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Since I temporarily lost my ar cable, I need someone to trade me a team.

The team is already in the code, so it makes it easier for you :D

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Thanks in advance :D

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Posted (edited)

While being very bored waiting for my pokémon black to arrive, I decided to make a list over "old" pokémon with new dream world abilities that I'm gonna try to get ASAP after my game arrives.

This will of couse take some time as there is a limit to how many times you can connect to the dream world each day. Therefor I decided to share my set list with you. I'd like help getting all of there pokémon. I don't really care about them being ev'd or having any specific moves, just that the nickname, ability and nature is correct. Also in any stat that I am going to ev them in, they need to have 15+ iv's, unless it's the speed stat, cause 31 iv's for max speed, or 25+ for non maxed, but still trained speed.

Since cloning should be possible before my game arrives (1-2 weeks left if I'm lucky, more if I'm not..), it should not be a problem sharing it with me.

(Edit: Politoeds nick should be "Poli")

List of Pokémon:

Dream World Ability Sets.doc

Dream World Ability Sets.docFetching info...

Edited by war-lord

I'm restarting my HG game, while waiting on B&W and I really wanna use these pkmn, can someone help me??

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Uh...Hello i need an AR of this team in pokemon platinum(USA) please :

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  • 3 weeks later...
Posted (edited)
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Please take all the time that is necessary. I'll once again subscribe to the thread so that I can know when my order is filled, since it is a fairly large request and the queue is somewhat long now.

Thanks in advance.

EDIT: Added Sableye, who is located at the bottom of the list. Added Pokemon Genders to the appropriate Pokemon.

EDIT2: Switched Salamence's, Drapion's, and Rayquaza's hold items.

EDIT3: Used a random number generator to figure out the IVs of all of the Pokemon except Sableye, to make the order easier to fill.

EDIT4: Slightly modified Regigigas' moves list.

Edited by Spencer n Aurora

I recently experienced a tragedy. I unknowingly caused my starter (my beloved Typhlosion) to transform into a Bad Egg while using a lame item modifier code. I didn't notice until after I had saved, and well... obviously it was too late. I would use Pokesave to make him myself, but I only have my roommate's computer available to me now and she won't allow me to download anything =/

I would be so happy if someone could bring back my bro for me. Thanks.

Please contact me via PM if you take this on =]

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EDIT: If possible, could he have a Shiny Leaf crown? He loved his crown...

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Umm make 6 of these (more if possible) let their IVs vary, make them look real.. Thanx.. btw lm new here

Posted (edited)

Still looking for someone to fulfill my request =]

You would be rewarded the best I can.

EDIT: My request has been fulfilled.

Edited by Battle

Hey I made a Code for an Azelf in Pokemon Platinum German Version, but it doesn't work.

Can someone tell me what's wrong with it?

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Thanks in advance


hi... this really isn't a pokesav request but I don't know where to "request" this...but if you know, please point me to the right thread..thanks.

can someone help me know what my SID is by trading you one of my captured pokemon? thanks in advance!

  Payl7 said:
Hey I made a Code for an Azelf in Pokemon Platinum German Version, but it doesn't work.

Can someone tell me what's wrong with it?

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Thanks in advance

You didn't put an Encounter Method (85h), and that is an invalid PID (you can't have 31 IVs and naive, it's an invalid IV-PID) Everything else looks fine. I suggest using PokeGen instead of PokeSav.

  elite ralf said:
hi... this really isn't a pokesav request but I don't know where to "request" this...but if you know, please point me to the right thread..thanks.

can someone help me know what my SID is by trading you one of my captured pokemon? thanks in advance!

You should try out GTS emulation (hypergts) if you can't find anyone.

  • 1 month later...
  180213 said:
Pokemon: Pikachu

Held Item: Light ball

Level: 100

Ability: Wonder guard

Nickname : PIKACHU

Original Trainer (Trainer Name/OT): Ash

Trainer Gender (If specific): Male

Trainer ID (If specific): 07150

Secret ID (If specific): Unknown

Pokemon Gender (If specific): Male

Shiny (Yes or No): Yes

Egg (Yes or No): No

Nature: Naughty

Attacks: Volt tackle, Quick attack, Iron tail and Thunder bolt

PP (max or normal): Max

Pokérus Status: Infected/Cured/No Status: Infected

Pokéball Captured In: Cherish ball

Battle Stats: Max

IV Stats: Max

EV Stats: Max

Ribbons (If any): All ribbons

Location/Date Met: June 1, 2099

Level Met At: 100

Location/Date Hatched (If an Egg): None

Happiness: Max

Contest Stats: All

Party slot 1-6 or Storage box 1-18, slot 1-30 (required for AR code): Storage Box 1 slot 1

For what game (required for AR code): D/P,HG/SS or Platinum: Pearl

Here is ur Pikachu.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)
  180213 said:
Pokemon: Absol

Held Item: (none)

Level: 100

Ability: Wonder guard

Nickname (If wanted): DRAGON

Original Trainer (Trainer Name/OT): DRAGON

Trainer Gender (If specific): Boy

Trainer ID (If specific): 99999

Secret ID (If specific): 99999

Pokemon Gender (If specific): Male

Shiny (Yes or No): Yes

Egg (Yes or No): No

Nature: Brave

Attacks: 1. Sheer cold, 2. Fissure, 3. Horn drill, 4. Guillotine

PP (max or normal): max

Pokérus Status: Infected/Cured/No Status: Infected

Pokéball Captured In: Cherish

Battle Stats: Max

IV Stats: Max

EV Stats: Max

Ribbons (If any): All ribbons

Location/Date Met: Wifi event met on June 1, 2099

Level Met At: 50

Location/Date Hatched (If an Egg): (none)

Happiness: 255

Contest Stats: all

Party slot 1-6 or Storage box 1-18, slot 1-30 (required for AR code): Party slot 1

For what game (required for AR code): D/P,HG/SS or Platinum: Heart gold

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I didn't know if you wanted a legit pokemon, so I made one with EV's at Attack and Speed, most of IVs 31 and chained shiny, the legality checker says it's legit, try the code (you must press select to activate it) and tell me if it worked.

Edited by Wertoret
put a platinum code, now this one should be HG working

Can anybody please find my pokemon emerald version secret ID without a shiny pokemon? Does it only require an ID? If so my id is: 34590, but if finding the SID requires me trading one of my pokemon to you or telling you all of its information; such as stats, I'll also post that too. If not too much trouble do you also think you can find the SID of this ID too?: 22187


I have a few requests, could anyone make them as soon as possible??

Gliscor lvl 100, Nature: Jolly, Ability: No Guard, moveset: Guillotine, Sheer cold, Fissure, Earthquake

I really want the stats at their maximum:

HP: 354

Attack: 317

defence: 383

sp. attack: 207

sp. defence: 273

speed: 317

Registeel lvl 100, Nature: Sassy, Ability: wonder guard, Moveset: Gyro ball, Ice punch, Curse, Superpower

I really want the stats at their maximum:

HP: 364

Attack: 273

defence: 438

sp. Attack: 273

sp. Defence: 438

speed: 49 (the lowest it can be)

Spiritomb lvl 100, Nature: Modest, Ability: wonder guard, Moveset: Toxic, will o wisp, confuse ray, sucker punch

I really want the stats at their maximum:

HP: 304

Attack: 311

Defence: 346

sp. Attack: 311

sp. Defence: 346

Speed: 185

Those things is everything i want on the pokemons... i dont really care if they're shiny or with pokerus or with which ID number



Posted (edited)

Several months ago I requested these ar codes. I am reposting them again with hopes of someone helping to make them.

On page 50 of this thread, I posted some PKMS for the Following 8 Pokemon.

I want them to be this way, but I am aware that the PKMS on Page 50, may need to be revised. especcially the nickname of the Event Shiny Eevee Evolutions.

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These are other Pokemon that I may be unable to make.

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These other requests are of pokemon from the Pokemon Series. The person who makes the pokemon will be able to determine which pokemon as long as the character actually captured the pokemon in question.

This next group deals with pokemon from the series of the twirp trio or in the Hoenn Region the Twirp Quartet. You can choose which pokemon to make a code for for each of the children, and these other characters, but I would like them to appear like these characters traded these pokemon to me.

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I have a lot of Pokemon that I am requesting for my Heartgold and Soulsilver Versions.

I would greatly appreciate it if someone could make me these pokemon.

I would like both the action replay codes for all of these pokemon US Version Box 2 Slot 1, and I also would like the PKMs for all of them, if at all possible?

Thank you to anyone who can help make these pokemon for me. I would really appreciate it.

Edited by Tracy1969able
wanted to help specify certain pokemon for the Pokemon's Character's pokemon to help the codemakers
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please make it 100% legit for soul silver i am new at this so i dont know what PM means if its emails then yes send me a message with what times you can be on.

Posted (edited)

Hi there, I have a little request to make.

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If anyone takes it you can PM me after it's done or add my messenger if I'm nowhere to be found: beraldojr@hotmail.com

Edited by Pkmn 337
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