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  Wichu said:
On Japanese games, you select a region of Japan rather than a country. These will account for some of the missing locations.

Thanks for the info, but I can't read Japanese, I hope Poryhack will manage to rip the names.

  Wichu said:
Anyway, I'm interested in connecting to the GTS with a script, but I'd rather not use this method... The reason is that I want to write a script for fangames made in RPG Maker to connect. But if I'm understanding correctly, this can only be done (so far) using an existing GTS 'account' and thus won't be able to deposit/withdraw Pokémon without messing up someone else's trade, right?

That's right, everything is based on the PID, so each player of your fangame would have to have a different PID, which has to be registered first.

The registration process seems to use SSL, so I think it'd be difficult to connect to the real GTS.

However, fan-made GTS servers can accept any PID, and I think it would be much more legal using a custom GTS server rather than the real one for fangames.

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  Wichu said:
That's true, but defeats the point of being able to trade with official games :P

You would be able to trade with official games if they also connect to your own GTS :D


Yeah, that's what I meant.

I don't believe Nintendo would agree if a fangame traded with their GTS...

  M@T said:
I don't believe Nintendo would agree if a fangame traded with their GTS...

Sure they won't, but the question is if they could block non-official games from the GTS .


I don't think it's a good idea to connect Fangames to the real GTS but its your decision.


Here's the list. It seems to be correct in number and order; you did miss a handful of locations past Vietnam but no problem.

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Thanks a lot. :biggrin:

BTW, could you telle me where is it located in the ROM (path to the file), please ? :smile:

PS : I didn't have anything after Vietnam, look at the screenshot :

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Well you said you only got 130 from the list as it appears in your game? Maybe the ones after Vietnam are just some of the ones they skipped for whatever reason. I took the list from Platinum (US version); I kinda doubt that any changes were made to it either before or after but someone would have to check it to be sure.

The relevant files are at /msgdata/msg.narc for DP, /msgdata/pl_msg.narc for Pt, and /a/0/2/7 for HGSS. I recommend googling "thenewpoketext" if you aren't familiar with it. It can dump the NARC into a nice XML file in actual text.


I know thenewpoketext a bit, I just wasn't sure if the names would be in the usual message files (I didn't search actually :redface:).

Thanks again.

EDIT : Okay, I found it, it was in file 612, so 'get 612 locations_plat.xml' did the trick.

  M@T said:
But strangely, it first gave me BSODs with Platinum, and now it works properly, I don't know why exactly, I think that it is due to me having deposited something in the real GTS (it began working fine after I did that).

That could explain why some people have connection errors, and others do not.

After getting my flashcart i was getting a BSOD every time i used GTSNUKER or SENDPKM with heartgold ( don't have other games right now) while ii never did on my retail cart of heartgold. I was starting to blame the dump and was thinking about redumping. After what you said though i went and deposited a Pokemon into the real GTS , and took it out, after that i went and set up gts nuker and got no BSOD. This was the first time for me to connect to the real GTS on this save, so it makes me think the GTS gives the game some info or something the first time you connect, With out it the games wants to fail. I will continue connecting and seeing if i BSOD anymore. Know what the game gets from the GTS? can you duplicate it in the fake GTSs or iif not and this is the reason it fails the solution is to just connect the real GTS one time.( well at least once)

also if there are more misspellings or other oddities sry really tired and already fixed quite a few.


Thank you for the feedback, so there would be a real link between using Nintendo's GTS once and having no more BSOD's.

I can try and sniff the packets with Cain & Abel and Wireshark, dunno if it'll work though.


sure seems that way since both gtsnuker and sendpkm work fine now, no more BSOD now that i have connected once on this save.

So for now the best advice to BSODing would just connecting to the real GTS, ...and possibly needing to deposit something.


i had an idea and went and found a save before the GTS, i sent me a pokemon to make sure i BSOD, which i did, i then used GTSserver to send a Pokemon over and then took it back .... then i sent me another Pokemon to me with gtsnuker and no BSOD. So if i understand all this right it not so much needing something from the real GTS, it the DS was just confused ( i know real technical here xD) on how you got a Pokemon when it has no record of you ever putting a Pokemon up? or whatever technical stuff i don't understand xD

EDIT: err well sendpkm gave me an error but it looked slightly different going to retry it but gtsnuker gave me no error.

EDIT: ah tried to send a box pokemon on accident with a party pokemon all worked fine with sendpkm as well.


Hello. I really don't understand what I am supposed to do here. I understand most of what you talk about, but I don't know what the goal of this project is or what I can do to help. All I know is that you are trying to do something with the GTS. I am really good at computers, and I want to help.


I set up Sendpkm and got the DNS to use for my DS (, but when I input it into my DS, I get a failed connection test and I can't connect to the GTS. How can I sort this problem out? Help would be appreciated.

  danhomer said:
Hello. I really don't understand what I am supposed to do here. I understand most of what you talk about, but I don't know what the goal of this project is or what I can do to help. All I know is that you are trying to do something with the GTS. I am really good at computers, and I want to help.

We were trying to build fake GTS servers. Now we have.

Posted (edited)


I found out about all this GTS exploits stuff this morning and have been trying since then to make a milotic with no avail. On my WIFI connection settings, everything is set and connected to my computer and has been for about a year with no problems. I followed the instructions on all the sites i could find, saying to drag the pokesav created pkm file to the sendpkm.py and i got I type that in to my primary DNS, use test connection, and the bars go green, then red, and i get error code 52100. When i drag the pkm file to dnsserver.py, i get, and the connection is successful, but when i go to the GTS ingame, it brings me to the "deposit pokemon/seek pokemon/exit" menu. When i use the DNS of popular distributors, it works just fine. I have platinum and diamond and its like that for both of them. I only intend on using this for myself also.

EDIT: Now i dont have any connection at all after trying to figure out if my router's mode should be b, g, b and g, or 108mbps; my security options should be none or WEP; and if my authentication type should be open system, shared key, or automatic

Edited by tornadod
more problems

Hello. On both my HeartGold and Platinum, I tried to re-create a Deoxys event with the GTS hack, by setting my DNS server to what Python told me (, but when I tried to connect, I had a great connection, bu then it lost connection, gave me an error, and kicked me out (WITHOUT MY DEOXYS!):mad:.


same thing happened to me, id have a green 3 bar connection for about 30 sec then it went back to red, gave me an error, and i didnt get the pokemon (milotic)


I would recommend setting you router to b and g, as it seems that the DS operates on the b band, but modern computers operate on g.


Ok, thanks. Changed it to b and g, channel 1. Im getting error code 52000: unable to obtain an IP address(this is with only the SSID and wep key in, Auto obtain Ip address and dns are on yes)

EDIT: Woohoo! got a connection using my LAN IP instead of the IP i got when i looked it up on google. When I use my Gateway as my Primary DNS, then it works perfectly. But when I put epic milotic.pkm the sendpkm.py, the Primary DNS it brings up in the command prompt is the same as my IP Address, and when i test the connection with that, i get error code 52100 andevery once in awhile 51300.


Same thing happened to me, but got fixed when I switched to GTS_Nuker instead. You've got to make an exception in your firewall though, and perhaps open some ports on your router, but in the end it worked...

Posted (edited)

ive made an exception in my firewall and opened the ports in my router i was told to, but what is this GTS_nuker? can you give me an attachment also? Thanks

I downloaded GTS_nuker but have no clue what to do. Its called SendPKMdx.exe right? When i put a pkm in it it doesnt give me any DNS, it just says waiting for connexion and says distribution: 0. When I use my regular DNS, it sends me to the send or seek pokemon menu, i dont get any pokemon. And when I use the DNS that sendpkm.py gives me, i get error code 52100

Edited by tornadod

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