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Posts posted by Bond697

  1. ok, new stuff is going up in about 30 seconds. please keep in mind that the charmander, bulbasaur, and torchic were edited into my hgih link and then rng abused. they're the equivalent of injected wondercards from gen 4. all the work to get the poke was odne by me after it was added to my save. even though it's the same as an edited in wondercard, you should at least let the people you trade with know that they weren't obtained via an actual password from nintendo. they're not hacked or anything and they were obtained/rng-ed normally, just the method of adding them to the save wasn't normal. as always

  2. hope this is not off topic,

    but how were you guys able to change your Nintendo WFC Settings for Pokemon B/W?

    Whenever I tap Nintendo WFC Settings I get this error before I can input anything:

    Please configure your connection settings under the Internet option in the system settings

    for help, visit support.nintendo.com

    Like it doesn't give me any options, just the error right away.

    I went to the Nintendo forums and called customer support, but they have informed me that that's completely normal. That as long as my DSi has a working Internet Connection, I can go on Wi-Fi.

    Yes, all of the official Wi-Fi features work (online battle, trading, official GTS) but without being able to change my WFC settings, I cannot connect to any non-official GTS Distributions.

    I'm asking here because Nintedo says that everyone gets that error, but you guys have gotten the GTS to work so I'm guessing that you know how to get around it.

    T_T I really want those shinies.


    apparently it only happens with the DSi.

    it's because you're playing on a dsi. you need to configure your connection from the system settings menu before you boot the game. once you do that, you can change your dns settings there and connect to me.

  3. Bond, it works, but with the files you have in zip marked 5, I think they were exctracted wrong, as they have the JP name, but then also have that same name in the Nickname box and it was checked!!!!

    this caused an error about files size and would not allow these files to be sent on the new Shiny GTS....

    that's fine, i've been meaning to fix them. it's a problem with one of the old versions of pokegen.

  4. It does not support .pkm which is named in Japanese.. ><

    you can send japanese pokemon to your DS just fine. i just had a dozen people download a japanese snivy from me. if you'e erroring out, try decreasing the file name of the .pkm file. i noticed that ir-gts just crashed when someone connected when i gave it my pkm with the full file name. when i renamed it to "test.pkm" it sent fine.

  5. I basically have the first problem you mentioned

    File "C:\Python27\lib\socket.py", line 224, in meth

    return getattr(self._sock,name)(*args)

    error: [Errno 10013] An attempt was made to access a socket in a way forbidden by its access permissions

    I'm on Windows 7 Home Premium and was wondering if anyone knows how to allow the port to be used, as I don't think it has anything to do with administrative issues.

    it sounds like something is already using the port. do you have skype or steam or IIS running? if so, kill them and try again. if not, go ahead and reboot and immediately run the app once the PC boots. if that doesn;t do it, you should probably go into msconfig and disable anything that isn't vital(basically, disable almost everything) and then reboot and try again. at that point it should work. then you can go through msconfig re-enabling stuf again until you figure out what was doing it.

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