wraith89 Posted August 13, 2010 Posted August 13, 2010 Nah, Nidoqueen is more defensive, Nidoking is much better for in-game... stronger, faster, etc, everything YOU would love... but I just like Nidoqueen because I had one since Blue version, and continued getting one in every following games I could get her in.
Riolu Aura Sphere Now Posted August 13, 2010 Posted August 13, 2010 I had previously use this team to defeat Red. [hgsssprite]025[/hgsssprite] Pikachu @ Light Ball (M) Nature: Naughty Ability: Static - Thunderbolt - Volt Tackle - Iron Tail - Quick Attack [hgsssprite]447[/hgsssprite] Riolu @ Choice Scarf (M) Nature: Timid Ability: Inner Focus - Aura Sphere - Shadow Claw - Bullet Punch - Drain Punch [hgsssprite]156[/hgsssprite] Quilava @ Life Orb (M) Nature: Timid Ability: Blaze - Flamethrower - Eruption - Quick Attack - Sunny Day
Lucario Posted August 14, 2010 Posted August 14, 2010 I could have used only Lucario. but since he is doing all he could, i used the rest of my team. -Lucario -Typhlosion -Ampharos the rest. i really plan on using my old silver team and with no legendaries. -Garchomp- i really am planning to use Dragonite -Suicune- well it really loves me as Eusine said(sort of) -Lugia- well it's the hero of my game so i should at least use him for a while. ---as of now, Suicune and Lugia are already removed from the team and has been replaced by others(of course) anyway,does anyone here made Red talk. when i first did that in Silver it was so funny. i'm sure old gamers here have done that too.
ayumifan Posted August 16, 2010 Posted August 16, 2010 i used my all lvl 75 teamL typhlosion : eruption flamethrower, double edge and def curl. tyranitar : stone edge, crunch, scary face and rock climb. dragonite : extremespeed, D Dance, dragon rush and surf gengar : hypnosis, dream eater , explosion and shadow ball kenya (mail mans fearow lol) roost, drill peck, fly, and agility nidoking: strength, megahorn, toxic spikes, and shadow claw.
xXSceptileXx Posted August 28, 2010 Posted August 28, 2010 I used Sceptile/Metagross/Scizor/Jolteon/Feraligator/Charizard. I only used Sceptile and Jolteon though.
aaronbkm Posted September 3, 2010 Posted September 3, 2010 I used my main game party: Feraligatr Meganium Typhlosion Alakazam Shiny Ampharos Furret (HM Slave)
Toffeuy Posted September 8, 2010 Posted September 8, 2010 Lol, I used just Dragonite (Pokewalker ftw) and Typhlosion. They were both way underlvled but they were EV trained so they were able to easily kill Red's pokemon. Thing is, them two died like 5 times each. I had plenty of revives and decoys such as my HM Slaves (poor them). I had to revive my decoys so that I could revive Dragonite and Typhlosion when I needed to.
kingphilip42 Posted September 11, 2010 Posted September 11, 2010 I used: Swampert/Salamence/Togakiss/Walrein/Espeon/Typhlosion Half of this team was from my original Ruby file, and the rest are from Soul Silver. Swampert was really overpowered, and I wanted the fight to be fun, so I only used him to kill the Pikachu.
funnynon Posted October 11, 2010 Posted October 11, 2010 I used my Wondergaurd Spiritomb level 100. then i caught one of his pokemon :3
Victini13 Posted October 16, 2010 Posted October 16, 2010 i used my lv100 shiny darkrai, dark void and dark pulse combo
DarkraiFan999 Posted October 17, 2010 Posted October 17, 2010 First time round i used Ho-Oh, Lugia, Kyogre, Arceus, Rayquaza and Mewtwo just to be sure lol. This time round i mainly used Kyogre and Mewtwo don't remember the rest.
0660 Posted October 24, 2010 Posted October 24, 2010 I used one level ninety Alakazam, along with a few fodder pokemon for revives.
Filet-O-Fish Posted October 25, 2010 Posted October 25, 2010 I wore the team rocket uniform and caught his pikachu then I ran away.
0660 Posted October 25, 2010 Posted October 25, 2010 Filet-O-Fish said: I wore the team rocket uniform and caught his pikachu then I ran away. Wow.. I understand not caring about the in-game, but no real battle for old times sake?
Filet-O-Fish Posted October 25, 2010 Posted October 25, 2010 0660 said: Wow.. I understand not caring about the in-game, but no real battle for old times sake? Not yet. I didn't want to beat him at this time. Not with the max leveled pokes I currently have in my party anyway. I'll get back to him soon with some pokes that I bred and need to train. I just wanted to use his pikachu to beat Giovanni.
0660 Posted October 25, 2010 Posted October 25, 2010 Ah. Well, as long as you do it eventually I'm fine with it. It wouldn't matter if I wasn't though.. Heh
Armando892 Posted January 24, 2011 Posted January 24, 2011 I used Dragonite, Typhlosion, Vaporeon, Lugia, alakazam and golem all lvl 70
LadyMiir Posted January 25, 2011 Posted January 25, 2011 I had... Lv 80 (all) Garchomp Lucario Charizard Rotom Swampert I tried it again a few days ago... Lv 85 Sceptile and Jirachi with Garchomp and Lucario for backups. Took a little longer with no STAB Tbolt, but it worked.
SmellTheBurningEmber Posted January 31, 2011 Posted January 31, 2011 My Lv. 100 Feraligatr with random IVs and EVs, plus 5 Revive decoys. Total cake walk. It's a shame you need HMs to reach Red in HG/SS. In GSC, you just needed Flash. And that was optional. It sort of forces your sixth slot to be a HM Slave when people really need a sixth battler. It's one of those things HG/SS did wrong when they tried something new. Same goes for the Espeon-Lapras switch. I guess it gives Red a Hail advantage, but still. You shouldn't mess with one of the most infamous battles in the series. /endrant ~STBE
JoK3R Posted February 28, 2011 Posted February 28, 2011 (edited) I lead with the event pichu with Endeavor. The hail finished them both off. Weavile (level 67) took out his Pikachu and Snorlax. Charizard (level 72) with D-Dance and stone edge and Fire Blast (mixed EV's in Sp Atk and Atk) that took out his Venusaur and Charizard before being KO'ed by Blastoise. Raichu (level 67) Max attack + choice band + Volt Tackle killed both Blastoise and Raichu. Dragonite (level 68) max attack + Choice Band and Outrage got his Lapras low, Blizzard missed then Outrage finished it. I purposely like to carry these battles down to the wire or else they're no fun to me. Edited March 2, 2011 by JoK3R
r3l3nt1355 Posted March 1, 2011 Posted March 1, 2011 i had Shiny Giritina (origin), Tyranitar, Shiny Suicune, Shiny Charizard, Typhlosion, and celebii but all i used was my giritina
wraith89 Posted March 11, 2011 Posted March 11, 2011 JoK3R said: I lead with the event pichu with Endeavor. The hail finished them both off. Weavile (level 67) took out his Pikachu and Snorlax. Charizard (level 72) with D-Dance and stone edge and Fire Blast (mixed EV's in Sp Atk and Atk) that took out his Venusaur and Charizard before being KO'ed by Blastoise. Raichu (level 67) Max attack + choice band + Volt Tackle killed both Blastoise and Raichu. Dragonite (level 68) max attack + Choice Band and Outrage got his Lapras low, Blizzard missed then Outrage finished it. I purposely like to carry these battles down to the wire or else they're no fun to me. ... but... Blizzard does not miss in Hail
Galdr Posted March 11, 2011 Posted March 11, 2011 Typhlosion Azumarill Meganium Furret Raichu Umbreon Mainly my Umbreon and Furret... His Sucker Punch sucker'd out Charizard twice. Umbreon was used to stall Wish/Curse/Baton Pass. Also my Typhlosion used Sunny Day so the Hail wouldn't hurt meh.
yuanyelss Posted March 27, 2011 Posted March 27, 2011 I use my main team consists of the following; VGC2010 shiny Espeon, shiny Froslass, Sceptile, Lucario, shiny Gallade, shiny Flygon...
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