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Riolu Aura Sphere Now

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About Riolu Aura Sphere Now

  • Birthday 05/30/1991

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  1. I just befriended a Female Shinx today via the Dream World. Here it is. Shinx DW (Female-USA-Magnet Rise).pkm
  2. I was able to use most of the C-Gear Skins in BMP and JPG Format without any errors via PokeCGear. All I did was search for a certain C-Gear Skin via Google in BMP and/or JPG Format with the size of 256 x 192, copied and saved to my Desktop.
  3. "Thy Bird has finally awoke from thy slumber, but thy does not know of thy 101 Flocks of Chickens thy shall have to face. What shall thy try to due? Will thy soar to the brightest heavens or will thy dive into the darkest of shadows?" Welcome back T-bird, great to have you back.
  4. Sorry everyone for the delay. I was quite busy for the past month with college and a few other things. If you don't mind the trouble, can you repost whatever request you had and I'll do my best to help? Thanks to everyone who has been helping this thread. The Pokewalker Modifier should already handle this. Sorry for any problems that I may have caused. It's not possible at this moment. I'm still researching the values and structure for the AR Codes of B/W.
  5. I was referring to the NDS Adapter Plus. You can find one here.
  6. I've already tried that, but it doesn't work properly. It may need a few adjustments with the Values.
  7. I just found out that some Japanese codes that has the following line "B2000024 00000000" underneath an activator line will work for the US Version of Pokemon B/W. Here is the Japanese Code for the Trainer ID that you requested. It worked for my US Version. Trainer ID Modifier: Press Select
  8. If you have the current code for the Trainer ID, I can recreate or fix the code. The Instant Egg Code that I am converting is a bit glitchy, instead of producing Pokemon Eggs, it will turn you first Pokemon inside the Daycare into a Pokemon Egg.
  9. Are you referring to Steelra's problem? If so, that will not work because you can't use the move Teleport inside a Pokemon Gym. I had created a Teleporter Code, but it's not working as it should be.
  10. Flashcarts such as Acekard 2i, R4i, ect. You can't use Save Files on a Retail Cart unless you have a NDSplus Adadpter or newer. ARDSi doesn't support Back up Save Files for Pokemon ever since Pokemon HG/SS came out.
  11. Sorry, but I had no luck in creating that code. I was searching for a specific value, but it didn't work out. I have stopped working on codes for the Japanese Version and now working on the English Version. Sorry, but this question doesn't belong in this forum and we do not create nor support Pokesav. Just use Pokegen instead of Pokesav or just wait until COM releases one.
  12. Your best bet is to start a new game. The current Teleporter Code is not working properly, so it might take awhile.
  13. Yes, you can use an ARDSi, but you might need to Update your Firmware. The Firmware for the ARDSi is accessible via the Update Option on the Upper-right Corner of the ARDSi Manager. Here is a link to help you with your ARDS.
  14. Marking Pokeball Modifier Mark a Pokemon in any PC
  15. I'm glad you're alright. I hope you all make a great recovery.
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