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About monachito1

  • Birthday 10/12/1990

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  1. Hello, I recently started a new game and I have been unable to import any wild area events to my new save file. I have tried importing blocks separately and the game won't recognize imported raids and if I do the import blocks from folders then I get an error. I have used the last 2 versions of PKHEX. Can someone help me out I know in the past I was able to do this no problem. I have reached the wild area on the new game. Any help would be appreciated thanks in advance. @theSLAYER if you could help me would be appreciated.
  2. Sounds good I will try those and if I still get the same thing I will let you know. Thanks for your help. Update. I did that but still having the same issue and I even did some more testing and even the previous bcat package that I had made that worked before the one with the shiny lucario, etc has the same issue. I also did a previous bcat package before that and did worked and gave me the same issue. For some reason even the packages that used to work before don't work now because I get the same thing the only mystery gift is the metal sound event.
  3. I am definitely on sysnand and I thought so I also try it with Sword/Shield and Legends and those worked fine just before I asked for help but for some reason SV won't it now just shows me the metal sound wifi event. I have tried a few times always the same results. I hope you or someone can help me. In the meantime I will reread the instructions and re do it. But I have done it many times on all games just lately I had issues with SV only.
  4. Hello I just did some import of mystery gifts for SV using switch gift data manager and I restored the BCAT package however when I go to connect online to get the mystery gifts the only things that show up is the current mystery gifts of the Masterball and the Metal Sound TMS. I done this before for SV and other Switch games and I never had an issue when restoring the BCAT package with the imported Mystery Gifts. Any help to get this to work would be great. Also I did download the latest version 1.7.0 and I am on the latest version of SV.
  5. Is anyone else having the same issue? or know how to fix it? Please any help would be appreciated.
  6. Hello I just did some import of mystery gifts for SV using switch gift data manager and I restored the BCAT package however when I go to connect online to get the mystery gifts the only things that show up is the current mystery gifts of the Masterball and the Metal Sound TMS. I done this before for SV and other Switch games and I never had an issue when restoring the BCAT package with the imported Mystery Gifts. Any help to get this to work would be great. Also I did download the latest version 1.7.0 and I am on the latest version of SV.
  7. I don't want to go online. But could i do the mass break events with boosted shiny odds the ones with marks? just for offline purposes? I just want to know if I could edit the files and if i can import it. If you could help that would be great. To clarify I don't want to go online with any of this specially raids. I guess what I would want is to have more than 1 7 star raid avaliable for offline purpose. but what i'm mostly want to do is the mass outbreaks for boosted marks and boosted shiny at the same time.
  8. Hello I was wondering if it would be possible to edit the Mass Outbreaks files to change shiny/mark rate percentages and if you can add shiny rate percentages to events that have boosted mark rates. Also can you modify tera raids encounter/rewards files to add more pokemon to raids and or change rewards? Also if it can be modified how would I import the modified files to pkhex or tera finder program. Also would I have to edit the text files or the ones in the folders. If anyone can help it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance. Happy Holidays
  9. do u have a code like this for the 3 mystery eggs from toys r us event or the scraggy world 11 event thanks in advance
  10. any luck on the mystery egg event from toys r us in america version?
  11. any luck with the mystery egg wonder card/code for the toys r us event in north america?
  12. is there a working pokesav yet for the american english verison of the game the one i found wont work becuase i tried an item code and some of the special event pokemon celebi and legnedary dogs for the event and they wont work thx in adavnce
  13. can someone give a code for the mystery egg event distribution the toys r us one since in canada they did not bring this code and i really want the mystery egg thanks in advance
  14. is there a pokesav that si compatible with the english versions yet becuase i found some but its only for the japanese version i would like one for the american version as well as one for the european versions for those who have those verisons as well thx
  15. is there a verison of pokesav for balck and white that suports the us games? please and thx in advance
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