empoleonmikel Posted April 27, 2009 Posted April 27, 2009 When I started playing Pearl, i distributed the important HMs to ALL the pokemon in my party, i.e. each member of the team gets at least one of the HMs. That was before facing E4 and Cynthia. My Team: :bidoof: Empoleon - Surf, Rock Climb :bidoof: Gyarados - Rock Smash, Waterfall :bidoof: Roserade - Cut :bidoof: Staraptor - Fly :bidoof: Luxray - Strength :bidoof: Palkia - no HM After acquiring the National Pokedex, I made some new HMs slave pokemon and i'm currently using as follows: Pinsir - Rock Climb, Strength, Cut Skarmory - Fly, Rock Smash, Defog & TM70 Flash Tentacruel - Surf, Waterfall
Enkidu Posted April 27, 2009 Posted April 27, 2009 I run through the game with a team of 3 -4 pokemon usually, with 2 slots fit for Hm slaves. In Platinum I'm using a Pelliper and a Bibarel Haha.
Zafur Posted April 27, 2009 Posted April 27, 2009 I hate having to carry HM slaves. I'm already having trouble deciding which Pokémon to use without having a slot less. In D/P/Pt, I use Bibarel.
wraith89 Posted April 27, 2009 Posted April 27, 2009 Usually I don't relegate Surf and Waterfall to HM slaves because both are usable... although the latter only became usable starting from D/P because before that Surf overshadowed it. I have two HM slaves: Tropius - Cut - Rock Smash - Fly - Defog Bibarel - Strength - Surf - Waterfall - Rock Climb That's all I need.
xeomyr Posted April 27, 2009 Posted April 27, 2009 Bibarel for Cave stuffs and Starly for Defog/Fly , hatched piplup only for cut @wraith89 nice set of HM slave .. i don't know that Tropius can learn fly .. after all, it doesn't have wings >_< (i don't know that the "2 big green leaf" is the wings , i thought those're only decorations >_< ) .. gonna try your sets later thx
Zafur Posted April 27, 2009 Posted April 27, 2009 Yup. Says right in it's dex entry that the leaves are wings, I think. I usually have a starly for fly, defog, etc for the beginning. And I'm planning on having some type of water Pokémon to replace Bibarel's need.
Turtlekid2 Posted April 27, 2009 Posted April 27, 2009 Dragonite - Surf, Fly, Defog, Waterfall. Bibarel - Rock Smash, Cut, Strength, Rock Climb.
wraith89 Posted April 27, 2009 Posted April 27, 2009 Zafur said: Yup. Says right in it's dex entry that the leaves are wings, I think.I usually have a starly for fly, defog, etc for the beginning. And I'm planning on having some type of water Pokémon to replace Bibarel's need. Ouch. I wonder how you fly with a Starly. Do you grab on to his legs? Trainer: "Starly, fly!" *grabs legs* Starly: "AIEEEEEE!" *Ow my legs!!!* Tropius is more reasonable to fly with because you can ride on him xeomyr said: Bibarel for Cave stuffs and Starly for Defog/Fly , hatched piplup only for cut @wraith89 nice set of HM slave .. i don't know that Tropius can learn fly .. after all, it doesn't have wings >_< (i don't know that the "2 big green leaf" is the wings , i thought those're only decorations >_< ) .. gonna try your sets later thx Those things are wings... Tropius is part Flying if you didn't know Check this picture out: http://archives.bulbagarden.net/w/upload/5/53/Tropius_Fly.jpg A Flying Dinosaur!
empoleonmikel Posted April 27, 2009 Author Posted April 27, 2009 wraith89 said: I have two HM slaves: Tropius - Cut - Rock Smash - Fly - Defog Bibarel - Strength - Surf - Waterfall - Rock Climb this is cool. perhaps my skarmory & pinsir (both at level 98) will be released, and EV trained them accordingly :grog: on my way now to Canalave (Mr. Move Deleter!) and thanks for all the responses. i hope that other members would share their "HM slave pokemon" as well
wraith89 Posted April 27, 2009 Posted April 27, 2009 empoleonmikel said: this is cool. perhaps my skarmory & pinsir (both at level 98) will be released, and EV trained them accordingly :grog:and thanks for all the responses. i hope that other members would share their "HM slaves poke" as well Thanks I hate having to have HM slaves in my team (although it doesn't matter if you're doing the One Pokemon Challenge or whatnot). Have your dream team of 6 Pokemon... not. You need those Pokemon to take part in your team while being almost useless in battle... and btw, Skarmory and Pinsir are very good in battle without any HMs, especially the former... so I would NOT keep any HM moves on them. The only HM moves worth using in competitive battle are Surf and Waterfall... that's about it. Fly is also usable in game, now that it is 90 base power, but don't use it competitively. If anything, remember that those two aforementioned HM slaves are all you really need. Tropius is a bit hard to find... I admit, but it took me one Safari Ball to catch one (and I found another one and caught it with one Safari Ball again... I don't know if that'll work for you though)... I wouldn't teach Fly or Defog to my Staraptor... especially when she is viable competitively.
Zafur Posted April 27, 2009 Posted April 27, 2009 wraith89 said: Ouch. I wonder how you fly with a Starly. Do you grab on to his legs?Trainer: "Starly, fly!" *grabs legs* Starly: "AIEEEEEE!" *Ow my legs!!!* Tropius is more reasonable to fly with because you can ride on him LOL. There was a joke about that in a comic. But I agree, I love Tropius.<3 I don't mind using Starly as an HM slave since I like other Pokémon better, so I'm not likely to use him competitively. I agree Staraptor is good for battle, though.
wraith89 Posted April 27, 2009 Posted April 27, 2009 Zafur said: LOL. There was a joke about that in a comic. But I agree, I love Tropius.<3I don't mind using Starly as an HM slave since I like other Pokémon better, so I'm not likely to use him competitively. I agree Staraptor is good for battle, though. What comic? You have to show that to me... And I could say the same about Surfing Pokemon... let's go surf on a Zigzagoon! Great idea! *drowns* What about Dive from RSE? Let's dive underwater! Trainer: "...can't... breathe... clothes... getting wet!" And while you are surfing... how do you fight with the Pokemon you are surfing on? Trainer: "All right Empoleon, use Aqua Jet!" *Empoleon rushes to the opponent's Pokemon* Trainer: "YAAAARRRRGGGGHHHHH!!!!"
Zafur Posted April 27, 2009 Posted April 27, 2009 Wow. I can't find it right now. Maybe it was a random pseudo comic on DA.o-o LOL. Zigzagoon rocks though. *Surfing on Lapras* *trainer battle*DANANANA GO! GOLEM! "Gol-!!!"*sinks* I've always wondered about the diving though.O_o;;
wraith89 Posted April 27, 2009 Posted April 27, 2009 What can Crobat do besides Fly and Defog? (still cannot imagine riding a bat to fly across the continent)
Fallen Posted April 27, 2009 Posted April 27, 2009 It's usually Bidoof and Tropius since they can learn them all between the two of them. No reason to go mess up any other Pokemon with the HM moves. Minus Surf and Fly.
pokemonfan Posted April 27, 2009 Posted April 27, 2009 Bibarel,Graveler, and staravia. I dont train them cause they are all lame. I hate carrying them instead of my good pokemon though.
Fallen Posted April 27, 2009 Posted April 27, 2009 pokemonfan said: Bibarel, Graveler, and staravia. I dont train them cause they are all lame. I hate carrying them instead of my good pokemon though. I resent that! Seeing as how Golem is one of my favorite Pokemon. I mean sure, he doesn't have the best stats, but he's purely awesome. The Graveler stage isn't fun, but you still have to go through him to get to Golem. :\
wraith89 Posted April 27, 2009 Posted April 27, 2009 pokemonfan said: Bibarel,Graveler, and staravia. I dont train them cause they are all lame. I hate carrying them instead of my good pokemon though. I beg to differ. Bibarel destroys stuff in competitive battles with his two amazing abilities. People underestimate him... but he works well as deterrents against stuff like Cosmic Power Clefable and all. Graveler is okay in UU but probably not the best choice in OU because Rhyperior does what he does better. But Golem is a staple rock Pokemon in UU... and does his job well. Staraptor... you've got to be kidding... this is the best Normal/Flying birds out there with Close Combat and Brave Bird to take down birds' common counters. I think he's tied with Swellow as the best physical normal/flying bird.
Fallen Posted April 27, 2009 Posted April 27, 2009 Pidgeot is far better than Starraptor. It would have better moves if it were a more common Pokemon in DPPt.
wraith89 Posted April 27, 2009 Posted April 27, 2009 The Fallen said: Pidgeot is far better than Starraptor. It would have better moves if it were a more common Pokemon in DPPt. Erm... no. As much as I like Pidgeot, I know it is the worst bird the game has to offer. Check out their base stats and ability and tell me which one is the better one. Here's a rant about Pidgeot <--- clicky EDIT: I'll compare them for you Name: Pidgeot Staraptor Ability: Keen Eye/Tangled Feet Intimidate HP: 83 85 ATK: 80 120 DEF: 75 70 SPATK: 70 50 SPDEF: 70 50 SPEED: 91 100 BST: 469 475 As you can see, Pidgeot loses out completely to Staraptor in every way other than defenses, but Intimidate helps out Staraptor's physical defense and Pidgeot isn't notable for surviving special attacks anyways. Useful moves relative to the Pokemon: Pidgeot: Brave Bird (bred from Staraptor -__-), U-turn, Pursuit, Aerial Ace, Quick Attack, Roost, Featherdance, Air Slash, Heat Wave Staraptor: Brave Bird, Aerial Ace, Quick Attack, Pursuit, U-turn, Close Combat Close Combat is what separates Staraptor from the other birds of his kind. Clearly Staraptor has the better advantage over Pidgeot.
Fallen Posted April 27, 2009 Posted April 27, 2009 It's false hope and favoritism. I wish it were a mix of the two; looks like Pidgeot, but has Starraptor's stats.
Greencat Posted April 27, 2009 Posted April 27, 2009 Lv. 100 Blissey with Surf, Fly, Defog and Rock Climb.
Fallen Posted April 27, 2009 Posted April 27, 2009 Greencat said: Lv. 100 Blissey with Surf, Fly, Defog and Rock Climb. All decent moves and a ton of HP..
wraith89 Posted April 27, 2009 Posted April 27, 2009 The Fallen said: It's false hope and favoritism. I wish it were a mix of the two; looks like Pidgeot, but has Starraptor's stats. Yeah, the only hope Pidgeot has is a hold item that doubles her attack or special attack... like something called Crimson Plume or something. Pidgeot is one of my favorite birds too. Greencat said: Lv. 100 Blissey with Surf, Fly, Defog and Rock Climb. A Surfing and Flying Blissey? What?! O_O
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