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Posts posted by Bond697

  1. the max iv code you posted isnt writing data. it's an assembly "hack". they're thumb instructions, 201F is "mov r0, 31". i don't really want to do an iv code, but here's a wild nature mod code:

    select to set the nature, start to make it random again:

    94000130 FFFB0000

    120178BE 000020XX

    020178C0 46C046C0

    D2000000 00000000

    94000130 FFF70000

    120178BE 00002019

    020178C0 FF14F7ED

    D2000000 00000000

    0-0x19 as needed.

    there are better ways to do it so you can keep changing the nature, but that will work for now. good enough for 5 minutes.

  2. Okay, I've tried searching around and either I'm blind and missed these codes, or...I don't know. Here's what I (and at least one or two other people in this topic) am looking for: IV and nature modifiers for wild Pokémon. I've seen stuff for already existing Pokémon, which has a chance of causing illegalities even if they do work, but this is for catching something with the desired stats (which show up as clean). Examples of what I'm looking for below:

    Wild IV Modifier from HG/SS:

    1206E012 000020XX (HP)

    1206E028 000020XX (Atk)

    1206E03E 000020XX (Def)

    1206E054 000020XX (Speed)

    1206E06A 000020XX (SA)

    1206E080 000020XX (SD)

    00-1F = IV number

    Wild Nature Modifier from HG/SS:

    Hardy - 1206E120 00002400

    Lonely - 1206E120 00002401

    Brave - 1206E120 00002402

    Adamant - 1206E120 00002403

    Naughty - 1206E120 00002404

    Bold - 1206E120 00002405

    Docile - 1206E120 00002406

    Relaxed - 1206E120 00002407

    Impish - 1206E120 00002408

    Lax - 1206E120 00002409

    Timid - 1206E120 0000240A

    Hasty - 1206E120 0000240B

    Serious - 1206E120 0000240C

    Jolly - 1206E120 0000240D

    Naive - 1206E120 0000240E

    Modest - 1206E120 0000240F

    Mild - 1206E120 00002410

    Quiet - 1206E120 00002411

    Bashful - 1206E120 00002412

    Rash - 1206E120 00002413

    Calm - 1206E120 00002414

    Gentle - 1206E120 00002415

    Sassy - 1206E120 00002416

    Careful - 1206E120 00002417

    Quirky - 1206E120 00002418

    EDIT: After a little experimenting, these codes apparently can also work on Pokémon given to you, but their effectiveness isn't 100% assured (there are rare occasions the RNG can still out-priority the AR). Still would like to have the Black/White versions of these codes, though...

    there's an ar code that lets you change nature by mpressing L/R, so you should be good there. also there should be an iv code like that in the gbatemop database already.

  3. Missed an event ? here are working wonder cards for white

    These cods will give you the woner cards that go into the mystery gift box. Right listen carefuly I shall only say this once Loadthe game with the code you want on now press select save the game thn press L+R+Start+select to soft reset the game to title screen load the game bac up go into te Pokemon center and the litle blue man will give you the Pokemon and the wonder card will be in slot don't FORGET TO SAVE GAME then pick another code

    Region: UK/Europe | Class: Event Pokemon Codes

    Hide Code

    why did you post stuff that was generated with pokegen? it's available here. i know they're from pokegen, i recognize the hook.

  4. Does it necessarily have to be the initial seed or can any advancement of it be used to produce valid advancements.

    1. keep in mind, these random number generators are circular. you can get to any spot in the line from any other spot just by advancing enough. seed = seed * 0x5d588b656c078965 + 0x269EC3 (or any other lcrng) will loop after completing 2^64 advancements.

    2. the concept of a "frame" isn't real. it's something used in reporter to count the number of advancements. frames = number of advancements, that's it. kazo's way of doing it is really the best. the only game that had an advancement counter was emerald. i wouldn't expect it to happen again.

    3. whoever said you couldn't dick around with the seeds in the mersenne twister seed array was wrong. the seeds sitting in ram in the array aren't finalized. upon retrieval they are tempered like so:

    RAM_ARM9:0203F1C4             getNextValue__:                         @ CODE XREF: mersenneTwisterHandler__+14j
    RAM_ARM9:0203F1C4 00 C0 94 E5                 LDR     R12, [R4]       @ load the address of the top of the table into r12
    RAM_ARM9:0203F1C8 3C 00 9F E5                 LDR     R0, =0x9D2C5680 @ tempering mask A
    RAM_ARM9:0203F1CC C0 39 9C E5                 LDR     R3, [R12,#0x9C0] @ load the current word-aligned table pointer value into r3(we already know it's below 0x270, so still insde the current table)
    RAM_ARM9:0203F1D0 38 10 9F E5                 LDR     R1, =0xEFC60000 @ tempering mask B
    RAM_ARM9:0203F1D4 01 20 83 E2                 ADD     R2, R3, #1      @ counter++
    RAM_ARM9:0203F1D8 C0 29 8C E5                 STR     R2, [R12,#0x9C0] @ now that 1 is added to the counter, the current position in our table is updated.  store the new value away for safe keeping.
    RAM_ARM9:0203F1DC 00 20 94 E5                 LDR     R2, [R4]        @ load the address of the top of the table into r2
    RAM_ARM9:0203F1E0 03 21 92 E7                 LDR     R2, [R2,R3,LSL#2] @ load into r2 the value of the top of the table + the table counter *4(word-aligned, so ((value*4) +top of table) gives you the current table position)
    RAM_ARM9:0203F1E4 A2 25 22 E0                 EOR     R2, R2, R2,LSR#11 @ r2 = r2 ^ (r2 >> 11)
    RAM_ARM9:0203F1E8 82 03 00 E0                 AND     R0, R0, R2,LSL#7 @ r0(currently 0x9D2C5680) = (r2 << 7) & 0x9D2C5680
    RAM_ARM9:0203F1EC 00 20 22 E0                 EOR     R2, R2, R0      @ r2 = ((r2 << 7) & 0x9D2C5680) ^ r2
    RAM_ARM9:0203F1F0 82 07 01 E0                 AND     R0, R1, R2,LSL#15 @ r0 = (r2 <<15) & 0xEFC60000 - eliminates the bottom half of the number
    RAM_ARM9:0203F1F4 00 00 22 E0                 EOR     R0, R2, R0      @ r0 = r2 ^ r0
    RAM_ARM9:0203F1F8 20 09 20 E0                 EOR     R0, R0, R0,LSR#18 @ r0 = r0 ^ (r0 >> 18)
    RAM_ARM9:0203F1FC 10 80 BD E8                 LDMFD   SP!, {R4,PC}
    RAM_ARM9:0203F1FC             @ End of function mersenneTwisterHandler__

    so all you would need to do to get what you want is figure out what the seeds look like after tempering and change what you need wherever. easy.

    4. one entire "pidrng frame advancement" is one run of seed = seed * 0x5d588b656c078965 + 0x269EC3. that's it. it's not half the seed or anything else. take the (big endian) number at 2216244 and feed the next 16 digits into that formula and you have 1 "frame" advancement.

    5. no, those numbers with the chatot pitches don't exist in ram. od made those up to make figuring out the pitch easier. it's... ((seed >> 32) * 0x64) >> 32 and having that makes doing chatot pitches more manageable.

    and finally:

    when the devs need a random number, they use this:

    static inline u32 Rand32(RandContext *context, u32 event)

    the "context" thing is a way of naming and sorting the many random number generators they use in bw. when the rng is intialized it's given a context "name" sort of thing and each call afterward is referred to using that "name". it's really a pretty clever way to do it using cheap, easy to manage rngs. they're not great for generating random numbers, but they get the job done.

    so they would do: (let's say i wanted a random number between 0 and 99)

    Rand32(&mainRnd, 100)

    and the game would do:

    seed(this is the value at 2216244) = seed * 0x5d588b656c078965 + 0x269EC3

    return ((seed >> 32) * 100) >> 32

    which would give a value between 0 and 99(between 0 and event-1)

    and also, there's a lot of info here:


  5. strikes me that this is actually possible. everything is loaded from rom into ram, so you would need to figure out where the right data is loaded(and you could probably only make a code for a single poke at once), figure out if anything else is loaded into the same place and make the code conditional if so(or just make it conditional by default anyway), figure out how it's read, input the right data to be written once the condition is met, etc.

  6. See? at least someone understands me. Dude Gusted and other mods here. I dont get why you make this. sooner or later nintendo is going to stop making events thanks to you guys.

    this is straight up a lie. go back to neoseeker with your event collector buddies and don't come back. you're not wanted here. i'm sick of reading this shit.

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