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Everything posted by formlesstree4

  1. Not necessarily...there's a long story as to why that probably won't. But yes, Shiny2 tells the game the Pokemon file was rejected even though it actually was accepted.
  2. Set the mode to distribution and point it to either the folder or file you want to send back.
  3. Primary. Leave the secondary blank.
  4. Leave IP to auto-obtain, and for the DNS on your DS, put the one in the red box.
  5. Your Primary DNS server is actually supposed to be the one in the Red box, not the yellow one.
  6. Ah see. I have no idea honestly. I'm just guessing. It still technically shouldn't have a problem if you use an internal IP address since it still routes to the proper location. Now it falls on their firewall on either their router (Port forwarding), or something on their computer, whether it be a firewall or another program that utilizes port 80.
  7. The 3DS might override the DS settings if the DS settings can't work. I don't know man. -shrugs- I don't own a 3DS to test it out. All I'm aware of is that you need to adjust the DS settings for it to work. When I get a 3DS, well, if I get a 3DS, I'll see what I can do. Until then, though, you're unfortunately on your own. I can only offer suggestions. Try temporarily disabling your router security and try again with your DS settings. If they work, then perhaps that might be what you need, otherwise I think the 3DS might just give a connection without the ability to modify the options, which would be horribly stupid programming on nintendo's part.
  8. Receiving might be borked in the latest version, I can't remember. Your 3DS needs to have the DS Wifi Options adjusted, not the regular WiFi options adjusted. I found this out second hand from somebody else.
  9. As far as I know, it works. The GTS protocol has not changed for B/W 2.
  10. Did you bother reading the FAQ? It answers the question there.
  11. Unfortunately without further information I can't exactly tell you what's wrong. It can be a slew of things, from a simple as port forwarding on your local machine, to your firewall still interfering, to the DSi just being a pain in the tush. If you're distributing locally, you need to get the IP address that your router gave to you. However, if you are -not- going local, you can use the simple "Detect IP" button and it'll do it for you. As for your DSi options, the Primary DNS Server should match the IP address that you put into Shiny2. One of these days I'm going to get a tutorial around to actually setting this thing up for you guys.
  12. afaik, not really. I haven't done more research though since 0.9.7 seems to be really stable as is. Here it is. You'll need WinPcap to utilize the WiFi. Disable anything else that creates additional networks [removes interference].
  13. No problem. Always nice to hear it again
  14. Kill the process and delete any text files and INI files in the directory. When you run it again, let me know the errors, if any appear. I'm working on a new interface that'll be a bit better to work with.
  15. Officially it doesn't work. Unofficially, you have to either: 1) Compile it yourself [with some flags set, iirc (if I recall correctly)]. 2) Find a precompiled version. I have a version that's compiled, but is 0.9.7, and 64 bit only. I might be able to find the 32 bit version as well. If you all are interested, I'll link it when I get home.
  16. I honestly have no idea as haven't been able to try White 2 just yet (so I can't see if anything has really changed, but my sources have told me things haven't). I haven't changed anything since I first built Shiny2; it's literally sending the same data as IR-GTS. Can you send me the Pokemon files you're having issues with? I'll try running them through my local copy of Shiny2. Try ticking the verbose option inside the settings and running it again.
  17. Actually no. The Wireless support is simply desmume binding to winpcap and attempting to transfer packets back and forth. It works to a point, but it still has holes here and there.
  18. Thanks for the support! I've also finally wrote in code to detect whether or not a request submitted is a DS or not.
  19. Ahh I misunderstood your post. Yes, Shiny2 or ShinyGTS/DTS will do what you want. If you have any questions, feel free to let me know.
  20. You can always look at implementing my GTS system; it's got a lot of the work done. It's located here if you're interested.
  21. I have not stopped working on this! As far as I know, Shiny2 is 100% compatible with Black 2 and White 2. I'm working on more stability updates as well as an update to the template system, so hopefully that will be out soon.
  22. If you can find a version of DesMUmE with "Wireless" support, and do a few things, you can theoretically get it to work. I myself have gotten real close to getting it to work; it actually communicates but dies out eventually. It can work, but you have to do a lot of things to make it work.
  23. Ruben, look into this for using Veekun's database.
  24. Right click -> Run As Administrator.
  25. Most error codes are not caused by either PokeGts.us, or a distribution program like HyperGTS, IR-GTS, Shiny2, or ShinyGTS/DTS if they are configured correctly. It's usually a communication error from Nintendo's servers which are probably constantly being worked by the hundreds of thousands of requests it gets per day. Thank you boogie for the assistance.
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