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Everything posted by hunter_aran
PKHeX for Mac ported successfully (Download at the bottom of the post)
hunter_aran replied to fm360's topic in PKHeX
Hey, thanks for the link on Wondercards! The last version I used either didn't have that functionality or I didn't know about it, lol. Well I checked the checksum and it match so the download was completed successfully. So, I searched online more about this "Application can't be opened" problem. Turns out, that the archive utility was messing it up on decompression. I was using the default OS X archive utility so I used the Unarchiver instead (opposite of what online reports said, that is to use the OS X archive utility, not 3rd party...) and it worked! I hope this helps others who may have this problem. Thanks for all your hard work so I don't have to install Parallels and have it brick my Macbook Pro again sooner or later! Now to collect all those events that I missed... -
PKHeX for Mac ported successfully (Download at the bottom of the post)
hunter_aran replied to fm360's topic in PKHeX
No. It just say's "can't be opened", not that it is blocked. I did manage to open an older version but that one is bug-ridden. I wish I still had the older version... Another question, does anyone know if wondercards can be injected via Wondercard? I'd like to collect some of the Wondercards I missed even though I know I can just put the actual pokemon in via QR. -
PKHeX for Mac ported successfully (Download at the bottom of the post)
hunter_aran replied to fm360's topic in PKHeX
Every time I unzip the 4-10 build it and try running it in Yosemite, it says the application "can't be opened". I tried downloading all the older versions and I get the same result. It looks like it is working for other people and I had a working version last Spring... Any ideas? I don't know if the most recent version is even downloading properly... -
trading&battling 3DS Friend Codes - Pokemon: XY
hunter_aran replied to break's topic in Wi-Fi Trading & Battling
I added everyone. There's also a huge spreadsheet on Smogon for FC's and it seems most types in the Friend Safari are already covered: http://www.smogon.com/forums/threads/friend-safari-irc-channel-and-spreadsheet.3489905/ -
trading&battling 3DS Friend Codes - Pokemon: XY
hunter_aran replied to break's topic in Wi-Fi Trading & Battling
Hi everybody! Not too far in the game yet, but I am really looking forward to friend safari and trading! Trainer Name: Ripley FC: 0946 - 2348 - 1714 I'll add you all in a bit. I am also looking to get the Mewtwo Y and Charizard Y stones and a 31 HP, SP, and SA Yveltal but that's probably wishful thinking. -
All the locations and most of the male character clothes options are up on Serebii now.
Beta: the pokécheck legality checker for generation 5
hunter_aran replied to xfr's topic in Pokémon Legality
Using GTS or uploading from an extracted save file via Pokegen works. It's when you resave the pkm save file in Pokegen where the OT name trash bytes get messed up. I'll just send them back to my game via GTS only and it'll fix it. Thanks for the help! -
Beta: the pokécheck legality checker for generation 5
hunter_aran replied to xfr's topic in Pokémon Legality
Unfortunately in my case it doesn't matter whether they were parked in an editor or through a cart. For me it's the same every time. Ok here is a link to one I parked from a Ruby cart to HG: https://www.pokecheck.org/?pk=5931461 And let me be more specific--the OT trash bytes are wrong. -
Beta: the pokécheck legality checker for generation 5
hunter_aran replied to xfr's topic in Pokémon Legality
So when I upload pal park'd pokemon as a Gen IV file, it displays the trash bytes as invalid but if I upload the same pokemon as a Gen IV - V PokeTransfer file, the trash bytes do not change but are now listed as valid. Which is the proper analysis? This has happened Sorry if this has already been noted... -
I used to use Legal.exe for my pal parked pokes and it said everything was fine. Now Pokecheck revealed the same problem you are having. There are unique trash bytes for pal parked pokes and the OT name they have. They are related somehow so if you change the nickname at all, even its the same length, it will mess up and say the OT trash bytes are invalid. So what I did to fix all of them is 1) edit your pkm file as you like, 2) save the pkm file and run it through trashbytes.exe (comes with the legality checker by Sabresite), and 3) open it in Pokecheck to check it. Now that isn't all. I've found that then if I resave the pkm files after setting them in the sav file using Pokegen, they might get messed up again. So the way I got the trash byte string to stick for the OT and also the nickname, if needed, is you open up the valid trash bytes file in Pokecheck, then open the pkm file in Pokegen, set it in the box/party and view it again, and actually TYPE IN all the trash bytes and terminator sequence as it appears in pokecheck. In hex, you have to reverse the pairs of numbers in each 4-digit group (not sure what it's called, I'm no expert, lol) in Pokegen to make it match what pokecheck displays. All my name edits are now perfectly valid. I always open and set the pkm file somewhere in my sav file, select and view, and save the pkm file one last time to upload and check ti to make sure. It's OCD but I never have to do it again! Another related problem I am having now is that in gen V, I caught several pkm, edited them, including changing their names, and now some say the OT trash bytes are invalid on some but not others. In the files that show OT name and trash bytes as valid, I copied and pasted the OT with escape sequence, trash bytes, and all, and pasted into the invalid ones and they still come out invalid...? I am not sure what's going on there. False-positive in Pokecheck. I am trying to figure that out now.
Yes I did the same thing when I started using this. After you edit each Poke to your liking, you must right click on the position you want it in your box/party and hit "set". If you do not do this then they will not be saved in the box/party. If you "save" the pokemon from the tab, then you save it as a separate file, not in the box position. If you did save them though, as you said, you should be able to load each file (under "load" on the menu) and "set" it in the box/party as needed, then re-save your whole file. I am just assuming you didn't "set" them since you never mentioned specifically doing that and also "saving" meaning something different in the program. Hope this helps anyway.
I use Virtual PC on PPC mac or Parallels / Bootcamp on Intel.
Well one reason I've found was that if I generate a Type 1 PID then evolve in-game, the ability may change because (apparently) it is recalculated differently according to the new Gen V PID. At least I think that's what is happening because I caught then edited the PID of a Blitzle (electric zebra thing) to have motor drive but then when it evolved, it changed to Lightning Rod. This also happened with my shed skin Scraggy switching abilities. If it wasn't for that, I'd just make any Type 1 PID with what I wanted then call it good. Also I heard random wifi will not accept a Type 1 PID on a Gen V poke but I haven't been able to try it out yet.
Unless I'm mistaken, you probably can't create a legal Gen V poke yet because Gen V PIDs were not implemented yet in PokeGen... But now that the RNG has been pretty much figured out, has the new PID type and relationship of PID to shininess/ability/nature/gender been implemented in the beta? So far I've been using Type 1 PID with unrelated IVs, which I know is wrong but all I can do right now.
Wow. Thanks for the heads up! Evolve THEN shift/transfer--got it! So now natures, IVs, AND abilities are not related to the PID anymore huh? So is the ability stored as hidden hex as well? So it seems the PID only matters for gender/shinyness? Gotta redo my gen V pokes now...
Well I did notice this (tooltips are extremely helpful contrary to your belief) but I wasn't sure if the problem was in the hex values I originally assigned or if it really was this occasional display problem. I just wanted to be clear. Sorry that this annoyed you but I do appreciate your time. Thanks.
I don't know if this has been addressed or if it matters, but I am having trouble with the "game" location on the "met" tab for a pal park'd pkm from FR. I had previously made the .pkm file in HGSS pokesav with the met in place to 55 (pal park) and 46h as 37 so I thought the game met in would be set to "HGSS". But after switching over to using Pokegen, I find it sets the met game to platinum for some reason. If I change it back to HGSS, then save the file and reopen it, it reverts back to platinum! Maybe this is supposed to happen? Is there a difference between the data for pal park'd pokes in HGSS versus platinum? Any explanation is appreciated!
Sorry double post... Anyway, geeze, let's all make up and be friends!
Actually, the main one that got to me was a post on this forum: http://projectpokemon.org/forums/archive/index.php/t-11500.html So that's why I bothered to verify this stuff with you guys...
Well thanks for finally explaining this clearly. Again sorry for bringing this up again, I just wasn't sure. And yes it's a little OCD I agree but I just wanted to understand this better. Hopefully this thread will help more people from worrying about/wasting time on this stuff. Anyway you guys are awesome here at PP!
When I first came to this forum, I learned that if I made a pkm hatched, it would make it legal by allowing it to pass various hack checkers. I thought this was because egg PIDs cannot be checked and there is no restriction to them--that they could be any generated PID and be fine. So now, in various places I hear this talk about valid and invalid egg PIDs, meaning that egg PIDs can actually be checked. So I'm confused now and I have more questions, have looked for a few days now trying to find answers, and either couldn't find the answers or was too dumb to understand what was right in front of me. So below I'm going to list some assumptions/conclusions I've made and I'd really appreciate if someone can take the time to help validate or otherwise explain what's wrong with what I thought. 1) Egg PIDs can be any method, so any randomly generated PID in Pokesav/Pokegen will work (Though, I have heard people say it cannot be Type 1-Common NDS... why?) 2) The PID ONLY determines the gender, ability, and nature BUT the IVs are independently generated by a separate algorithm--they are NOT related to the PID. So my conclusions are: 3) So in order to make a legal egg PID, I need to A) Randomize the IVs, generate any PID with my desired gender, ability, and nature B) Then go manually change the IVs to what I want so they appear to be independent from the PID 4) So actually, if the PID and IVs MATCH, it is so unlikely that it is considered illegal! BUT! 5) I've heard all this talk about how using a RNG reporter, like the one at Smogon, one can somehow use your PKM's met date/time and figure out if your PID was really possible from the given seed... But wouldn't they need to have another in game caught PKM for reference and the EXACT date and time (which the summary only gives day and year) to figure out what the seed is and therefore if the PID is really possible? I am not a programmer, so I do not understand this very well but I hope someone can explain this part too... 6) Do anyone know yet if Gen V Egg PIDs generated the same way?
Archived Sticky: Gen V Dream World Pokémon Contribution
hunter_aran replied to buzzthebatgirl's topic in Event Contributions
Great thread idea! Can't wait for someone to upload a female torchic after the 20th... Then that'll make bred Boostiken legal. :bidoof:- 335 replies
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Archived Sticky: Event Contribution Collection
hunter_aran replied to Sabresite's topic in Event Contributions
Are the movie 13 legendaries supposed to come up as illegal or hacked in the legailty checker? At least that's what I get when I run both sets of pkm files through it anyway... The PIDs that are listed in the files do not even come up when you search for PIDs with the selected IVs. Sorry if this has bveen discussed already.- 1164 replies
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Sorry for the igorance here... So you're saying that using your program changes my trainer Secret ID or is this SID another hidden pokemon related value like the PID? So after I use your program, legal.exe should say it's legal right? Thanks for the help! Sorry if this has been answered elsewhere.