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  1. I was disappointed Gen 7 had no national Pokedex, however I could still transfer all my Pokemon up and they were usable. In Gen 7 they did also fix Pokemon not been able to be transferred from Gen 1 and 2, so it was the first Generation all your Pokemon could exist in, from all the past games. Perfect! I was excited about this. Now if I take this living dex and my old teams to Gen 8 a lot of the Pokemon essentially become useless, their stuck in Pokemon Home and unable to be transferred to any game from there. So what’s the point? You’d be better off keeping them in Gen 7 until the 3DS internet service is going to be discontinued, then you kinda have to transfer them if you don’t wish for them to be stuck forever in a past generation. Granted I do always backup my Pokemon saves before transferring everything to a new generation, as I like to keep things in that generation, its nice to go back at a later date and see everything as it was. I must be honest only a fraction of the Pokemon been available in Gen 8 does spoil the appeal of the new game for me, I’m sure I’ll play it and still enjoy it, however from the point of view as someone who loves collecting Pokemon its rather disappointing in that respect. I'd hope another Gen 8 game allows you to store all the current Pokemon on it, i'd sooner keep my Pokemon locally, rather than on a cloud service. My living dex and current Pokemon collection spans three physical games in Gen 7 at the moment. I guess in some ways Pokemon Home is perfect for me in that respect, however I still want to be able to use all these Pokemon in a current game if desired and have the option to keep them stored on a local game.
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