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Posts posted by Bond697

  1. Hello Bond697. Here's rav3n_zero from Smogon. I've seen this thread, downloaded everything, and was checking sometimes, but couldn't find a chance to contribute. As I downloaded this week's distribution, here's a list of what I caught:

    - Adamant Scrappy Kangaskhan(S);

    - Modest Hydration Phione(S);

    - Impish Clear Body Regice (Premier Ball);

    - Timid Levitate Unown(S)(Premier Ball);

    - Timid Levitate Azelf(S)(Premier Ball);

    - Modest Chlorophyll Cherubi(S);

    - Timid Unburden Drifloon(S);

    - Bold Run Away Eevee(S).

    ...after that I got that Kangaskhan again (and re-tested just to be sure getting an Azelf this time). So if there's more than that, I wouldn't know.

    Can't really say about IVs or EVs because I don't have an AR. I'd have to send them to .pkm files to check, and I have to sleep now.

    But the main reason for posting was to say: thank you.

    ~See ya.

    protip: the pkm files are at the top of post #2. :)

    (also jmw, bond697 == mat924)

  2. because pmge has some of the data wrong. i'm honestly not sure why mine shows up right and yours does not, as they should all show up wrong as key items.

    e: well, i'm sure of why, but i don't know why mine had that byte changed, as i literally opened it up in pmge and exported and that was it...

    anyway, i re-ripped the card from the save and it had the byte set right and it shows up as a key item also. not sure what was up there, but at least it won't have any effect when using the wondercard.

  3. Is there anything that would limit the 2^32 PIDs or is any PID possible?

    PIDs are generally created using the upper half of the 64-bit seed that the rng generates. So it's still 32-bit, but the PID and natures aren't correlated like they were and IVs aren't either. any nature with any IVs with any PID, so far as anyone knows yet. It doesn't look like there are any limitations,(as in, method j/k from method 1) either.

    the difference is that the rng that determined the egg attributes last gen now determines IVs for everything but mystery gifts. it's called at a certain point before the pid is generated, but they advance differently and apart from eachother.

    Slowly? I was referring to generation 4 games. This was noticed months ago, if not over a year.

    oh, i thought you were referring to gen 5. interesting, i've never heard of anything like that.

  4. Do you have a PID-IV thing already implemented? I was under the impression from your posts that you didn't but I haven't used any kind of save editor recently. If I were you I'd let other people who actually want to do the work on BW's algorithm do it and implement it when they're done.

    I forgot about the GTS trick, I stand corrected. I still hold to the final sentence of my last post however.

    there is almost no pid-iv association at all any more. any iv spread can go with any PID. this isn't true for mystery gifts, but everything else does it that way. the only thing he would have to worry about is the different PID generation methods and those are mostly just XORs of the upper32 bits of the next seed advancement.(also different for mystery gift but still rather simple) we're also still finalizing egg PIDs and wild PIDs.

    egg pids are just upper32 - 0x01, but it seems to be random where it grabs the u32 from. the lowest we've seen is 10 past the current seed and the highest is 32 seeds past.

    wild pids are also still a bit of a problem. the formula is supposed to be 1 rng advancement then grab the current upper 32 bits. if the highest and lowest bit of that upper32 bits is equal, XOR by 0x00010000. if they are not equal, then XOR by 0x80010000. however, while that formula seems to work for most, some people(myself included) are finding that the formula is the exact opposite for them. for us, equal upper and lower means an XOR by 80010000. so we're still figuring some things out. once we're done, i'll gladly pass along a list.

  5. Unless I misunderstood what you said, no it wouldn't, as it's essentially already there.

    you're right, i was thinking you would need to add in the seed shifts for sync and ability and encounter slots and stuff, but there actually isn't much. nature can be most anything(because syncs don't change the PID any more) and IVs come from somewhere else. ability 0/1 is the same as it was in gen4, shiny check is the same, and that's really about it. most everything else is on the player.

  6. Well nothing's gonna be too easy for you as a programmer. I see where you're coming from but I just don't think it's very relevant to everyone else when there are already tools out that that will handle the relationship. If you feel so strongly, don't implement it I guess.

    It's not true of BW yet but I think with Bond & co.'s work on the RNG we're getting pretty close.

    When you think about it the vast majority of players have a very good reason not to cheat; they don't have any means to. I admit that not cheating isn't a solution, but at least it isn't furthering the problem like you're suggesting.

    most of the pokemon data this gen(aside from IVs which are generated separately for all but mystery gift) comes from the 4 rng calls leading up to and the 4 calls after the seed where the pokemon is encountered.(i.e. frame 0) if you look at pidrng's output, we get it all on one line by shifting around the rng calls column by column based on an implementation of that rng running forwards and backwards. it really would be a pain to get implemented in pokegen. if it was me, i would probably just make sure all the pkm data was working correctly,(nicknames, et al) and then let people fill in their own correct data from pidrng or rng reporter(once it comes out and replaces pidrng :) ).

  7. hi all , Bond just want to say thanks for all your hard work and the pokemon recieved.

    i 've been quietly following this thread for a while and its time to say thanks and offer my help in getting the gen 5 pokemon into the game.

    so if any of you want the 5th gen pokemon made available by Bond I'll trade them to you as i can get them into my game.

    this is cool. thanks for the service.

  8. you need to convert it to the .sav format no$ uses. that or change the .ini that contains no$'s settings to use uncompressed saves.

    if you want to edit the ini, here an excerpt from mine:

    SAV/SNA File Format == UnCompressed

    just use that setting and you should be good.

  9. We've been working on this tool over the last few days. It is able to predict all possible PIDs for a given seed using all of the methods of PID generation that are currently known:

    -Wild pokemon


    -Pokemon eggs

    -Mystery Gift pokemon



    -Mystery Gift(+ivs since they're done via the same random number generator)

    -Gen 5 LCRNG advance and reverse

    -Gen 4 LCRNG advance and reverse

    -Gen 3 features still to come

    PIDRNG can also identify shiny pokemon in all of these cases. Along with shininess, it will output all possible PIDs for any generation method where one seed can result in more than one PID. For finding one's seed(s), it comes with the checking codes built in with instructions. It can also manipulate the seeds and PIDs for easy conversion back and forth between hexadecimal and decimal number systems.

    Credit to Bond697, ToastPlusOne, and Kaphotics

    Download he latest version here:


    And the source:


  10. I sincerely need your help. I have Hyper GTS, and set it up fine. I cannot connect to it via my external IP, but Myself, my wife and my son all connected and downloaded pokemon on our DS's. I want to set this up for my friends across the country to get some of the awesome stuff that mat and bond offer here, but I know nothing of port forwarding, I can access my router of course, but don't know where to go from there. Also, I need answers to what IP to use for people out of my LAN? the External? I have Verizon High speed internet, and I do not think my ports are blocked, but every time I try to "ping" 53 & 80 with PFportchecker, it hits the router than says it's blocked, so obviously people from the outside cannot get to my GTS....what am I doing wrong here? and can anyone walk me thru like I am an idiot on port forwarding? as I have no clue!!! I tried googling it, got info, but do not understand it at all!

    My router is a Linksys WRT54G2 V1, and my modem is from Verizon, a westell G90-610015-20.

    any help I can get is appreciated

    your ports likely aren't blocked per se, but how is anyone supposed to get to the computer with hyperGTS on it if your router doesn't know where to send them? thus, forwarding ports. :)

    forwarding port 80:


    for port 53, do the exact same thing, but use 53 instead of 80 and do it on the next line down under your setup for port 80.

    the IP you forward to is the IP address of the computer that hyperGTS is running on.

    e: for what IP to give others, go to http://www.whatismyip.com and use that one.

  11. i was thinking that it would be good since since this app is already pretty well known. legal is already well-recognized and accepted, so why introduce something new when you could update this with the last few events necessary for 4th gen and leave it at that? it's not a matter of understanding the relationships at all, that isn't an issue.

    actually, considering how PIDs and IVs are generated for 5th gen mystery gift stuff, there's a relationship there too. So i guess you could add in some 5th gen stuff after all.

    me personally, i do agree that they're basically worthless.

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