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About ShiniesRock

  • Birthday 08/09/1990
  1. Thanks.
  2. I need a code for my US Pokemon Platinum version. My computer does not support Japanese so I need someone to do this for me. I want my name on the game to be in Japanese. Here is the name that I want. ウルティモ Thanks.
  3. That is stupid. Why do people resort to selling Pokémon on eBay?
  4. My first shiny Pokemon was in my Pokémon Emerald version I was going to battle Team Magma and I found a shiny Geodude. I caught it.
  5. I pre-ordered both of the games.
  6. Yeah I take requests.
  7. It is my birthday today!
  8. Hello, I am ShiniesRock! I have known this site for quite a while, I just never thought of joining the forums to chat with people. Then I thought maybe I could help people if I joined. I know a lot of stuff about Pokesav. If you ever need help with something don't hesitate to ask. Thank you.:kikkoman:
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