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I use my Bibarel as an HM slave. It learns so much yet its so useless in battle.

That beaver's hard to train in-game, I know. But in the competitive metagame, that thing can deter many things. It's quite unexpected really and stuff with 6 DD set up really hate the Unaware variants because it can cripple them in some way (Super Fang/Yawn/Thunder Wave, etc...). Simple variants can Curse/Amnesia up for insane boosts. That beaver can really do well if you give him a chance.

Wraith, its to weak, it was actually made to be one of those weak Pokémon as an excuse to fill up a space in the Pokédex.

Come on Wifi anytime and I'll show you what this beaver can do. :-/

Back on topic. So you use Bibarel only for HM slave?

I'm not the only one. Everyone does. Bibarel is useless.

Nope. Not useless. I'll show you if you want. Stop saying useless without reasons to back it up. I backed up my reasons to show you how it isn't useless. It's your turn. Tell me why it's useless.

Well I don't like it, so I use it as an HM slave.

Liking something and it being good are two different things. I HATE Infernape with passion, but I won't deny he's useful and is the second best starter (possibly first, but I think Swampert is more useful nowadays). People HATE Blissey, but she is the BEST special wall in this game.


That's the simple variant :)

Thanks KazoWAR. Yeah, there are times I try to fit HMs in my in-game team. In Crystal, I had Flash on Ampharos, Surf on Lapras, Whirlpool and Waterfall on the Red Gyarados, Strength on Rhydon, Rock Smash on Graveler, and such...


my pokemon slave



rock smash

rock climb


And My empoleon knows surf and gliscor knows fly (gliscor hacked to get fly)


I never give my good pokemon HMs. Unless their good ones like fly, strength, rock climb, surf, or waterfall. Even still, I don't do it unless I need to. Their annoying because you can't just delete it, you need to go to that one guy's house and get it deleted. Which makes it more annoying in the begging when you haven't reached his house yet.

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