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Posts posted by Bond697

  1. DW Porygon at Nintendo's site

    There's going to be an "Analyze" Porygon available soon along with a Porygon C-Gear skin. It is going to come as part of a guide costing 850 yen which will be about connections of some sort. There will also be a Porygon 2 doll available for houses in the Dream World.


    It will be released May 18, 2011 and the serial number will be usable until April 26, 2012.

  2. I dont know if its because of Pokegen, I created some legal pokemon and battled like 1 h and after a break I tried to connect again but I kept getting the Data Transfer error on random battles and its still occuring. But on my sisters ds it works ( she didnt use pokegen ) and we have the same settings and connection. Im just wondering whats going on

    that's pretty odd. did you change anything in between? try depositing them into the pc and withdrawing them again. that should do it.

  3. Does the ARDSi offer a possibility to run homebrew code on it? If it does, do you have any information on how to access the SD Card slot?

    Even if the ARDSi is only useful for injecting data into memory (also called: cheating), you could still write a program (in cheatcodes) that allows you to read from and write to the the EEPROM. If there's no connection to the PC, you'd have to copy it "by hand" from DS screen to PC HexEdit (or vice-versa). It'd be a lot of work (writing a program in cheatcodes) and a lot of work (copying 512K from screen to screen) but technically, this should work.

    Of course, as pokedoc's tool is homebrew, the main requirement for it is a device to run homebrew from it. A cheatcoded Hexviewer/Writer seems far beyond the scope of it.


    the ardsi doesn't offer that functionality, nor does it actually run in dsi mode, unfortunately. it isn't possible for the device to run in dsi mode at all, actually. not to mention that the sd slot isn't accessible from slot-1.

  4. For some reason my Ditto keeps showing up as "Type: Hacked or Unknown Pokemon." I set the location and hidden hex values so that it was caught in tall grass on Route 34 with a pokeball on Soul Silver version, and from what I can tell I did nothing wrong. Here are the hex values, and the location caught:


    Any idea what's wrong? In game, it's info on the summary page says:

    "Naive nature.

    May 11, 2010

    Route 34

    Met at Lv. 10

    Loves to eat."

    So it looks legit, but the Legality Checker still says it's hacked...?

    post a pkm file?

    e: what RoC said, your PID and IVs don;t match. you can only choose from quirky and impish with those IVs, too.

  5. maybe, let me know when you're around.

    and i just wanted to say again, the snivy and thundurus belong to kaphotics and everything else belongs to ovca/infi

    Here's a complete list of the Pokés I sent to Bond, they should be on the two servers.

    Like Bond said, the shiny thundurus and snivy belong to kaphotics.

    Reshiram (Hasty / Premier Ball): 31/31/31/31/31/31

    Shiny Terrakion (Adamant / Timer Ball): 31/31/31/8/31/31

    Shiny Axew (Jolly / Mold Breaker / Luxury Ball): 31/31/31/6/31/31

    Shiny Deino (Timid / Dusk Ball): 31/26/31/31/31/31

    Shiny Litwick (Timid / Flash Fire / Luxury Ball): 31/2/30/30/30/30 HP FIGHT 70

    Shiny Oshawott (Modest): 31/22/31/30/31/30 HP FIRE 70

    Shiny Gastly (Modest / Heavy Ball / Pokétransfer): 31/10/30/31/31/31 HP ICE 70

    Shiny Virizon (Timid / Heal Ball): 31/2/30/31/31/31 HP ICE 70

    Shiny Cobalion (Timid / Quick Ball): 31/2/30/31/31/31 HP ICE 70

    Shiny Tepig (Jolly): 31/31/31/7/31/31

    Shiny Archen (Jolly): 31/31/31/31/31/31

    Shiny Golett (Adamant / Iron Fist / Dusk Ball): 31/31/31/8/31/31

    Shiny Bouffalant (Adamant / Reckless / Luxury Ball): 31/31/31/13/31/31

    Shiny Rufflet (Adamant / Sheer Force / Great Ball): 31/31/31/7/31/31

    Shiny Boldore (Brave / Dive Ball): 31/31/31/7/31/0

    Shiny Stunfisk (Careful / Static): 31/31/31/31/31/31

    Egg Moves: Yawn, Pain Split, Curse, Earth Power

    Shiny Cottonee (Bold / Prankster): 31/31/31/31/31/31

    Egg Moves: Encore, Worry Seed, Memento, Energy Ball

    Shiny Venipede (Jolly / Swarm): 31/31/31/17/31/31

    Egg Moves: Spikes, Toxic Spikes, Take Down

    Shiny Solosis (Bold / Magic Guard): 31/31/31/31/31/31

    Egg Moves: Trick, Imprison, Calm Mind

  6. i just noticed the monozu being distributed is the one that had its egg data ruined by the early 5th gen compatible version of pokegen. i did, however, think to hold on to the egg at the time. is it worth hatching a new one and swapping them out now, or should i just not bother? obviously most people are gonna think the monozu is hacked, even though it isn't. that completely sucks, too, because i bred that before the rng was cracked and i managed to get 31/9/31/31/31/31 timid through some sort of luck and now most people will think it's hacked.

  7. Thanks very much Bond for the cool mons again. They are awesome.

    But you know what is strange? If I download the new mons from your second server (, then everything is fine, not a single error.

    But when I try to go back to your other server (, then I keep getting this 13274 error all the time. Why is the error only at one server? Do you know maybe?

    e: BTW, did not get any Bulbasaur from your contribution. Is there really one in your list?


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