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Note: I am new here, please forgive me if this wasn't the right place to put this question.

So let me preface this: I am unable to use PkHex. I am a moderator in a discord focused on things like that, however I'm primarily there to assist people using Showdown, watch over people, etc. Many of my mod friends, the owner of the server, etc have PkHex, but no one seems to know the answer to this question. I can only use Showdown sets to generate, and I add batch editing commands as needed for various things like OT, nicknames, and so on. Due to this, I have a basic-to-moderate understanding of how batch editing commands work.

I've been getting my wife a lot of the legendary and pseudo-legendaries that she isn't able to get herself, so that she can practice casual battling in her spare time. I've been using batch commands like .Version=32 or .Version=33 so that mons like these originate in USUM rather than Sword and Shield, so that she doesn't have to deal with the pain in the arse of Dynamax Adventures-- even having mons originate in SwSh's Dynamax Dens causes them to have strange, random IV rolls due to dyna adv requiring specific seeds for specific IV rolls. The bot our server uses will find the closest legal seed roll and assume those IV rolls for your mon. This causes a huge pain when creating things that need 0 IVs in certain stats. 

However, I've run into a problem. I've realized that the game will not allow a huge amount of the ones I've already created into even casual battles due to "not having the Battle Ready symbol". Going and manually giving all of these mons the BR symbol through the guy in the battle tower is an enormous pain since he deletes all the moves, however for the ones I've already created, I can accept that inconvenience. I know that if they originate in Galar, they don't need the symbol. However, a lot of them I'd prefer to originate in USUM so I can avoid dealing with the IV rolls of the DA dens, especially for trick room mons and things that need 0 Attack stats, etc. So I'm looking for a batch edit command I can use to force the BR symbol to avoid any of that extra work. I've combed through the batch edit beginner's guide here ("How to Use the Batch Editor in PkHex") but I can't find any conclusive answers. I got everything else I needed through there, like OT, PID, SID, nicknames, version info, and all that, so I was bummed to see nothing about symbols. I did see that someone else had asked a similar question in one of the forums, and someone answered them saying simply "Battle Version". So I then tried adding the command   .BattleVersion=True  into a showdown set of a mon originating in USUM, but that didn't change anything nor add the BR symbol. And the mon was perfectly legal for both USUM and SwSh, no weird egg moves or move tutor moves or anything like that. Even if it had been illegal, it would have told me. :/ I'm at a loss. I'm sure it's got to be possible with the amazing resource that is Project Pokemon and PkHex, but I just can't figure it out. 

I'm not sure what I'm missing. If anyone has any answers on what batch edit command I could enter into a showdown set to put the Battle Ready symbol onto things, I'd GREATLY appreciate it. Thank you so much in advance for your time, and I'm sorry for the info dump!! I thought the background info might be helpful to understand why I'm trying this. 



  On 1/16/2021 at 6:01 AM, Kaphotics said:

Selecing BattleVersion in the drop-down tells you it's an int32, not a boolean. You need to set a version ID, same as the pkm's version.


So.... Can you re-explain this in a simplified language that someone who doesn't have PkHex could understand? Like I mentioned--- I don't have the ability to use PkHex. I use showdown sets and add batch edit commands here and there when needed. What I'm trying to find out is: is there a batch edit command that I can add to a showdown set in order to force the battle-ready symbol onto mons that originated in USUM/games pre-Gen 8? for example, my showdown sets might look like this:

(prefix) Tyranitar (M) @ Smooth Rock  

Ability: Sand Stream  
Shiny: Yes  
EVs: 180 HP / 252 Atk / 76 Spe  
Adamant Nature  
- Rock Slide  
- Crunch  
- High Horsepower  
- Thunder Punch


obviously, that bold section (.version=32) is a batch edit command written in text form, something that sysbot can accept. if there is a batch edit command that can force a battle ready symbol that I can use in a showdown set such as this--- that's what I'm looking for. I'd prefer to NOT have to recreate everything and set it's origin game to SwSh, because all of the dynamax adventure legendaries/psuedo legendaries etc have to deal with some very strange IV rolls that can mess up trick room or 0 Attack sets. as I mentioned before, I know very little about the inner workings of PKHex because I'm unable to use it :/ 


You can browse the source code to see what properties are exposed for editing.


BattleVersion is an int, so you need to set a number rather than true/false. It's the same kind of value as Version, just indicating on what version it was made "Battle Ready" on (which wipes its relearn moves and resets the current moves).

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  On 1/17/2021 at 6:23 AM, Kaphotics said:

You can browse the source code to see what properties are exposed for editing.


BattleVersion is an int, so you need to set a number rather than true/false. It's the same kind of value as Version, just indicating on what version it was made "Battle Ready" on (which wipes its relearn moves and resets the current moves).


I really, REALLY appreciate your help, Kaphotics. I hate bothering you because I know how important and valuable your time must be. You're practically a mythical/legendary figure to a lot of people, myself included.

I took your advice and I've looked through the source code (even though I barely understand it lol) and found the section regarding Battle Versions on line 428, listed right here:

public int BattleVersion { get => Data[0xDF]; set => Data[0xDF] = (byte)value; }

and from my extremely limited understanding of this, I think this means that it's going to look for the data that defines the pokemon's origin game, and then set the battle version to whatever it should be for that game. I then had the not very bright idea that maybe, just maybe, I could work around that. Since BattleVersion is an integer, I tried using the ID numbers assigned to each game (listed on the "How to Use the Batch Editor in PKHEX" page, under the Version spoiler) to see if something like this would work: 

(trade prefix) Tapu Koko  
Ability: Electric Surge
OT: Wolfie
SID: 1809
TID: 863888
OTGender: Male
OTLanguage: English

(just in case you don't know off the top of your head: 32 is Ultra Sun and 44 is Sword. Sword is the version I have)

I thought this might essentially force the origin game to be Ultra Sun, and then force the battle version to comply with Sword, hoping that would let me have Tapu originate in USUM, but simultaneously give it the Battle Ready symbol. Unfortunately, that "bright" idea turned out to be not-so-bright, because it was flagged as illegal, and it wanted to send me the GETINBAG Cosmog e.e

Strangely, on a non-legendary like Blaziken, it kiiiinda worked, but instead of having it originate in USUM, it's become an origin-Galar mon, listed as "It seems it hatched from an Egg that was received 1/18/2021, which its original Trainer got from a Link Trade" in-game. I'm not sure why it wanted to make it as an egg-hatched mon, though. 

I'm beginning to think this is something that might not be possible without actually having PkHex. Either that or I'm missing something huge here. :/ Again though, I really, REALLY appreciate your time. I might just be better off figuring out how to run Windows on my crappy little Mac x.x 

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