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Everything posted by Cuber

  1. It seems if you drag and drop and pkm file into a box and don't view then set it, it won't save. I don't know if that's intentional for some reason.. but yeah. Found this out today when just trying to put some Pokémon from a folder on my PC back on a game...
  2. http://www.pokecheck.org/?p=detail&uid=137792 So today I was looking at my VGC Pokémon I used in the UK qualifiers to use them in this Japan cup (Mostly so I have some reference to remember which move is which when playing with them on a Japanese game lol).. but I noticed this now has an invalid PID, when it didn't before... o-o; So I was wondering what's changed in the past few months in terms of PID discoverys? Edit: Oops.. I just deleted the Pokémon forgetting I put that link here last night. x-x;
  3. http://dl.dropbox.com/u/10506630/PKM/Cranidos.pkm http://dl.dropbox.com/u/10506630/PKM/Zubat.pkm Hope these are good.
  4. Okay, here's 3 more.. I've got the pkm files by extracting the save and using Pokésav this time, last time I put them onto Pokécheck and downloaded the pkm file off it.. I'm not sure if that could have caused the inconsistentcy. http://dl.dropbox.com/u/10506630/PKM/Gastly.pkm http://dl.dropbox.com/u/10506630/PKM/wooper.pkm and finally.. a new Cleffa http://dl.dropbox.com/u/10506630/PKM/Cleffa2.pkm
  5. http://dl.dropbox.com/u/10506630/PKM/Cleffa.pkm A Japanese Cleffa from my Japanese Diamond version.. I hope that helps. Oh and here's the same Pokémon, except it has a 1 letter nick name this time.. http://dl.dropbox.com/u/10506630/PKM/z.pkm
  6. Using a cart.. have pics of my wonderful signed box to prove. ; (Why did they use black ink..) But um, I think I know what is going on now, you see I once ripped the save and tried it out on an English rom to see if it'd work.. I also stupidly used said rom to test this out first time. Is there anyway to reset this? >_>; Or have I screwed it up forever.
  7. I keep getting "Language or version mismatch with GTS metadata." with my Japanese black version, it's fine with my English white and I get "Available, pokécheck recorded this trainer on the GTS." It does have an explanation, but I don't really understand it to be honest. >_>; Here's two example Pokémon I put up.. my starters from each version. First of all from white http://pokecheck.kraftpaper.org/?p=detail&uid=122730 And then from black http://pokecheck.kraftpaper.org/?p=detail&uid=122732
  8. Sometimes I have it on, sometimes off... normally off, call me crazy but in a lot of places I prefer new. >_>;; And I played the original to death as a kid. It'd be cooler if they'd made it change the graphics too, lul.
  9. "invalid / evolved on other language game" maybe?
  10. Something I've been wondering is about the PID. If you edit the Pokémons IV's, nature ect without using a generated one of those.. does it notice the PID is wrong? I tend to trade Pokémon from a real game to a rom then edit it on the rom save (Just case I like using them like some sort of base). I also worry about legendaries, if they're any different.. there's like all these different PID generation methods. I think some are used for normal Pokémon and some for events.. I really worry about them being wrong, should I? I feel kind of bad making my team like this for this one.. but after going through all the breeding, EV's and stuff last year and being knocked out in round 1.. yeah. ;
  11. I don't think it ruined the game at all, I imported and it was awesome.. I think seeing all the new Pokémon online before playing the games would have ruined it more.. and I don't know if I could have held on that long.. Cause people seem to post them all the dang time. x-x; Confirmed... True?! Well that just ain't fair.
  12. Silly question and I hope I get an answer soon (As the real life I event I am planning this for is tomorrow ) but if I tell a card on Diamond or Pearl to share with Platinum, Heart Gold and Soul Silver.. it can right? It sounds silly, but I really just want to be sure.
  13. Is there anyway to extract wonder cards on Heart Gold or Soul Silver? Because for whatever reason the HG/SS pokesav doesn't let you edit the events bit... Edit: Also just trying Pokégen 3.0b16 now, it seems to suddenly close after like 30 seconds for some reason. :confused: and 2.312 closes instantly. Edit2: Okay they work on my virtual OS so I guess it's my computer with that one closing.. doesn't seem to do wonder cards anyway though..
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