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  1. Totally would help if you included your discord information.
  2. Don't look for FRIENDS in the tiny rooms. If the ROM hack is glitched and gives no encounters for that room, then just play on an unmodified copy of the game to obtain them, as this hack has not been updated in 10+ years.
  3. A-Save is a separate program you can download. Without seeing your save file (via upload), can't know for sure. Again, if multiple editors reject it, then it likely isn't a valid dump.
  4. In the unmodified game, the forms you mentioned spawn in different rooms. Could it be you're not looking in the right map?
  5. The Block Editor allows for changing tons of flags, but it is no replacement for regular gameplay progression.
  6. Check if they are indeed valid backups of your save file, and of the standard format that isn't compressed in any way. Try checking other save editors like A-Save; if it doesn't work in multiple editors, then it's likely your save file being bad.
  7. No. Nothing of the sort exists for prior games either.
  8. why not just use a save file editor like PKHeX and limit yourself to only add/change what you feel is right?
  9. Have you progressed any bit within the game, like received your starter pokemon?
  10. PKHeX does not change anything about the real time clock data that emulators append to the end of the save data. If your emulator does something funky when loading the save file like looking at the date modified, that's on them. Again, nothing is touched by PKHeX, it's an emulator issue.
  11. PKHeX does not support ROM hacks. This ROM hack in particular has changed how the data is saved in the savedata.bin, so it's essentially an entirely separate game as the regular data structures cannot read the data the same way. They have a fork of PKHeX that adjusts the code to read their variant, but it is not supported or discussed here.
  12. Nope; if it's a misassigment by HOME or by the user, PKHeX will flag it. You can fix it by putting them back in HOME and retrieving them. I'm not changing that priority. As previously mentioned, official glitches are still flagged by PKHeX. Invalid move PP, bottle caps, etc, still flagged.
  13. They need to be handled by the OT (not the HT), since they're from your save file. PKHeX flags incorrect states; this could very well have been a bug with early versions of HOME and fixed. Same as the Gold Bottle Cap issue that GameFreak later fixed, it is better to flag the incorrect state and get the user to fix their error, as you need to consider that 99% of people who encounter this error in the present day are because they generated data incorrectly instead.
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