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  1. How do we fix trash byte error? I got a Tepig from the encounter database and turn it into an egg. However, I keep getting the error "Invalid: Nickname: Expected Trash Byte: Tepig" and have no idea how to resolve it. Please help
  2. So this copy of Shiny Deoxys isn't legit, then?
  3. @MewTracker Will you add support for the Teal Mask DLC?
  4. Could you include in your tutorial directions on how to access the site's gallery? And is it any different from the GitHub Gallery?
  5. @SkyLink98Hoping you'd update Tera Finder to be compatible with the latest version of pkhex 23.09.25. Tysm.
  6. Oh dear, that's very unfortunate. Anyway, tysm for the clarification. P.S. I tested this on Pokemon Scarlet Violet for anyone who's wondering. You can, however, max out all EVs without any problems
  7. Thank you! By any chance, do you know how I can edit the stat values of my Pokemon to 999 without it reverting back to the original value? I followed the steps provided but still not getting the desired results. Pkhex would show that the values are indeed 999, however the edited value isn't reflected when viewed in game.
  8. So I followed your steps, edited the stats of a pokemon that was already in my party to 999 then set and export save immediately without viewing the edited party slot. But the stats seem to have reverted back to the original values when I viewed it in game. What am I doing wrong? @Kaphotics
  9. Is this guide still relevant for current version of pkhex? Because I was able to activate pkhax mode, without pkhax.bat, by toggling it to "on" in the settings.
  10. In a separate post by Kaphotics, he/she mentioned that: HOME can possibly check tracker values to see if the details are on another user's account (cloned data). So even if you have a valid HOME tracker on any Shiny Legendary from Gen 7 or below, isn't it unsafe/risky to transfer because it might get detected as cloned data? For any pokemon to be assigned a valid HOME tracker, it must have been placed on HOME in the first place. They would have stored this Pokemon's data tied to an assigned HOME tracker.
  11. I'm on PKHex right now and editing the seed values but how do I pinpoint the location of the raid I've edited? There is no GUI or description for the raid numbers. The areaID and spawn point ID don't say much about its exact location...
  12. Just one question, where can I find the tutorial to inject the seed after using this seed generator? Because I could not find any tutorial on the first page of this thread nor on your github page T_T @MewTracker
  13. Omg this tool is amazing!! Thank you for the game-changing creation I'll be sure to report any issues/bugs to help refine the system further.
  14. Can you please provide the actual met date of this Shiny Mewtwo?
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