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observeroftime last won the day on August 18 2023

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  1. The OT is the "Original Trainer", the one who originally encountered the Pokemon and caught it. The HT is the "Handling Trainer", the one who is currently handing (is in possession of) the Pokemon. If you ever received a Pokemon in a trade from someone else, you become the new handling trainer, while the trainer data of the person who encountered it is preserved as the OT. That way you can still see the OT's details in-game even if you got the Pokemon in a trade, or trade a traded Pokemon to someone else. The OT details are immutable and should not change. These details can affect other values and their correlations, and should therefore not change. The HT on the other hand gets updated every time the Pokemon changes hands (gets traded to another save file), unless the Pokemon is returning to the OT. If the Pokemon returns from the HT to the OT then the current trainer value gets updated only, and the HT values are preserved. If the Pokemon is yours and has ever be traded to someone else, like for trade evolutions, a HT is required. A name, gender, and language information is sufficient here. It is proof that the Pokemon has indeed been traded, and that the evolution is valid. For example, a Gengar without any HT details should raise legality flags, unless it is a Gengar from an in-game encounter or gift (raids, static encounters, mystery gifts etc.). If you try to create Pokemon that are version-exclusive from the other version in your save file with the same OT details for both versions, you might run into some fishy legality business. I think it would be advisable to create a valid legal template Pokemon with different OT details but for the other version of your game, and place it into your "trainers" folder. That way when you're creating version-exclusives not present in your own version, PKHeX should fill in the right details for you (using the OT from the other save file, setting the trainer from your current save as the HT, with the current trainer value pointing at the HT). I see the OT and HT details cause a lot of confusion, so this is how I would break it down.
  2. You have to open an actual game save file to see the item and trainer editor. Once you load a game save, these boxes will appear. If you just open the program and don't have a save loaded, you won't see these icons. Save loaded: No save loaded:
  3. In order to "get rid" of the current event, import "EventsGallery\Released\Gen 9\Raid Events\000 Base Data" from the mgdb. That will reset all of your raids to whatever is present in the base game, without any events active. I can import this event just fine on my DLC1 save, and it clears all events. Personally, I am using the latest Terra-Finder plugin to import these pokeportal news, and haven't come across any issues. What files are you trying to import? How are you importing those files? Have you tried manually importing the relevant blocks using PKHeX's block editor instead? As for your other issues, I honestly have no clue. Some additional information might help. What version of PKHeX are you using? What versions of plugins are you using? What version is your game?
  4. You didn't specify which game, I'm assuming scarlet / violet. Not sure where your trouble is coming from, but here you go. Otherwise, just grab one from the encounter database for whatever game you're after (that's what I did with this file). 0282 - Gardevoir - D237045AAF7C.pk9
  5. I don't see a thread regarding this, so I might as well start one and see what others have caught that PKHeX v20230916 fails to validate. Here's a few Pokemon I encountered during my play-through of Kitakami. All of these were caught in-game, and were not modified through external or internal means. Here we go: 0272 - Ludicolo - 7CD08E0C2A88.pk9 This one was caught as a Lotad by the Wistful Fields. I evolved it by feeding it some candy, and then a water stone. Even as a Lotad it had the same issues. Unable to match encounter, invalid marking (sleepy-time mark). 0742 - Cutiefly - C5DD1AA69C7F.pk9 This one was caught-as-is, also in the Wistful Fields. Unable to match encounter. 0262 - Mightyena - 8B0964D2EA75.pk9 Caught in the Kitakami Wilds as-is. Invalid marking (cloudy mark). All of the other Pokemon I caught in the play-through pass the legality check. I don't know if reports of this nature are helpful at all. If they are, I'll keep on catching Pokemon to see what gets flagged when it shouldn't (in my opinion) get flagged. Maybe this can be a place for others to post their illegal catches as well, maybe having a collection of false positives will help the developer. Edit: I now realize that this thread would perhaps be a better fit for the PKHeX sub-forum. I am going to leave it in the hands of the kind moderators here to move it there if it's a better fit for it.
  6. The option to do that is already there, but I don't think it was included in the most recent build from a couple of days ago. Either wait for an update, or if you're really impatient, download the artifact of the most recent automatic build from GitHub, or (less straight forward) build the project yourself.
  7. I trimmed your Red save to be the correct size (32kb) using a hex editor, to be honest, even that did not yield a proper looking save. Just about all of the pokemon have signs of corruption. Your blue version save appears to have nothing but garbage data inside, I wasn't able to find any pokemon using this method. I've attached your Red save (OT: HOLLOW), maybe you are able to recover some pokemon from it. Some of the boxes have pokemon, some don't. Can you re-dump the saves with the proper save size by chance? I'm also not sure what extra data your save dumper adds to the save, if any. 65584 bytes is a pretty weird size. There's an extra 48 bytes present, even for a 64kb save. Maybe someone who actually knows what they're doing can have a look at it though Pokemon - Red Version (USA, Europe) (SGB Enhanced)_2023-09-19_05-25-23.sav
  8. As far as I am concerned, the lack of a red triangle or the existence of a green check mark simply means "the pokemon is valid as far as we know". I don't think the creators and collaborators of PKHeX can account for every aspect of legality checking, especially whatever happens server-side. Over time, things that previously "looked good" to PKHeX got flagged in newer versions of the program, as the understanding of pokemon legality improved. I fully expect my "clean" save file from Scarlet to look completely hacked a year or two from now as PKHeX improves, that's just the way it goes. In the end, there's only one way to guarantee you won't get disqualified / banned for hacked pokemon: Don't illegally modify your save file if you intend to compete or play online. Aside from the fact that this is just good sportsmanship in general, it's the only surefire way to ensure you will pass all present and future legality checks. I wish I could say I am surprised about all of the disqualifications, but I am not. It is no longer a secret that the top VGC circuit is full of known and confirmed cheaters. Don't be that person.
  9. base5 - > 1* to 5* raids black6 -> 6* raids (the ones which show up with a dark background on the map) distribution -> event-related raids might7 -> 7* raids (event-related also, show up with a black background) The game seems to have some sort of limit of how many of each type can be active at the same time. For example, setting all of your raids to might7 will yield unexpected and funky results. If I set more than 10 distribution raids, a number of them will have incorrect contents, and I can find about 9 - 10 "correct" dens. I think there might be a limit of 10 distribution, 1 black6 and 1 might7 raid at the same time, but I will gladly stand corrected if someone has more accurate and less empirical information. It could also depend on the event for all I know. It also appears as though the "Raid (7 star)" button in PKHeX only brings up a list of past events, and whether I have caught the pokemon from the 7* raid. I don't think there's any raid editing to be done with the "Raid (7 star)" button unless you want to re-capture another limited pokemon from the event.
  10. Have you tried actually opening the game and saving inside of it? The user folder probably won't exist until you save something, but I'm not familiar with this particular emulator. Either way, it is merely a matter of figuring out where your emulator saves its save files. I'm guessing the "user" folder will be created when you go and try to make an in-game save.
  11. Is this a publicly available tool? I've been experimenting with hex-editing WC's, but it is hard to check the result, having to load it up in game every time and such. Does your tool have editing features, or does it purely display the cards contents?
  12. Can I ask which tool you are using in the screenshot?
  13. I am trying to edit pokemon in Sword 1.3.2 ((Ver. 1.3.2) Pokémon Sword - 0100ABF008968000 v458752 ( (UPD)). Got the dump made properly, and it loads fine. However, things are only fine at first glance. When opening the pokemon editor and checking the evolutions, for example "Raboot - 814", the evolution shown is for another pokemon altogether. I have not randomized anything yet, this is from a fresh dump. Fine, maybe a weird quirk or whatever, so I go on and edit the typing and learnset for Raboot, click save, check that it remembered the changes, save again. I now have another folder called "0100ABF008968000" in my romfs and exefs directory, I am led to believe that everything worked just fine. The folder contains over 800 files though, which is kind of strange, considering that I made a single change to a single pokemon. I copy over the folder to my Atmosphere/contents directory, reboot my switch, start up Sword, and nothing has changed about the pokemon. It's still only fire type (instead of fire / fighting), can't learn any of the new TR/Tutor moves I've added, and still evolves into the normal evolution. What's going on here? Am I missing something? Is there something wrong with my dump, or is it the program? Apparently PKNx tells me that a Liepard evolves into a Sharpedo at lvl. 30, and a Haxorus into Cherrim at lvl 30, for example. There's something pretty wonky, and I just double-checked that it's the same with a fresh dump, loaded up the first time. Help?
  14. First of all, awesome tool, thank you for the hard work. It's been really useful to me. There's one feature "missing" that I could swear I've seen in this tool before (or maybe I'm confusing it with some other tool). Namely, a den map. I have a helluva time finding the correct den to edit once I've got the proper seed. It was something as simple as a map that showed the index # of a particular den, which made it straightforward to find the proper den to edit in PKHeX. Now that I think of it it might have been the Overworld8/Max IV Raid searcher plugin Pokefinder for gen 8, but I swear there was something similar for gen 9 floating around. Either way, I don't know if such a feature would fall within the scope of the program, but it would be *awesome* to have as a quick reference guide. There's already an encounter database in the program, which also acts as a super useful reference. In the meantime, is there a map with the terra raid locations which show the proper index available anywhere? Entering 70ish seeds from PKHeX into the seed viewer in the hopes of finding the appropriate den is pretty time consuming, I feel like there has to be an easier way, and I'm just being dense , Googling for den map locations just brings up actual maps which don't have the numerical index needed for editing, so that's not helpful. Saving, defeating the raid, seeing which den got deactivated, and reloading is another way, but it is equally time consuming. If you take nothing else away from this post, let it be "thank you for your hard work, it's appreciated".
  15. Hi, When using the PKHeX ALM plugin, selecting an illegal pokemon, and selecting "legalize active pokemon", the result is a legal pokemon with a TID of 12345, a SID of 54321, and an OT of PKHeX. Frankly, I would like ALM to use my own trainer data when legalizing pokemon (the TID/SID/OT from the save, or configurable somewhere else). I just recently had to legalize 24 boxes worth of pokemon in D/P/PT respectively, which worked great, but they all have the wrong / suspicious trainer information. When using the batch editor to change the TID/SID/OT info back to my own info a lot of pokemon become illegal again (especially anything that's shiny). So, is there anything I can do let ALM know what TID/SID/OT combo I want to be used? I had a cursory look at the source code, but reading and understanding code is not my strong suit. I'm able to compile PKHeX and plugins from source just fine, so I'd be happy to accept some form of hard-coding those values (if that's even possible). Even just removing 1 illegal move from an otherwise perfectly legal pokemon with ALM results in modified OT data, which is highly undesirable to me. I can understand if ALM can't generate legal pokemon for every TID/SID combo out there, in such cases I would simply prefer a failure to legalize instead of substituting random trainer data (that way I can just grab the legal pokemon from the encounter DB, with my trainer info). Thank you for your time,
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