RenegadeShroom Posted April 10, 2010 Posted April 10, 2010 I don't really mind them being on DS, in fact, I prefer it, since I only got my DS this year, I had to borrow a friends whenever I wanted to play until now. I don't really mind if it's updated graphically, it's the actualy gameplay that I like, and discovering what each of the new Pokemon are, one by one. So, as long as I can play it, I'm happy with it. However, they could have come up with better names. Onyx and Quartz, for example? Assuming they want to keep the black/white thing going.
Nirron Posted April 10, 2010 Posted April 10, 2010 Screenshots of the game have been leaked can be found on Serebii and I'm sure other sites have them aswell.
Okami Posted April 10, 2010 Posted April 10, 2010 Dang it. I told myself I was over with Pokemon after the release of HG/SS....but with a title named Black, that is very tempting for me to buy....
pokemonrulz Posted April 10, 2010 Posted April 10, 2010 These games will be totally epic!! I want to see the games in action!
mewmart Posted April 10, 2010 Posted April 10, 2010 Wow, judging from the leaks from Seribii, the graphic improvement is very tremendous!!
AtomicGreymon Posted April 10, 2010 Posted April 10, 2010 mewmart said: Wow, judging from the leaks from Seribii, the graphic improvement is very tremendous!! Just because of the shifted perspective for some of the shots? There are codes for Hg/Ss to allow the camera perspective to be shifted, and can create a very similar effect to how some of those Gen V shots look: All that's been done with these screenshots is making the 3-D aspect a little more pronounced (by designing scenery and buildings to make better use of it), since it's an official feature this time. From the shots we've seen so far, the graphics aren't very far at all beyond what we've seen in Hg/Ss. For a new generation, that's dissapointing... and exactly why I wanted these to be on the 3DS. The redesigned Pokemon Centre looks nice, and the battle screen (the frame of it we've seen, anyway) looks good.
EleanorLamb Posted April 10, 2010 Posted April 10, 2010 I honestly can't even imagine not playing a new pokemon game that comes out. I've played every one since I was eight . Really though, I'd love to see more to the game than gym battles, a rival, a team of villains, an elite four, and some kind of side contest. I'd also love it if sprites were customizable... that would be super neat .
Fawful Of Ice Posted April 10, 2010 Posted April 10, 2010 EleanorLamb said: I honestly can't even imagine not playing a new pokemon game that comes out. I've played every one since I was eight . Really though, I'd love to see more to the game than gym battles, a rival, a team of villains, an elite four, and some kind of side contest. I'd also love it if sprites were customizable... that would be super neat . Your right! That WOULD be awesome!
FreeSpirit Posted April 10, 2010 Posted April 10, 2010 The battle scene looks awesome. You can see the all of the Pokemon's body on your side now plus the new shadows they added. The little background all the way back there is a nice addition too. There is also a little speech bubble tail of who is talking which I find that nice. But, it looks like you don't have a Pokemon that follows you in that game. It would be awesome if they still did; I would personally like having a little Zorua following me around lol. EleanorLamb said: I'd also love it if sprites were customizable... that would be super neat . I second (or third) this. It would be awesome like Pokemon Battle Revolution how you can make your own character.
MACandCHEEZWIZ1 Posted April 10, 2010 Posted April 10, 2010 I am now almost positive that the games will be on the 3DS. The DS logo on the website being proof that it isn't doesn't make sense. The 3DS is a tentative title, like Nitro was for the original DS and Revolution was for the Wii. So why make a logo if 3DS may not be the final name? Also, the scans show massive enviroments, which would be a pain to load on the DS, even with reduced frame rates. So far, the overworld (like caves) look a bit better than HG/SS, but remember Diamond and Pearl? Their graphics were significantly changed and upgraded from their original scans. The original release date was in 2005, but ended up being mid-late 2006. The same could be considered for Black and White, especially considering it's almost guaranteed to be seperated from Gen IV. Gen I and II were a group, followed by Gen III and IV, and so will Gen V and (possibly) VI. Also, do we even know if we are viewing the BETA or ALPHA gameplay? Gold and Silver looked extremely similar to their predecessors during their Alpha stages, but had a dramatic change in graphics leading up to their release. Even the Alpha versions were playable, albeit in a small demo with prototype Pokémon. Also, we have not seen what the gameplay looks like on any actual system. Also, did anyone happen to notice the male protagonist's arms stick out?
AtomicGreymon Posted April 10, 2010 Posted April 10, 2010 MACandCHEEZWIZ1 said: I am now almost positive that the games will be on the 3DS. The DS logo on the website being proof that it isn't doesn't make sense. The 3DS is a tentative title, like Nitro was for the original DS and Revolution was for the Wii. So why make a logo if 3DS may not be the final name? Whether there's a 3DS logo or not, were these games intended for that system Nintendo would've included no logo whatsoever on the new page. The DS Logo clearly, beyond any doubt, indicates that these are regular DS games. MACandCHEEZWIZ1 said: Also, the scans show massive enviroments, which would be a pain to load on the DS, even with reduced frame rates. The only look massive, thanks to the increased depth of field that the new camera angles in some locations give. I doubt they're any larger (in RAM, anyway) than equivalent locations in Gen IV. The graphics are basically just Hg/Ss with some tweaking, and a modified camera angle. The 3DS is likely to be capable of so much more than what we're seeing in these screenshots. The screens show the same type of limited, pseudo-3D effect that the DS has always been capable of.
amh7912 Posted April 10, 2010 Posted April 10, 2010 TM2-Megatron said: Whether there's a 3DS logo or not, were these games intended for that system Nintendo would've included no logo whatsoever on the new page. The DS Logo clearly, beyond any doubt, indicates that these are regular DS games.The only look massive, thanks to the increased depth of field that the new camera angles in some locations give. I doubt they're any larger (in RAM, anyway) than equivalent locations in Gen IV. The graphics are basically just Hg/Ss with some tweaking, and a modified camera angle. The 3DS is likely to be capable of so much more than what we're seeing in these screenshots. The screens show the same type of limited, pseudo-3D effect that the DS has always been capable of. You totally skipped over what I beleive was the key part of his message. The part about we can't know how much they are going to change the games between here and the release.
MACandCHEEZWIZ1 Posted April 10, 2010 Posted April 10, 2010 TM2-Megatron said: Whether there's a 3DS logo or not, were these games intended for that system Nintendo would've included no logo whatsoever on the new page. The DS Logo clearly, beyond any doubt, indicates that these are regular DS games.The only look massive, thanks to the increased depth of field that the new camera angles in some locations give. I doubt they're any larger (in RAM, anyway) than equivalent locations in Gen IV. The graphics are basically just Hg/Ss with some tweaking, and a modified camera angle. The 3DS is likely to be capable of so much more than what we're seeing in these screenshots. The screens show the same type of limited, pseudo-3D effect that the DS has always been capable of. Gold and Silver were originally planned for the Game Boy, but (while still compatible with it) were optimized for the Game Boy Color. We've only seen a few pictures. Nothing can be assumed yet. There is no indication of a touch screen yet, so we'll have to wait for a bit before making anything beyond speculation. At this point in the game, anything goes.
AtomicGreymon Posted April 10, 2010 Posted April 10, 2010 MACandCHEEZWIZ1 said: Gold and Silver were originally planned for the Game Boy, but (while still compatible with it) were optimized for the Game Boy Color.We've only seen a few pictures. Nothing can be assumed yet. There is no indication of a touch screen yet, so we'll have to wait for a bit before making anything beyond speculation. At this point in the game, anything goes. As far as systems go, though, the DS is as far as it goes. Whether there'll be a few 3DS-enhanced features thrown in... that's possible (as a hint of what's to come in the 3rd version, which will almost surely be 3DS-exclusive now that the first two are confirmed DS games). But the games clearly have standard DS graphics, and will be intended primarily for the DS. The 3DS is rumoured to have the power of the Gamecube; these screenshots so far would be an insult to such a system.
MACandCHEEZWIZ1 Posted April 10, 2010 Posted April 10, 2010 TM2-Megatron said: As far as systems go, though, the DS is as far as it goes. Whether there'll be a few 3DS-enhanced features thrown in... that's possible (as a hint of what's to come in the 3rd version, which will almost surely be 3DS-exclusive now that the first two are confirmed DS games). But the games clearly have standard DS graphics, and will be intended primarily for the DS. The 3DS is rumoured to have the power of the Gamecube; these screenshots so far would be an insult to such a system. But we don't know how far these games are in development. I gave an example above about G/S being similar to Gen I at the time of announcement (as shown in incredibly old pictures), but being massively altered two years later during the release, which was thought to happen soon after the announcement. Each Gen's starter games were released long after their planned release date. In B/W's case, it's late 2010. I am sure that it will get pushed back due to unspecified reasons, and we'll all wind up with Gen V on the 3DS. I just can't imagine them on the DS. It has nowhere to go for its future, even if some slightly re-worked Pokémon games are gonna be put on it. It's just not good business sense. I'd think the second-best selling video game franchise can do better than that.
AtomicGreymon Posted April 10, 2010 Posted April 10, 2010 MACandCHEEZWIZ1 said: But we don't know how far these games are in development. I gave an example above about G/S being similar to Gen I at the time of announcement (as shown in incredibly old pictures), but being massively altered two years later during the release, which was thought to happen soon after the announcement. But these games have been stated to be coming later this year; not 2 years from now. It's likely they'll be out sometime between September and November, just as the past 3 Generations have all been launched in those months. MACandCHEEZWIZ1 said: Each Gen's starter games were released long after their planned release date. In B/W's case, it's late 2010. I am sure that it will get pushed back due to unspecified reasons, and we'll all wind up with Gen V on the 3DS. I just can't imagine them on the DS. It has nowhere to go for its future, even if some slightly re-worked Pokémon games are gonna be put on it. It's just not good business sense. I'd think the second-best selling video game franchise can do better than that. Except they've announced, and continue to state in subsequent releases of information, that these games will be out very soon.... possibly as soon as 6 months from now. Nintendo isn't in the habit of announcing a game years before it's coming anymore. Even if they'd announced these games a year ago instead of a few weeks ago, there'd have been more room to possibly push back the release. But it's now way too late in the game for Nintendo not to know whether these games are being pushed back or not. If they were planning that, they wouldn't have announced them for the later part of this year. They'd have just left the release date up in the air. I'm not happy about these two being on the DS, either. It is a dying system; but there's not much arguing at this point that Black & White, at least, will be regular DS games. The 3rd version is likely to be a 3DS title, though; so I can live with that.
\b\ Posted April 10, 2010 Posted April 10, 2010 I wonder if they're gonna add new types or have new typed starters. The Water/Grass/Fire thing is boring.
amh7912 Posted April 10, 2010 Posted April 10, 2010 The whole thing seems rather repetitive. But It's a good system. I like the basic 8, the rival/villians, the 4 thats actually five, and sometimes want a change of the starters, but then realize that there aren't many I would want that can be used together to create the type thing they have going. However, it would be good if the evolutions gain unexpected types.
BryFy354 Posted April 11, 2010 Posted April 11, 2010 Guys, even if these did get pushed back, they wouldn't be for the 3DS. They have been in development for the DS for so long (not sure exactly how long a Pokemon game is in development) that it would be foolish to try and switch them to the 3DS at the last minute. Even putting the inevitable 3rd game on the 3DS would be strange. However, 3DS enhanced features for it are feasible. I think they would be minimal though.
mewmart Posted April 11, 2010 Posted April 11, 2010 That's what I think as well. The DS population is too massive now I feel, to even consider about making Black and White 3DS exclusive. I mean of course, there'll be players who are willing to spend on this console just for this game. But there might be a majority who wouldn't.
SmellTheBurningEmber Posted April 11, 2010 Posted April 11, 2010 I like how all of you are complaining about all this crap. It doesn't matter if it's on the DS or DSi or 3DS or if the graphics haven't improved much. We are all going to buy it just because it's Pokémon. Just be happy that we're even getting a new pair of games. ~STBE
BryFy354 Posted April 11, 2010 Posted April 11, 2010 SmellTheBurningEmber said: I like how all of you are complaining about all this crap. It doesn't matter if it's on the DS or DSi or 3DS or if the graphics haven't improved much. We are all going to buy it just because it's Pokémon. Just be happy that we're even getting a new pair of games. ~STBE Thank you. Every single person who has said they don't like the new look will buy the game anyway. Chances are they will fall in love.
amh7912 Posted April 11, 2010 Posted April 11, 2010 What do you mean *be happy* that we're even getting a new set? We would get one wether we wanted or not, because it would sell. Or did you forget that it is all just a company, created for profit; not a volunteer operated system? And as for the people talking about the "inevitable third game", I ask that you look at FireRed and LeafGreen. At the very least I doubt that there will be a Crystal remake(Sorry about going off topic there). Now, onto the games themselves. Right now all we can honestly do is speculate, because they threw out many rules with generation III and IV. Before III all legends were genderless, and all pokemon had one form. Before IV none could have eggs, nor were there normal type legends. So this game could entirely shatter the foundation of Pokemon games. I mean look at the Pokemon center alone. It's part of a HUGE building, and has a store inside of it. Next thing we know there is going to be a teleportal in them also. On a side note, I hope that if a Crystal comes out it will be like the others, except on the 3DS, providing it the ability to store all four of the original regions, as well as the Sevii islands and such(The full maps, not that halfway stuff we got for GSC Kanto). Admittedly they would need a heck of a lot of story added. EDIT: forgot the part in the asterics
SmellTheBurningEmber Posted April 11, 2010 Posted April 11, 2010 I highly doubt there will be a Crystal remake. Look at FR and LG. They never got a WaterBlue or LightningYellow. I believed everyone meant a third game to go along side Black and White (like how Platinum is to D/P). ~STBE
Cyber Phoenix Posted April 11, 2010 Posted April 11, 2010 With this announcement, I'm changing my plans. I'll wait until March 2011, and then go buy both games. I could still buy a DSiXL soon though - Pokemon is not the only appealing DS game for me. Work on a Pokemon BW-compatible save editor like Pokesav should begin the second the games are released in Japan. I'm not meaning to be pushy - I'm merely stating what most of us are thinking.
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