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Everything posted by english09

  1. Hi all, I'm currently trying to edit my Generation 4 games' Hall of Fame data, is there any program out there that allows me to do this? Thanks in advance, - english09
  2. Quick Question: If a Japanese event Wondercard (such as the Shiny Jirachi that was distributed some time ago) is redeemed and the Pokemon received on a Japanese cartridge that's language is set to English, will the Pokemon be generated with an English name? (whilst still having the Japanese OT obviously)
  3. Could someone please post a .pkx file of the Maxsoft Arceus that was just distributed? Thanks in advance
  4. Nostalgia Moment: I still remember the days when this site used to be called... Oh what was it? Pokesav.org if I'm not mistaken? Back then it was Generation 4 and everyone was hacking and pokesav-ing their D/P/Pl/HG/SS games. This place was bustling! My video game hobby growing up as a teen wasn't simply Pokemon, it was playing around with Pokesav, and then eventually Pokegen, to get the most out of the games. Those were the days I was much younger then, more carefree.
  5. english09

    PKHeX on Mac

    Hey all, I am currently trying to run PKHeX on my mac using wine (the latest version) but it always gets stuck on the loading screen. Does anyone know how to fix this? And please don't just say "get bootcamp/parallels" as those cost a lot of money and are a pain to install. Thanks
  6. Hey there, I'm using a Mac computer and I can't seem to get PKHeX to work with Wine. Every time I try to open PKHeX with wine, it simply doesn't open, and it gets stuck on "Starting up PKHeX" (this also happens when I try to bundle it with WineBottler). Any suggestions for this (other than a virtual machine/bootcamp)? Thanks
  7. Is the Type 1 PID for this Charizard OK if it was "hatched" in Firered? https://www.pokecheck.org/?pk=6428885
  8. Nvm found the solution you can close this sry for the inconvenience
  9. Hello all, I was wondering if someone could help me with legalizing the OT trash bytes of this Charizard I have as I have a mac and therefore cannot download the trashbytes.exe program to fix them. Is there anybody out there that could possibly run it through the program for me? Thank you so much for your time, E. Charizard_Test..pkm
  10. Hello all, I was wondering if someone would please run the 5 Pokemon bellow through a legality checker to see what the problem is, but I think I already know what it is, and its the Trash Bytes. So my Main request would be to have them be run through the Trash Byte normalizer as I do not have a windows computer. Thank you for your time
  11. Hello all, I was wondering if someone would please run the 5 Pokemon bellow through a legality checker to see what the problem is, but I think I already know what it is, and its the Trash Bytes. So my Main request would be to have them be run through the Trash Byte normalizer as I do not have a windows computer. Thank you for your time
  12. I am currently looking for a completed Pokemon Black 2/White 2 Save file that I may use for my game in order to use the new Move Tutors instead of playing through the whole game in japanese.
  13. I am currently looking for a completed Pokemon Black 2/White 2 Save file that I may use for my game in order to use the new Move Tutors instead of playing through the whole game in japanese.
  14. Hello all, I am currently looking for a completed Pokemon Black 2/White 2 Save file that I may use for my game in order to use the new Move Tutors instead of playing through the whole game in japanese.
  15. oh could i also get the link? thank you
  16. Can i give it the proper capitalization without setting a nickname flag?
  17. Hello, as some of you may already know, when you transfer a Pokemon from D/P/Pt/HG/SS, if it does not have a nickname flag it keeps the letters in its name all caps (even though it does not have a nickname flag). Obviously this is a game error. What way is there that i can have these Pokemon's names be in proper capitalization (only the first letter capitalized) without having a nickname flag? BTW I have access to everything (AR, Pokegen, Pokesav etc..)
  18. If you edited it with either Pokesav or Pokegen you might have done something wrong. Open your save file in whatever program you used to edit it, go through your box and search for any possible mistakes or glitches that may have made your game crash. Fix or Delete whatever you find is not 'right', save the file, then load it back into your game.
  19. You don't have to buy a new game or anything you just need to restart with a new save file, the AR doesn't engrave traces into the game cart, just the current save file.
  20. I have downloaded that program literally over 10 times and none of them worked because it said one of the files was missing or one of its dependancies was missing.
  21. Ok, so I have been recently using the online Pokemon Maker to create codes to generate Pokemon in my Pokemon Firered game, and i was wondering, is it normal for the charizard that i created to say 'met in a fateful encounter [hatched: four island]'?
  22. so NAME FF 00 00 00 is ok and so is NAME FF FF FF FF for OT and nicknames?
  23. Wait I just loaded a starly into pokesav and nicknamed it and saved. then I looked at it in pokegen and it was fine
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