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Posts posted by Toffeuy

  1. If you want the Platinum Flag, set your stolen flags to 49 or higher then steal 1 real flag and you'll get the platinum flag. The reason why you couldn't fool the game is because in the stolen flags' owners, you have no-one registered. You need to have at least one person registered in order to get flags.

  2. Hi nice to meet you. If you're looking forward to trades and battles, sorry i'm not really going to help you because I don't have access to wi-fi. But if you would like to request for an avatar or signature you can go to the threads by clicking the links below

  3. Here, if you want any changes, PM me:


    I know it looks a bit plain, i'll try to make it better.

    EDIT: Added something to it so it doesn't look as plain. You can use this one or the one above but i like this one better. I did as you said so I tried to make it look like Lucario is getting picked on by Mew. Over here it shows Lucario hopelessly trying to dodge an Aura Sphere fired from Mew:


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