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Everything posted by Antidote

  1. Poryhack, the length of the cable has no bearing on what data is transmitted, also thats an ADAPTER not a cable, if you look it has a FEMALE connector not a male.
  2. yeah, all you need is a standard USB-A and a Mini-B adapter and your set. http://www.amazon.com/USB-Female-Mini-Male-Adapter/dp/B0016RNX2I/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=electronics&qid=1278103298&sr=1-1 ^ 1 cent !!!
  3. lol, try resetting your router to the factory defaults and go from there.
  4. Ah, you know you could have gotten that particular type of connector for $2 at a local Radio shack? I have an adapter which came with a cheap 12 dollar camera.
  5. It may be an odd configuration in your router.
  6. What he means is, if your not going over the internet it's absolutely pointless to waste resources and forward a port to the loopback (which is what happens when to do a local forward)
  7. There are several different types of Mini USB. There are USB-A and USB-B in the large form factor THEN there are three different USB Mini-B (two are proprietary) USB-Mini B: http://www.usbcable.com/cat8.htm
  8. For now. People are looking into ways to create a working Mystery Gift server, so far not much progress has been made but maybe in the future.
  9. You didn't cause any problems. Guested think about it, pokemon data is only 136 or 236 bytes in size it's not too much of a stretch to believe that pokewalker has at LEAST that much memory, also if the data isn't stored how does the Pokewalker know when a pokemon has leveled up?
  10. Exactly which means we now need to find someone willing to try the first method, I don't have the experience required to pull off such a trick however I'm sure someone here does. As for the second method, it sounds like it'll be less complicated but still have more things that can go wrong. The first method is as simple as "It works or it doesn't"
  11. Knowing GAMEFREAK they will certainly find use for those "unused" bytes. anyway any luck on figuring this out?
  12. And there is the verdict. So basically sending a pidgey to the pokewalker then teaching the same pidgey in the game Fly would break the check and allow you to safely clone it?
  13. You can't trade ANY pokemon with a special ribbon on it.
  14. A good way to test it is get a random pokemon you don't care about and try.
  15. It was the program i was using then because I didn't see the SSLv3 handshake. And trust me I looked at all the relevant packets. It seems to miss a packet or two sometimes.
  16. I've looked at some packets from the Mystery Gift/Wonder Card and i didn't see anything to lead me to believe that it's using SSL However it could be the software i'm using which is Wireshark.
  17. The psychologist is down the road ;P Nah, there is a converter laying around the forum somewhere do a search for it. EDIT: Here is the source to a quick ARDS Max .duc converter I wrote. /* * Created by SharpDevelop. * User: phillip * Date: 6/23/2010 * Time: 11:44 AM * * To change this template use Tools | Options | Coding | Edit Standard Headers. */ using System; using System.IO; namespace Converter { class Program { public static void Main(string[] args) { try { using (BinaryReader r = new BinaryReader(new FileStream(args[0], FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read))) { char[] chr = r.ReadChars(4); if (chr[0] != 'A' && chr[1] != 'R') throw new InvalidDataException("Not a valid ARDS duc file"); r.BaseStream.Seek(0x1F4, SeekOrigin.Begin); byte[] data = r.ReadBytes((int)(r.BaseStream.Length - r.BaseStream.Position)); using (BinaryWriter w = new BinaryWriter(new FileStream(args[0]+".sav", FileMode.OpenOrCreate))) { w.Write(data); } } Console.WriteLine("Conversion successful"); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine("Oops an error occurred: " + e.Message); } Console.Write("Press any key to continue . . . "); Console.ReadKey(true); } } }
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