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Posts posted by Toffeuy

  1. Fleeing may be able to work... I remember in FRLG if you flee from Moltres, leave the cave, enter again, it will be back there. I don't think during the event you can leave the island without hacks though... so I don't think you'd be able to buy luxury balls...

  2. Here, hope you like it, any changes you want PM me:


    EDIT: Oops, forgot you want PM, i'll PM you.

    EDIT 2: Here's the second one you wanted:


    847 posts already... the thread's soon going to close. Probably cause kunaidude34 keeps making comments about boredom, instead of making sigs... eg.

    im terribly bored. anyone else here that is as bored as i am?
  3. Highly doubtful.

    It's most likely going to be like the Eigakan Arceus, but given away at Toys R Us when the DVD goes on sale.

    Yeah, USA is no way going to release the Azure Flute before Japan. Or maybe USA is going to lead the event this time? (VERY-low chance of so). Guested is probably right, probably in a store when you buy the CD or maybe even via Wi-Fi.

  4. K, so everyone...my photobucket was banned (I was under 14...which violated the terms of service)! So all of my signatures and avatars that I have made that are not smudged have been deleted. If you are one of the people of whom I've made a signature, please PM and I'll redo it for ya.

    @InuYouki, neither did I know

    Naru, do you have all the avatars/sigs saved on your comp/USB. If not you're certainly going to have a busy time, maybe I could help you during my spare time ;) if you want though. And also, in your sig it still says thanks to Greencat for the avvie. You changed avatars remember? So it's InuYouki now...

  5. Take a sword, cut them in pieces and put them in a blender. Then I would go to the nearest mall and find some stuff to make a concoction that reverses the zombie virus and e-mail the recipe to the resistance on Iceland and hope for the best

    Where'd you get your sword from?, don't see any people being allowed to bring their sword down the streets:eek:

  6. If you got the Lunar Wing before you've been to Fullmoon Island, that means you cheated/hacked. If so, that boy would have to stay asleep for lifetime... I'm not exactly sure if removing the item would work but it's worth a try.

  7. Please attack them as files, or if you do not have the capability to get the pokemon to your computer, then you must contact someone (i am too busy unfortunately) to help you with a wifi trade.

    He means attach. Click the Go advanced button in the quick reply and you'll see a paperclip sign. Click that to attach the PKM file you made on Pokesav.

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