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  1. Your save file size (0x1F880) is not the same as that mentioned in the linked GitHub issue (0x1FFF0). It is 0x790 bytes too small from what has been document as "usual" save file sizes. If you are able to determine why your emulator is under-sizing the save data relative to other emulators, please share that info. Otherwise, you can try manually padding the file size in a hex editor to one of the expected sizes (0x1FF00 or 0x20000) and your file loads in the program.
  2. Thanks, fixed on latest commit: https://github.com/kwsch/PKHeX/commit/ca03311d212a7ef395a674fe8eaec6634e76a757
  3. There isn't a suggestion for that. Added in latest commit: Add $suggest for friendship properties · kwsch/PKHeX@5376d44 Try on the development build.
  4. The "9" character is just 0xFF, the maximum value for a byte. An ID of FFFF is 65535. Probably just data corruption that FF'd a chunk of your save data.
  5. For these events with a fixed Ability/Nature/Gender, they're distributed with a specific PID. If the faked PID/PGT is giving the wrong ability, then it would need to be corrected with the right PID.
  6. Can't know for sure because I don't think the PCD was ever contributed. It might be a fake of a fake. The original PGT had Chlorophyll for both the PID%2 as well as the AbilityID in the pkm data.
  7. Open it in a hex editor and it's obvious it's not a Gen4 save file.
  8. Moved from PKHeX, as PKHeX uses the EventsGallery to source pcd redemptions. I traced the origin of the data (originally committed as a reconstructed `pgt` file, then later converted to PCD then WC4): Adds reconstructed pikachu cafe tangrowth · projectpokemon/EventsGallery@4962acf · GitHub Was uploaded with a fixed PID and ability of Chlorophyll. I'm not sure the other sites you've referenced are correct. Serebii has no event data logged, and I found another site which indicates it is Chlorophyll instead of Leaf Guard: Viewing Event Pokémon Details - PocketMonsters.Net
  9. When did the encounter become available, and when did the program last update?
  10. PKHeX's word filter is proactive in that the most recent word filters (Nintendo Switch) will also be used to check in the contexts of Generation 6 and 7. Why is it this way? To warn you in advance that it will be flagged/blocked when transferred to future games, and/or OT names/nicknames will be wiped on trade. Additionally, the program is retroactive and will check previous contexts (like Gen5) if the entity has passed through that context. You can toggle a setting within the program to only use the current context's word filter.
  11. Well, it's not legitimate, it's illegal. The program is working as intended. This thread is for reporting unmodified-game Pokemon; having any cheat codes active or modifying something to be shiny is not legitimate.
  12. Hacked raid? Shouldn't be shiny.
  13. You can adapt the script that I posted and see that my other post (that you quoted) is true -- your request is too statistically improbable that there is no seed that can generate what you want, not even for any nature. If you're too lazy to tweak a script, I've attached a csv for you to manually filter and pick whatever spread you want. How did I create it? I just had the script save the output without filtering for shiny. wish_ralts.csv
  14. Open your save file in a hex editor and you'll see it's a repeating pattern of FF FF 00 00 (with the latter 2 bytes sometimes being FF). There is nothing that can be recovered from the save file that you have uploaded. Try cleaning your cartridge's contacts, and dump again. If it looks the same in the hex editor, then all data is truly lost.
  15. Save twice in game. Delta is known to not give fresh initial save files.
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