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About TinchoX

  • Birthday 02/12/1989


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  1. Didn't see any difference (Stat-wise), except for the fact that I got better prepared for the last part. Last time I got my butt handed to me. Love what you did, few grammatical mistakes here and there (like the use of "your" instead of "you're", and a few weird spaces when talking to Dusknoir), but other than that, it's pretty good! Can't wait for more content!
  2. Noice! Much appreciated!! By the way, is starting from scatch a requirement if I started my save with Ralts and Buneary? Will I encounter bugs or glitches if I continue from my last patch save? It'd be a drag... but if there's no choice... I'll do it.
  3. Yup... An update would most certainly be welcomed.
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