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Everything posted by Midna312

  1. I'm a fan of horror movies and I'm also completley immune to nightmares when I watch them.Sorry,I never post down because I dont know how to, but here are my favorite horror movies: Anaconda 4 the blood orchid, Dragon Wars, Cabin Fever, King Corbra, Mega Snake, Sabor Tooth Tiger, and King Cobra VS. Komodo Dragon. I personaly recamend that movie,youll see why when you watch it.Watch Si-Fy on saturdays and it MIGHT be on.
  2. Dear Mr. Celebi, you are banned because you like grass type pokemon.Have a nice day.
  3. Dear PokeMaster1237, you are banned because you spelled having wrong.
  4. Dear Riolu Aura Sphere Now,you are banned because your nice day turned into a not so nice day.
  5. you are banned for not respecting me.
  6. I'm probalby the only person to say Riolu's full username lol! Finnaly I said it short! From now on is it ok if I call you Riolu instead of Riolu Aura Sphere Now?
  7. you are banned for not knowing what your talking about.
  8. You are banned because the pokemon in your avatar has two forms.
  9. Hey! Dont say that! It gets me mad! Im really tough too! I deafeated everyone I battled on pp exept Riolu Aura Sphere Now!
  10. Is that bad? I have a bad feeling about this...
  11. He probably means how the lines change in AR codes.
  12. Why is there big news about this event now? I already did it months ago...
  13. Pokemon because it is fastinating world of wonderous things and gives me this feeling like it is the best thing in the world!
  14. You are banned for saying what I meant to say.
  15. How did you know this? However there are some things I only know hehehe...
  16. Which do you like better? Mine is Lugia because it...Just is. So once again,which is your fav?
  17. You are banned for saying the same thing over and over.
  18. Arrrgh! Cant think of any...
  19. Hello welcome to pp!
  20. I forgot about Giratina's origin form!
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