I'm missing for checking the legality of a gen 3 pkm, then I think I will add the remaining ribbons, and some things
  2. Yes, I'm writing it in .NET, I also got the pkm structure data here and at pp.org wiki, when you get to that version I will be glad to check out your pkm writer/editor :smile:
  3. Yes I could attach the app in a zip file in the first post... I will update the first post in a moment with the app attached
  4. <p><p><p><p><p><p>Thanks! :biggrin:</p></p></p></p></p></p>

  5. I got your point, you think that I was checking Pokegen for the layout, however to be honest I had a very basic layout which I used for testing loading Then the layout changed to this after some time When the app could read pkm files completely I changed the layout Finally I just arranged everything to be organized and with the new features became the current layout I'm glad that I logged every change in the app To clear things out, I didn't used Pokegen as a reference in layout, or anything, I just try to do this for fun and that people can use it :smile:
  6. First the two save entries the first is for saving a pkm and saving an encrypted pkm, the second entry is to use a save file, however it cannot save that is why it doesn't says save "save file", it only extracts the party pkm and imports it (the import function isn't working the checksum calculation is fine but I'm researching about it) The escape sequences, I know I'm not using 0x to indicate hexadecimal, however the first sequence is 0xFFFF and F only exists in hexadecimal pointing hexadecimal is used Refering Pokemon with species, well there are different species of Pokemon http://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Species Toggeable options, the options are saved in a .ini file and loaded, also the languages are coded and aren't in txt files Black (2) / White (2) I decided to use it when BW2 launched, Encounters aren't used in gen 5 so I had Black/White encounter and after researching that BW2 didn't use encounters, I updated the app to include the (2) The version changes are external I can modify them without the need of update, as well the event pkm downloader and the updater I hope this clears things up
  7. I'm not copying PokeGen and I'm not planning into copying it, I have been writing this app with research only, I was planning on making legality analysis while editing a pkm however the project became more extensive, and also I have included various features that aren't on Pokegen nor any other pkm editing program First are the trash bytes editing, some people don't understand what are trash bytes so editing them would be a problem, however I decided to add automatic trash bytes editing depending on the pkm info and also the nickname/evolution trash bytes for previous nickname trash bytes Second and I think the most important, all programs allow any pokemon to have any ability or none and any move, and the app has moveset legality analysis and only loads the abilities and moves the pokemon can learn The app has limited save file use, currently it can only export party pokemon, I'm not planning to add save file editing, only to import and export party, also I'm only planning to do the app for 5 gen only Finally the online features in the app aren't in any program (except updater of course), I think the event downloader is the best online tool in the app allowing everyone download event pkm and wonder cards However I know the app isn't complete I'm trying to improve it :smile:
  8. Someone sent me a bug report telling me that the Mystery Gift save card tool was disabled some time ago, I have finished the saving card feature... If there is a bug please report. Also I have added a pkm comparison to determine if two pkm files are the same or not, also added a public pkm downloader and uploader which enables everyone to upload their pkm files and share them, for those who want to upload his pokemon only to be available for him or share them for some people, I have added the private pkm, and I have added a working Chat
  9. I finished the wild/stationary PID generator :biggrin: but without shiny generator... (I'm working with it ) the generator is the same, it checks if the pokemon was hatched or not, if it was hatched it will generate an egg PID, if not it will generate a wild/stationary PID... I think I will also do a generator for Wonder Card and Reshiram/Zekrom later... I did some bug fixes and new features like level calculation according to the experience and pokerus (I'm not sure pokerus will work correctly due to strains :frown: use the bug reporter if there is a bug in the pokerus)
  10. Yes... however I haven't done any disassembly on a Pokemon game... if I cannot do the disassembly then I will try to observe more wild pokemon :frown: Also I have some ideas of how the PID is generated so it is worth to give them a try :smile:
  11. I'm checking PID of wild/stationary pokemon to check what I'm missing, I think I will try some disassembly for now to check more about wild/stationary PID generation... Thanks
  12. I checked out the PID generator, it seems that the app is running the egg PID generator, not the wild/stationary PID generator... which doesn't work :frown: I'm researching the 5 gen Standard PID creation, however because 5 gen has no PID/IV, I'm not sure which will be the seed I will use to find the PID... I know that Nature is generated in the PID process by a RNG call but I'm not sure when :confused: and I'm not sure how IV are generated but since there is no PID/IV I think the IV can be anything :confused: If someone knows, please tell me to start working with it :smile:
  13. I'm going to check it, I had some tests with wild pokemon and got valid results... :confused: I got a bug report from someone wondering why the save button is disabled or not working in Mystery Gift, it has been disabled because the app can only load them for now lol I'm working on it :wink:
  14. I have updated both 5 gen PID generators (in the app and the stand alone generator) to tell when no shiny PID was found
  15. Thanks I thought it was important to send bug reports with the pkm file and a screenshot to fix bugs more easily And thanks, I will try to update more this thread, I thought I couldn't double post lol Also I have added more trash bytes for nicknames, by evolving and nicknaming some pokemon and researching the thread http://projectpokemon.org/forums/showthread.php?15108-Escape-Sequence by cH053n I found out that some pokemon have trash bytes because of evolution and changing nicknames, so I have added a feature to create the trash bytes, giving the previous nickname(s) or the preevolved pokemon name(s) can generate the trash bytes (will add a screenshot in the first post), also if the pokemon has only been nicknamed once, the auto trash bytes will generate them automatically :wink: The pid generator works fine, it seems you were finding a shiny PID, however when the app reaches 100% the PID will not be shiny, I used the same ID and SID
  16. Sorry for double post, a lot of updates going (check first post for new features), added Legality analysis for all generations, also I decided that the moves loaded are from the pokemon moveset to avoid hacked movesets, also added automatic pal park trash bytes editing (missing OT through if anybody knows send me PM), also the app has a bug reporter with send .pkm file and a screenshot. The event pkm downloader is online, I am planning on using Project Pokemon event page to increase the list... and I'm working in saving cards for Mystery Gift :biggrin:
  17. Most data I took it from Bulbapedia since there I got the list by index number of items, moves and abilities, also I got some info from Project Pokemon Wiki in Black/White NDS Structure to load and save pkm files http://projectpokemon.org/wiki/Pokemon_Black/White_NDS_Structure For the move analysis I'm getting the data from everywhere because some doesn't include all pokemon that learn a move since gen 3 For now I updated the app, if a pokemon is loaded with a hacked ability, the app automatically changes the ability to the one that matches the PID and also I added loading with legality analysis, the legality analysis currently is for pokemon with origin in BW or BW2 games only Updated to BW2 http://www.mediafire.com/?cspcd1mgxwvk5rm
  18. I could add it, since the app fixes invalid sequence terminators, nicknames and ot would be always valid, also the 5 gen pid that are generated in the app are also valid according to pokecheck, and I plan to add a list of ability 1 and ability 2 to avoid Invalid PID due to ability in the PID Generator, after the move legality check and this, the app could be a 5 gen legality checker and a pkm reading and writing app :smile: I'm still working with the move analyses, I have written 91 moves, so it will take some time... Edit: I have updated the app, I fixed a bug, added more attacks making 150 in total and capable of only giving a pokemon abilities it can have
  19. The purpose of the app is to write pkm files, not create legality analyses, but it creates moveset legality analyses before saving the pkm file to create legal pokemon.
  20. Hi everyone, I would like to show you my app the Pokemon Data Checker, a Black/White and Black 2/White 2 pkm and save file editor Some of what the app can do: The app can do a legality analysis by loading a pkm file or while editing a pkm file Mystery Gift Card viewer and editor with pkm extractor Event Pokemon Downloader (includes .pkm and .pgf) with my event database and PP.org Event Database Pokemon Online/Showdown code to Current pkm and Current pkm to Pokemon Online/Showdown code Save File Editor with Battle Box viewer and many editors Note: Battle Box is used in official tournaments and Global Link, to avoid hacking in this box, the editor will not be able to edit the pkm inside this box, however you can save them into pkm files Legality tools: Moves are loaded as the pokemon moveset and the app moveset legality checks hacked movesets It gives valid trash bytes in nicknames and OT automatically for 5 gen version pokemon (still working for pal parked pkm in the OT trash bytes) From gen 3 to gen 5 PID generators that are loaded according to the pkm data to match it Current Version BW2 0.7.28 The app has an auto updater What is new? Known Issues: Invalid PID when checking 4 gen Wonder Card pkm and 5 gen Roamers/Shiny Event pkm To Do List: Add Hoenn Ribbons Add trash bytes for OT pal park Add Wonder Card PID check for gen 4 in legality analysis and Wonder Card 4 gen PID generator Planning for next version: - Want to contribute? If you want to contribute, please send me a PM, you can contribute with research for the following: -Nickname/OT trash bytes in Pal Parked pkm FAQ Needs .NET Framework 4 http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=17851 Any ideas are welcomed :biggrin: Research done: https://docs.google.com/folder/d/0B8raCj5bAhUNTjN4a0JlOU01Y2M/edit Pokemon Data Chec.zip
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