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Posts posted by Kaarosu

  1. So yeah just a LITTLE delayed introduction... but it's better late than never? Anyways I'm Kaarosu, I've gone by many names over the past years and I still do but I use Kaarosu these days since that's what I was told my name sounds like in Japanese. Anyways I'm just a random person that enjoys random things. Quite interesting right? Either way Hello to you all!:bidoof::kikkoman:

  2. As much fun a pokemon MMORPG would be I don't think it would produce enough profit for Nintendo to give it serious thought. Because they'd be out there competing with World of Warcraft and all of those other well established MMORPGs out there. And as far as I can recall Nintendo has no expirience when it comes to MMORPGs.

  3. all of your questions can be answered if you actually read the first post in this thread. I'm sure your lazyness can cope with a click or two more. As for the PID/IV generator I don't think they'll worry about that at the moment since there is a program that does that on its own already (Search the forums if you really want it)

  4. I used Vista, the initial release was quite buggy yeah. Once SP1 came out for vista all the bugs that I had went away and just ran smoothly. That's basically why MS is bringing out Windows 7 because people still avoid Vista because of its first release. But if you do get it you'll be fine as long as you actually keep your computer up to date.

  5. Am I the only one who fails to see what the 'debate' is here?

    Either way I shall randomly rant for I grow bored.

    As for the origin of the phrase, as far as I knew it was due to the fact that in earlier days if women were allowed to walk behind a man they'd be able to run away so in order to keep an eye on them the phrase women first came to be. Another theory I heard was that when Moses was instructed to inform the people of Israel about the Torah, he was told to "speak to the house of Jacob, and tell the sons of Israel." Since the house of Jacob appears first in the instructions, and it refers to women, the theory follows that Moses had to speak first with the ladies.

    I for one was raised as a gentleman and open doors for women and all that 'sweet' stuff. Is it sexist? To some yeah it is but I don't think it's a big deal if a woman doesn't like that sort of stuff and is 'big girl' that can take care of herself they should just voice it. Either way that ends my random rant.


    For the record I don't consider myself a gentleman just because I tend to be an ass :grog:(ass =/= refined == not a gentlemen)

  6. R.I.P. MJ, May you not come back as a zombie. (yes I went there)

    Anyways he made some great music and influenced a lot of today's artists, sucks that he passed away but that's just how life goes he will forever be remembered through his music.

    Off topic: Floot, not everyone is required to be a fanatic about MJ. They can feel the same way you feel about the Jonas brothers (except I doubt they wish for them to die like you do) So don't try to push your beliefs on other people, I'm pretty sure you've been warned/told about this plenty of times in both IRC and the forums.

  7. Again with the why question. I already explained it in the post. They adopt, convert the kid, and the immorality will continue. Not to mention, they can't bring kids to the Earth. Two men or two women can't have a baby, and that must mean sexual intercourse was meant for the opposite sex. If you don't agree, buy two magnets. Try to stick them together on the same side. They will push each other apart. The second you let go of one of them, the magnet will immediately twist around and connect with its opposite. Just goes to show you that two of the same sex, will only lead to being disliked. You see, as a metaphor, the magnet you don't let go is the world, the one that can't connect is a homosexual person. The world rejects this person for being abnormal, and will never connect if it stays the same. Sam sex marriages don't contribute to life. They can't make a baby, they can't teach a child good things, they don't deserve to be married. This is very mean, I know, but I just think it's immoral.

    I would like you site your sources on this Floot, hearing it from your teacher/mom doesn't count here. I know of people who have been adopted by a couple of the same sex. And they haven't been turned gay, yeah they've been picked on while they went to school but only by the ignorant homophobes. Which are a small minority compared to everyone else, most people after getting to know them had no problem with their upbringing. Yeah in some cases some kids have not been able to handle getting picked on and even committed suicide, but not because their parents were gay but because of all the little homophobes who made their life impossible. But those few people do not represent the WHOLE world. Using magnets as a metaphor to explain how a kid would grow up under those sort of conditions is just stupid, you can't compare human thought process to magnets. I'm perfectly fine with same sex marriages not contributing to life, at least this way the children from traditional marriages that have been forgotten can at least have a second chance. The world is very different from what you imagine it to be floot but I guess that's one of the disadvantages of being homeschooled, you don't know how things really work. It's very mean I know, but I just think it's immoral (ignorance that is)

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