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Posts posted by Bond697

  1. there are 2^64 possible seeds. you'll be waiting for weeks or months to get where you need to. you need to find your parameters, but not on an r4. you can find them, but they vary by a lot and really won;t be usable. you either need to use a regular cart or grab one with less variable parameters- supercard, acekard, etc. or if you have an ards that would work too.

    and no, you're using the codes wrong. they work fine. you need to go to the trainer card and then trigger them then flip the card over.

  2. those ar codes are assembly codes. the first one is 2 instructions: e1b0108b and e0802001. the first is movs r1, r11, lsl #0x1. multiply r11 by 2 and move it to r1 then set the status flags(in case of 0, i think). r11 must be the experience value from the current fight there. then it's doing add r2, r0, r1. so it must be adding that doubled exp to the total experience then using/returning that.

    the us one is editing portions of 2 instructions, not 2 full instructions. the other halves of each must be fine on their own. so it's still 2 instructions either way.

  3. 02250010 Encounter slots in RAM(Black) Bond697

    go nuts


    encounter slots are laid out as words and it goes "level_min, level_max, species", so for an encounter slot with level 40-50 mews it would be:

    0x28320097 (in memory 97003228, because the nds uses a little-endian-only arm setup)(this is 40d 50d 00151d in hex)

    slot 1 is 2250010

    2 is 2250014

    3 is 2250018

    and so on up to 12

  4. i'm not quite understanding this, to be honest. i get that you want to find your seed and delay(and i take it you mean gen 4 since the rng helper is for gen 4), but what does the arm9 have to do with it? the arm9 binary has the advancement routine, but not the rng buffer and learning armv5(the arm9 is an armv5 cpu) isn't going to help.

    e: oh, i see what you're talking about. you mean the spot on desmume's ram viewer where it says arm9/arm7, right? you don't have to worry about that past knowing that you should keep it set to arm9 because the memory is different in places between them.

    using the rng helper is really easy. for the frame finder portion, just go to the spot in ram specified by it and enter the number you find there with the ram viewer set to "words", not "bytes" and hit calculate. for the seed finder, enter the number listed in the initial seed location and the frame you're trying to get to from there.

    • Thanks 1
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