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With a little help by the mods we could organize the threads so that all questions and errors end up here -while letting the original thread only be used for publishing tests, scripts, e.g.

Would make it much easier actually find research material when we move 15 of the pages to this thread, perhaps people could simply referrer to a post then two lines below type their question (so we can click the link, check the post and attachment in question then read the question and reply).

I believe this will be a smart thing to do.

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So, if I were to set up the GTS Nuker thingamabobber to distribute event Pokemon, would the traffic from random people downloading have any effect on my internet? Like, would the (potentially) vast amount of people trying to connect end up sucking up bandwidth or slowing my speed to a crawl? Or, more importantly, would that cause my ISP to flip out? I do have a respectfully fast connection if that matters.


You would need a LOT of people to slow it to a crawl.

Let's say you have decent DSL

My ISP has an Upload of 512 kbps

Ends up being like 64 kBps (My math might be off) [Capital B is bytes, converting to Bytes for easier explanation]

So each file I sent is 236 Bytes, and I can have 64,000 Bytes per second going out at a time.

In other words I could upload to 271 people at a second, once I go over that limit I'll start lagging.

Unless you have a VERY VERY wide database and do VERY VERY popular events, you won't run into this. I posted mine on [spoiler'd due to rule 1 and 2] several times and I've still yet to go over around 60~70 a second MAX, rarely hit 40 a second at high points.

With that said also remember that your PC doesn't do much uploading for browsing the web, it does downloading, so you're fine. If you're playing games you may notice slight lag (MMOs).

Oh I forgot the other question, no your ISP won't flip out.


Alrighty. Networking related things aren't my forte.

I want to do a distribution thing, even just locally for myself at the very least.

So basically I have a D-Link WBR-1310 router. I port forwarded the ports 53 and 80 to the OP address of my computer. I start up Python and SendPKM, with a PKM file selected in it. I input my IP into the DNS part of the DS settings like I normally do when someone else is hosting a distribution. Python stays at waiting for requests and I never connect on the DS.

So what could my problems be?

Windows firewall is down.

That router's firewall doesn't have a magic off button to click and I'm pretty sure port forwarding automatically by passes what is needed doesn;t it?


Okay two possibilities.

If you're trying to setup for just yourself, use LordLandon's original script, and it doesn't require any port forwarding or any of that jazz, it just works.

If you do indeed want to set it up for other people...

Make sure you forwarded 80 TCP and 53 UDP

Check that they are open (You can test 80 TCP by having a friend type your WAN IP in his browser IF you have sendpkm open ; Red text in your screen means it's open)

Open your dnsserver you are using and the Sendpkm you are using, set up sendpkm.

Ask someone outside your server to try and connect.

General troubleshooting:

1. You have someone try and connect, but your DNS Server shows no activity

53 UDP isn't setup properly (DNS server), either you have a firewall on router or PC blocking it, the port isn't forwarded properly or some sort of other firewall/antivirus/something is blocking activity. Try making sure everything works fine port-wise and then restart your PC incase.

2. They try and connect to conntest.nintendowifi.net twice and then fail (Shows up in DNS)

It's connecting to your DNS but isn't properly forwarding it along, could be that the DNS that your DNS server script is redirecting the 'buypass'es too is having issues at the moment, could be other things. Basically it means your DNS is working, but redirecting is having issues. I've noticed getting this the most when I was downloading stuff on the computer (torrents, steam games, etc). Basically your connection sometimes is so maxed out that it can't evne properly redirect them, or bother to in time before the time out.

3. They connect to conntest.nintendowifi.net but fail connecting to nas.nintendowifi.net

Having an illegal pokemon in your party is usually the culprit.

4. The DNS server shows that it's forwarding gamestats2.gs.nintendowifi.net to "Insert IP", however there is no activity on my sendpkm server

Check to make sure that nothing was started after your sendpkm went up that might use port 80, common culprits are webservers (Apache, IIS, etc), and Skype. It's also possible that for some reason the port isn't forwarded correctly (port 80) so the request isn't even getting there, despite the DNS knowing where to go.

5. People are complaining that pokemon they receive are in ball capsules, poisoned, or have super awkward stats!

You used a box pokemon, sendpkm (all versions posted in the thread) are to be used ONLY with Party pokemon. While there are cases when you can use box pokemon you shall not do so as it requires every person to have 6 pokemon in their party for things to go smoothly. ONLY USE PARTY POKEMON


If there's anything else that pops up I'll add it.

  datoneguy said:
Okay two possibilities.

If you're trying to setup for just yourself, use LordLandon's original script, and it doesn't require any port forwarding or any of that jazz, it just works.

If you do indeed want to set it up for other people...

Make sure you forwarded 80 TCP and 53 UDP

Check that they are open (You can test 80 TCP by having a friend type your WAN IP in his browser IF you have sendpkm open ; Red text in your screen means it's open)

Open your dnsserver you are using and the Sendpkm you are using, set up sendpkm.

Ask someone outside your server to try and connect.

General troubleshooting:

1. You have someone try and connect, but your DNS Server shows no activity

53 UDP isn't setup properly (DNS server), either you have a firewall on router or PC blocking it, the port isn't forwarded properly or some sort of other firewall/antivirus/something is blocking activity. Try making sure everything works fine port-wise and then restart your PC incase.

Oh hey, you're that one guy whose thread I was posting Red's Pikachu and Brock's 1st battle pokemon stats in.

Anyways, I looked up that Lord Landon's script and got it to work fine for myself.

I still can't seem to get my own pokemon through the other, "mass distribution" way. I have forwarded those two ports, found the port checker made by Vlad and it shows as bring open, however online checkers reads them as being closed. Now you're saying to get a friend to check to see if they can get the pokemon... so am I not supposed to be able to test out getting my own pokemon myself through this method? I was assuming if it didn't work locally then it wouldn't work period.

If thats the case I'll have to test the other steps later then. :x


I didn't see this thread at first, my apologies. Unknowingly posted this in the research thread.

Welp, having an issue. Using GTS Nuker, works perfectly from my PC to my DS when inputing the host PC as its local IP address. When I use the external IP address I've been unable to get it to work, both to my DS and my friends. It gets to nas.nintendowifi.net and just keeps looping there. Hard to explain in words, so I'll just attach an image:


Never gets past that, never attempts spoofing. Any ideas?

  KazoWAR said:
Anyone know what I need to have it keep sending out the same pokemon over and over? I tried GTS Nuker, but it did it once and wouldn't send out another time, but you could still connect to the gts.

You're doing something wrong in GTS_Nuker then, because GTS_Nuker does exactly that, try giving the IP out to several people and it should work fine.

  Dojorkan said:
Oh hey, you're that one guy whose thread I was posting Red's Pikachu and Brock's 1st battle pokemon stats in.

Anyways, I looked up that Lord Landon's script and got it to work fine for myself.

I still can't seem to get my own pokemon through the other, "mass distribution" way. I have forwarded those two ports, found the port checker made by Vlad and it shows as bring open, however online checkers reads them as being closed. Now you're saying to get a friend to check to see if they can get the pokemon... so am I not supposed to be able to test out getting my own pokemon myself through this method? I was assuming if it didn't work locally then it wouldn't work period.

If thats the case I'll have to test the other steps later then. :x

See the thing with testing out your own pokemon is that sometimes it decides to be gay. For example, when I type in my WAN IP I tend to timeout even though it does connect to my DNS server. I usualy end up tweaking it specifically for me when I want to grab a pokemon.

It's best tested by getting someone outside your network because things that might afflict you inside your network (your DS not connecting) will still allow people outside of it to obtain pokemon.

The best combination I've found and use is to use Vlad's dnsserver.py (The newer one where you don't even have to find your own IP, it's preset), and M@T's sendpkm.exe

This tends to allow for the fastest distributions, both are threaded, and they work right out the box with no fiddling with IP boxes (you do have to forward your ports though)

  krizz02 said:
I didn't see this thread at first, my apologies. Unknowingly posted this in the research thread.

Welp, having an issue. Using GTS Nuker, works perfectly from my PC to my DS when inputing the host PC as its local IP address. When I use the external IP address I've been unable to get it to work, both to my DS and my friends. It gets to nas.nintendowifi.net and just keeps looping there. Hard to explain in words, so I'll just attach an image:


Never gets past that, never attempts spoofing. Any ideas?

Okay, do you have an illegal pokemon in your party?

Although to be honest the problem seems to be that it won't connect to nas.nintendowifi.net properly. Try restarting everything and then setting your Secondary DNS to your normal DNS. (you can get this from an ipconfig)

  KazoWAR said:
The DNS spoofer keeps just random stoping. the last thing said is that someone requesting a url string.


Not sure, maybe someone else can help.


i will try that now datoneguy. no illegal pokemon in either parties though, especially my friends (he's using all in game caught pokemon). mine are from the pokemon database, very minor editing in pokesav (lowering current levels, carried items, happiness, etc. - all legal moves and what not). will let you know of updates. what exactly does setting the secondary DNS to my/his normal DNS actually do?


By doing that, if it can't connect to nas.nintendowifi.net the first time, it'll try through norma DNS the second time instead of repeatedly trying from the first DNS.


any one know how to open port 80 tcp? i got all my ports open but that one and i believe thats the port causing the pokemon not being sent to my friend.

i tried port forwarding and also dmz

My ISP blocks port 80 inbound. What can I do to get this to work?


yea it did what i figured it would with my real DNS in secondary: showed spoofing, never recognized by sendpkm, eventually ends up in the actual real GTS.


who is your net provider? mine is doing the same and its because they block port 80 inbound.

How can I change the port pokemon send uses?

  chinedu11 said:
Does anyone know why it tells me to set my dns to

It means the machine will accept any connection via any IP, if you can figure out your local or public IP of that machine (local IP can be found in network properties btw) then you just use that IP instead of "" as it's not a valid IP. ;)


Yes it should work as long ports are fine (ports are no problem if you use internal LAN IP addresses, and disable firewall on the operation system for port TCP80 and UDP53).


Got M@T's GTS_Nuker to work, but I have a bit of a problem. Can't forward port 53. I've already forwarded 80 for an HTTP server, but I run into an error when I try to forward 53 with any protocol.




No expert in Jargon, but I think 53's in use. So two questions: How can I find what's using it (and stop it), and can I change the port it list on from the source code + recompile? ie: Use port 530 instead. I tried it with the Python scripts and got errors.

  Hazzardous said:
Got M@T's GTS_Nuker to work, but I have a bit of a problem. Can't forward port 53. I've already forwarded 80 for an HTTP server, but I run into an error when I try to forward 53 with any protocol.




No expert in Jargon, but I think 53's in use. So two questions: How can I find what's using it (and stop it), and can I change the port it list on from the source code + recompile? ie: Use port 530 instead. I tried it with the Python scripts and got errors.

We must emulate how the official GTS works, first by making the NDS use our own DNS server (it is by default ran on port 53, thus unless you can hack your NDS to access DNS over another port be my guest). Same goes for HTTP server, by default it goes over port 80 thus only way to change it is to hack the game and make it communicate over another port -in other words really hard and tedious work.

How the internal ports and such are is up to everyone one of us, as long the public can access the services using ports TCP80/UDP53 then there won't be problems. Use local IP if you dont wanna fix ports on the router (only for local intranet GTS) but if you wanna open up a server then in your case UDP53 is probably taken by your router if it has a pubpic DNS service, or perhaps a predefined example setting that takes that port in some other configuration site on the router?

  Vlad said:
We must emulate how the official GTS works, first by making the NDS use our own DNS server (it is by default ran on port 53, thus unless you can hack your NDS to access DNS over another port be my guest). Same goes for HTTP server, by default it goes over port 80 thus only way to change it is to hack the game and make it communicate over another port -in other words really hard and tedious work.

Ah, I was starting to think the NDS connected to a preset port, and that was why I got errors. :/

if you wanna open up a server then in your case UDP53 is probably taken by your router if it has a pubpic DNS service, or perhaps a predefined example setting that takes that port in some other configuration site on the router?

I'm not sure what you're saying here. My router might have a public DNS service, and so I can't host one? My goal is to be able to have this work with friends.

Router won't let me forward 53. Friends haven't been able to connect from the test we've done. Am I doing something wrong?


Vlad, any idea what would be getting in the way of connecting to nas.nintendowifi.net? If I use the python based script it doesn't even acknowledge an incoming connection. Using the GTS_Nuke people can connect no problem, but it never gets past the nas.nintendowifi.net part. I'm stumped.

another thing that's strange is even if I don't have 53 forwarded, it's still open. i don't see what would be running on 53, i have nothing. could printer sharing over a network or windows 7 by default be using 53 for something?

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