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what about copy and paste?.....you just need the ARDSi codemanager that you got from CD then just add them codes to your Manager....in my opinion it is way faster than the AR DS Manager....but unfortunately the Codejunkies page did not seem to be active anymore....so for future releases you must count on the hardworking people here or those at gba-temp!

Well, back to topic.....i wonder when the codes for crown beasts (US-Version) will be made, together with the celebi one....

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Hey Riolu, I was wondering if there is a code for leveling a Pokemon to Level 50 in the daycare instead of level 100? Currently, I'm using the level 100 one, but I'd rather raise my pokemon myself from level 50. Any help would be appreciated. Thanx.

  Gr8trainer said:
Hey Riolu, I was wondering if there is a code for leveling a Pokemon to Level 50 in the daycare instead of level 100? Currently, I'm using the level 100 one, but I'd rather raise my pokemon myself from level 50. Any help would be appreciated. Thanx.

well you could very easyly do a normal daycare level up without the code.....or you go get the wild pokemon lvl. code and pick them from lvl. 50.......or use the experience code to obtain high exp. and get there in no time! :D

  AsMew2Pika said:
Request! Get it from Pokemart!

1. Toys 'R Us - Ash Pikachu

2. Gamestop - Shiny Raikou, Shiny Entei, Shiny Suicune, Shiny Celebi

I don't think the Celebi was shiny, just the legendary beasts. It would be nice to have codes for their Wonder Cards, though...


I have a couple questions about the "Max IVs" code in the OP. I assume that it's for pokemon you already own, and not for wild ones, since it seems like that's what you told someone else who posted a while back.

If that's the case, then:

1.) Which pokemon does it affect (first in party, first in PC box, etc.)?

2.) Which button do you use to trigger it?

Sorry if those are newb-ish questions, but I only just got my AR a few days ago, so I'm still figuring this all out. xD;

  Riza said:
I have a couple questions about the "Max IVs" code in the OP. I assume that it's for pokemon you already own, and not for wild ones, since it seems like that's what you told someone else who posted a while back.

If that's the case, then:

1.) Which pokemon does it affect (first in party, first in PC box, etc.)?

2.) Which button do you use to trigger it?

Sorry if those are newb-ish questions, but I only just got my AR a few days ago, so I'm still figuring this all out. xD;

well normaly, riolu posted the buton combo.....but you can check it out with the buton codes in the search mask of your browser and then compare it with the code you mentioned!

And normaly it will change the stats by marking pokes in PC-Box using the Deposit menue instead of moving pokemon!


Hey Riolu... ok I recently accidently caught Red Gyarados in lake of rage thinking for some stupid reason that nature mod was gonna work while surfing... so i caught one and liked the ivs that it had then saved after i caught it then looked again seeing brave. I used your gender/nature for caught pokemon and it made a male adamant but took off shiny. When i use shine move mode mod... it works but makes my pokemon a naive... I really wanna get an adamant shiny gyaradose thats reletively legit... any steps or codes i may not know of that i can use?


Hi Riolu, I would like to thank you for putting up and maintaining this awesome thread. I was wondering if you would have a code for an Event English US version SMR2010 Jirachi. I lost my gamesave on my heartgold and soulsilver and lost the jirachi on them and would like to get them back. I have tried your codes for Jirachi and all of them come up with OT:GAMESTP. The one i want is OT: SMR2010. If you have a code that i missed could you tell me which one. Also i tried your shiny Raikou code, the one with the picture above it, and it gives me a shiny Raikou with its name spelled in japanese kanji. I checked the code to see if it was in the us format instead of Japanese and it had the us line. I copied and pasted the code into my ARdsi so I know i didn't make any mistakes and I hold L+R and have also tried Select to see if that makes a difference. Could you check that code if you have time as well.


RASN, do you still remember the "reset all in-game flags" code you created some time ago? I was all nuts about the code, but for some reason i've only remembered to try it yesterday. Do you mind giving further explanation on how to use this code, and where should my character be? I assumed i should be back inside my room to trigger the very first event with your mom, but nothing worked. Mom stayed outside of the house all the time and there're a lot of sprite glitches. Sorry if this has been asked and answered before. If you have answered this, you can just tell me "The answer is pages ago" and i'll look for it more carefully. Thanx a lot


Hi I have found a Pokerus code that doesn't freeze your game when you mark it in Bill's PC. It's on an older thread but it works for a Dsi AR I've checked it. http://projectpokemon.org/forums/showthread.php?4595-Action-Replay-Codes-For-Pokemon-Heart-Gold-and-Soul-Silver/page95. You'll notice it's the same as Riolu's but the last 2 digits of the code are different. Thanks to TORTERA353. Figured I'd make it easier to find as this is the best active AR thread.

Note: It doesn't last long so put a pokemon in the box if u want to keep it.

  Dawstyn said:
Hey Riolu... ok I recently accidently caught Red Gyarados in lake of rage thinking for some stupid reason that nature mod was gonna work while surfing... so i caught one and liked the ivs that it had then saved after i caught it then looked again seeing brave. I used your gender/nature for caught pokemon and it made a male adamant but took off shiny. When i use shine move mode mod... it works but makes my pokemon a naive... I really wanna get an adamant shiny gyaradose thats reletively legit... any steps or codes i may not know of that i can use?

Here is a re-battle code from first page!

+ Red Gyarados

  Reveal hidden contents

Here is code for the guy with the Jirachi problem:

Jirachi(Night Sky)

  Reveal hidden contents

And for your shiny Crown Beasts problem....it is however because there´s still no WC or other Code for the US Version avaiable....the Codes are mostly from Japanese Events and were coded for US Games....just be patient ´till the great Riolu found a working code for the current US Crown Beast events.....i am sure he will soon post it!

Posted (edited)
  AsMew2Pika said:
Request! Get it from Pokemart!

1. Toys 'R Us - Ash Pikachu

2. Gamestop - Shiny Raikou, Shiny Entei, Shiny Suicune, Shiny Celebi

Shiny Raikou: Press Select

Pick up via Pokemart

  Reveal hidden contents

Shiny Entei: Press Select

Pick up via Pokemart

  Reveal hidden contents

Shiny Suicune: Press Select

Pick up via Pokemart

  Reveal hidden contents

Celebi: Press Select

Pick up via Pokemart

  Reveal hidden contents

If you can provide a link for the Toys R Us Ash Pikachu's WC, I can create the code. The US Movie 13 Celebi isn't Shiny.

  Riza said:
I have a couple questions about the "Max IVs" code in the OP. I assume that it's for pokemon you already own, and not for wild ones, since it seems like that's what you told someone else who posted a while back.

If that's the case, then:

1.) Which pokemon does it affect (first in party, first in PC box, etc.)?

2.) Which button do you use to trigger it?

Sorry if those are newb-ish questions, but I only just got my AR a few days ago, so I'm still figuring this all out. xD;

I always input how you are suppose to use the code. You must Mark a Pokemon in Bill's PC.

  dsa said:
Here is a re-battle code from first page!

+ Red Gyarados

  Reveal hidden contents

Here is code for the guy with the Jirachi problem:

Jirachi(Night Sky)

  Reveal hidden contents

And for your shiny Crown Beasts problem....it is however because there´s still no WC or other Code for the US Version avaiable....the Codes are mostly from Japanese Events and were coded for US Games....just be patient ´till the great Riolu found a working code for the current US Crown Beast events.....i am sure he will soon post it!

Already posted on the first page.

Edited by Riolu Aura Sphere Now

Sorry dsa your code that you posted does give me a jirachi but its Original Trainer(OT) is still GAMESTP. I need the Jirachi that has the Original Trainer(OT) SMR2010. I am aware that the gamestop one does have the same moves, same level, same cherish ball and same berry. Despite that I still want the SMR 2010 Jirachi and I can't find a code anywhere with my limited knowledge and resources. I only stumbled on project pokemon by accident and am i ever glad i did. By the way thank you Riolu for your Johto Beast Trio and Celebi codes. The Johto Beasts ones work awesome and i haven't tried the celebi yet but I'm sure it works like almost all of your others. Anyway I am wondering though if that Jirachi I am trying to find is even still possible to get even though a code. Ever Nightsky jirachi gives me the gamestop one that was given away if you preordered heartgold or soulsilver. Would you know or be able to find out if the Jirachi released on wifi (on june 26 til July 15-16) Worldwide even has a code. I know it was released in Europe and America during this time in couple different languages.I am looking for the American one with the OT SMR2010. Thanks

  Shiny Phoenix said:
Sorry dsa your code that you posted does give me a jirachi but its Original Trainer(OT) is still GAMESTP. I need the Jirachi that has the Original Trainer(OT) SMR2010. I am aware that the gamestop one does have the same moves, same level, same cherish ball and same berry. Despite that I still want the SMR 2010 Jirachi and I can't find a code anywhere with my limited knowledge and resources. I only stumbled on project pokemon by accident and am i ever glad i did. By the way thank you Riolu for your Johto Beast Trio and Celebi codes. The Johto Beasts ones work awesome and i haven't tried the celebi yet but I'm sure it works like almost all of your others. Anyway I am wondering though if that Jirachi I am trying to find is even still possible to get even though a code. Ever Nightsky jirachi gives me the gamestop one that was given away if you preordered heartgold or soulsilver. Would you know or be able to find out if the Jirachi released on wifi (on june 26 til July 15-16) Worldwide even has a code. I know it was released in Europe and America during this time in couple different languages.I am looking for the American one with the OT SMR2010. Thanks

Hi....got a page that might help you....but you might need a Pokemon Pearl or Diamond to trade.....Here´s the page:



Hi Dsa. I've checked your link the file looks promising but i have no idea how to open it on my PC. my windows XP doesn't recognize the file type. Once I do get it open do I need anything extra besides my PC and my AR to use it. I'll admit I'm not very good with computers. It took me 2 days to figure out how to get the drivers into my Brand New AR. i'm learning as i go. My PC says something about pokesav when I look online. How do i use That???

  Shiny Phoenix said:

Here it is for Platinum (hope you have that one to trade it then from there.....and well it is the English one...because i don´t think you come from germany...as the link jirachi was)!

English SMR2010 Jirachi Australia (Press L+R while entering the PokéMart to obtain)

  Reveal hidden contents
  Shiny Phoenix said:

SMR2010 Jirachi: Press Select

Pick up via Pokemart

  .:Thomas:. said:
Can you convert this platinum code for hg? It's a view egg contents code triggered by L
  Reveal hidden contents


  .:Thomas:. said:

Here you go.

View Egg's Contents (Hold L/R)

Also allows you to Release Eggs

  Reveal hidden contents
  ZeroManArmy said:
I'm trying the Shiny Leaves one and it isn't working. I go to the PC and click on marking right?

Yes, go to any Pokemon in Bill's PC and choose Mark a Pokemon. After that, choose any Shape and choose Confirm/Ok.

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