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Congratulate me... just kidding. I wouldn't end a topic just like that. You saw it coming... another WALL of text -_-


Mew2 the Torterra (M) @ Soft Sand

Sassy Nature

Level 53

Starter Pokemon

- Crunch

- Leech Seed

- Razor Leaf

- Earthquake

I could have replaced Razor Leaf with Wood Hammer... but in-game, that is not ideal. Yes people, I picked Torterra... and I am well aware Infernape makes the game easier... WAY easier. Torterra has this advantage over the other Grass starters by learning things that are normally hereditary moves naturally. Look at Leech Seed, Synthesis, Crunch... and Leaf Storm! And it even learns Earthquake naturally! That is really good! It is very defensive as well and can hit quite hard with Wood Hammer or Earthquake... and Crunch for those Ghosts (Bite in early game). His ONLY problem is that REALLY slow speed... he slows the game down too. Not used to going second all the time? Too bad, this isn't RBY/GSC anymore where your starters had reasonable speed to deal with in-game matters. After the introduction of Swampert, they started making slow starters... and Torterra here is even slower. Yeah I know... the inability to run away from Starlies early game really blows. But later on, he becomes quite the asset.


Feedlstick the Noctowl (F)

Hasty Nature <--- FAIL

Keen Eye <--- MORE FAIL

Level 52

Eterna Forest/Level 12

- Hypnosis

- Roost

- Extrasensory

- Air Slash

I replaced Staraptor with this thing... BLASPHEMY! I know... Staraptor is infinitely superior... so guys stick with Staraptor. But I like this wise owl... and I actually wanted to try it out. It is a shame though... it wasn't very useful in Elite 4... but before that, it was pretty useful for Hypnosis and Reflect... which helped support the team. But learning Roost at level 52? That's unacceptable by my standards... and having Take Down as its primary move was not a good thing either. For a special attacking bird this thing sure has a lot of physical moves in its movelist. Extrasensory came in too late to help me anyhow... when I really needed it back when Team Galactics were using stuff like Golbats and Sneasels and Houndours and Stunkys and... oh wait... most of them are dark types! Never mind ^^

Real men use Noctowls :D


W.Fox the Floatzel (M) @ Mystic Water

Brave Nature <--- WHAT THE HECK????

Level 53

Valley Windworks/Level 10

- Surf

- Waterfall

- Crunch

- Ice Punch

Ok... this is one of the better Pokemon in game... and I'm stuck with the lousy BRAVE NATURE??? BOO. I received Ice Punch by move tutor using shards. I replaced the vastly inferior Ice Fang with it. If you did not pick Piplup as your starter, get one of these. Really, they are amazing because they are really fast, are offensively powerful on both sides of the spectrum, and can learn things to abuse them like Ice Beam and Waterfall and Crunch. Its speed is even more ridiculous in the rain... doubling, making it overkill. Other water Pokemon you can resort with include Shellos or Magikarp (yes that thing becomes Gyarados), but Buizel is available to you with more offensively oriented stats. Problem is... his defenses are bad... yeah, watch out for that.


Blackout the Flareon (F)

Quirky Nature

Level 51

Hearthome City/Level 20

- Quick Attack

- Fire Fang

- Flamethrower

- Fire Blast

Yes, I evolved Eevee into a Flareon, now stop flaming me! (no pun intended). I evolved her quite late though because I thought Adaptibility + Quick Attack was just too awesome. I mean I get to 2HKO Kadabras with that! Originally I had Bite, but I found Fire Blast too inefficient in-game because it missed a lot and ran out too often. Also it never seems to OHKO stuff that are weak to it. Come on... Flareon gets STAB on that thing!! Anyhow Flareon is surprisingly quite effective in game. It is quite the powerhouse and blows stuff up just like what a regular pyromaniacal Eevee would do. If it were not for Flareon, I would have NEVER got past Candice... PERIOD. Fire Fang 2HKOd Volkner's Jolteon... and both were evenly leveled. Heh heh :)


Saimir the Scyther (M) @ Silverpowder

Sassy Nature <--- NOT GOOD

Level 53

Technician <--- ^^

Route 215/Level 20

- Wing Attack

- Agility

- X-Scissor

- Night Slash

It was all thanks to this guy I beat Maylene... and my Crobat too. The other Pokemon I had were too wimpy :P Anyways, this guy is one of the best Pokemon you can find in game... but the GAME GIVES ME A (-) SPEED NATURE SWEEPING POKEMON AGAIN. ARGH! They are quite rare unlike Buizel and getting the better of the two abilities is also quite hard. Not to mention they have a REALLY low catch rate. Anyhow, Scyther is just purely awesome. I kept Wing Attack ever since it got it... and it did insane damage to everything... even OHKOing many of them. How it failed to OHKO Aaron's Yanmega is beyond me :/ Scyther is possibly my most useful Pokemon in this game up to date.


spaling the Gallade (M) @ Mind Plate

Quirky Nature

Level 51

Route 212/Level 24

- Swords Dance

- Psycho Cut

- Night Slash

- Leaf Blade

51 levels and it STILL didn't learn Close Combat... :(

Anyhow I caught a male Kirlia and I wondered what to do with it. Then I found a Dawn Stone and said "Okay let's save this poor male Kirlia from all the embarassment and the cross dressing and evolve it ASAP" and I did that. Now this thing is the amazing tutu wearing gladiator! . . . tutu? Oh man! COME ON GAMEFREAK! Anyhow this guy is powerful and Swords Dance is just amazing. I wish Scyther learned that earlier... but the problem with Gallade is that it just is not fast enough. But after a Swords Dance it eats everything up. STAB Psycho Cut is amazing... and the other two moves are great too. In fact, all three have high critical hit ratio... which NEVER seems to work for me >:| To get Leaf Blade or Night Slash, go Heart Scale them. But frankly, the elemental punches work better... and Close Combat will do more than Super Effective elemental punches on stuff anyhow... unless the latter was 4x effective. Still, this guy is great... but he's quite fragile for some reason... even more so than I expected. A common theme in this team seems to be "strong physical attackers with sub-par speed with good special defense but horrid physical defense"... except Noctowl doesn't have the "strong physical attack" part and Scyther and Floatzel does not have "good special defense".


Yes, only Floatzel... ONLY FLOATZEL survived the onslaught in the end.

Epic Wins:

  • After 2 rare candies, Scyther finally OHKOs Yanmega with Wing Attack
  • Scyther OHKOs Heracross with Wing Attack
  • Scizor eats a Flamethrower from Flareon... Flareon survived its Night Slash
  • Flareon leaves Vespiquen with 1 HP with Fire Blast... oh wait, that's a fail. But at least Flareon won on that match unlike Noctowl.
  • Floatzel sweeps 3 out of 5 members of Bertha's team (Gallade took care of Whiscash, Floatzel loses to Hippowdon >.<)
  • Floatzel sweeps 4 out of 5 members of Flint's team... survives Infernape's Thunderpunch.
  • Scyther OHKOs Mr Mime with X-Scissor, OHKOs Gallade with Wing Attack, OHKOs Espeon with X-Scissor (but not before Espeon hits Scyther with a powerful Psychic, forcing it to switch).
  • Flareon's Fire Blast MISSES the OHKO on Bronzong... wait that still sucks. Oh yeah, after the Full Restore, Fire Fang 2HKOs Bronzong (O_O). So you may think Flareon's Fire Fang would do a lot to Alakazam... see below in the failures what REALLY happened.
  • Spiritomb outstalled by Torterra
  • Gallade Sword Dances and Psycho Cut critical hits against that blasted Togekiss :)
  • Floatzel outspeeds Lucario and finishes it off with Waterfall
  • Milotic is weakened by Floatzel and beaten by Scyther's Wing Attack
  • Scyther OHKOs Roserade with Wing Attack
  • Garchomp ravages through my team... wait no that's bad!
  • Final resort Floatzel... is outpaced by Garchomp (GRRR)... but survives the Dragon Rush and OHKOs Garchomp when it had 75% of its HP left! Makes me wonder how Gliscor survived it better when it was lower leveled. Floatzel wins me the match :D



  • Scyther failing to OHKO Yanmega with Technician Wing Attack while Yanmega ate up Scyther with a single Air Slash (left Scyther with 8 HP, but thanks to Speed Boost and Aaron cheating with Full Restore... you know)... therefore I shoved 2 Rare candies up Scyther's throat just so it would.
  • Noctowl getting walled by Vespiquen even after flinch haxxing with Air Slash... lame. Air Slash would only 3HKO and won't even shave off 50% of Vespiquen's HP. I let it get 6 Defend Orders and Air Slash's PP were depleted afterwards. Restarted right after.
  • Drapion freeze haxxing/flinch haxxing Torterra every time with Ice Fang... and when it didn't, it would critical. Me blundering for putting Miracle Seed instead of Soft Sand... because with the latter EQ would OHKO. Otherwise it would end up with Drapion with a sliver of its HP left while I have no choice but to spam Full Restores and wait for that eventual critical hit... and Ice Fang never missed >.>
  • Floatzel failing to OHKO Gliscor with Ice Punch (it only took like 50%ish)
  • Floatzel failing to OHKO Hippowdon (then last Pokemon of Bertha), then Hippowdon finishing off weakened Floatzel with Crunch
  • Floatzel failing to outspeed Infernape and failing to OHKO with Waterfall with Brave Nature... COME ON.
  • Floatzel Waterfalling Magmortar when it had 3 HP... only to get a parting gift in form of Flame Body. Whoops xD
  • Mr. Mime surviving Floatzel's Crunch... and sets up Reflect. I promptly restart because Reflect would screw me over. I switch lead to Scyther instead.
  • Flareon survives Alakazam's Psychic and uses Fire Fang... which should have killed or gotten to red HP... of course RNG is unfavorable for me and leaves Alakazam with ~47% of its HP!!! Knowing Quick Attack wouldn't finish it off, I switch to Noctowl... to eat a Focus Blast which HITS, lowers Special Defense... and criticals all at once. Lame -_-
  • Spiritomb winning the speed tie on Torterra on EVERY single occassions... except once when it wasn't even that critical.
  • Floatzel coming to revenge kill a Togekiss... who took 1 Ice Punch... had 40% of its HP left. Shock Wave didn't finish me... then another Ice Punch... which left Togekiss with 2% of its HP (WHAT??!!!) Shock Wave finishes Floatzel off.
  • Flareon coming in to revenge kill that said Togekiss with 2% HP. Water Pulse shaves off 50% of Flareon's HP... Fire Fang MISSES. I proceed to Quick Attack... Togekiss SURVIVES. Water Pulse finishes off Flareon... and I promptly restart the game.
  • Me letting Gallade stay in after getting a + 2... using Psycho Cut... hoping it would critical. Well, it wouldn't. Gallade was severly weakened, so you know what happened. 2HKO from Lucario's Shadow Ball.
  • Flareon coming in to revenge kill said Lucario... only to get eaten by a Stone Edge which landed a hit on me >.>
  • Me for getting a Brave nature Floatzel... trust me it isn't pretty at all. All the other Floatzels must be laughing at him :(

So how was your first Elite Four experience like? You can open up the enclosed SAV file on Pokesav and see my Pokes. And no I did not name them... the members of Project Pokemon did >.>

If you guys took part in it, remember 10 names? :D

How I ended up taking down the E4 with a bunch of ridiculously underleveled Pokemon is beyond me... ok, so there were items. That's about it though.

Now that I have the save archived, I will proceed to start a file where I use INFERNAPE as the starter... accompanied by only Staraptor and a few others. This will be easy :) I will attempt to speedrun this game.


xpa-pokm.SAVFetching info...

Edited by wraith89

I never get tired of your wacky shenanigans, Wraith. You used under-leveled Pokémon with bad natures, get a lot of unlucky breaks, and still manage to win in the end. I would have given up, but your perseverance and dedication payed off. I still haven't beaten the Elite 4 on my Platinum. My game time is 120 some odd hours (an unknown portion of which is leaving my DSi on by mistake) and I only have 5 badges. I'm am trying to "Catch 'em all!" as I go through the game, and that means "Evolve 'em all!" as well. I mainly use Exp. Share with my Infernape in first, so it is massively over-leveled (73, with Flame Wheel (sentimental value from my original Typhlosion on Silver), Mach Punch (I like having a weaker fighting move), and Flare Blitz and Close Combat (I enjoy cool-looking, powerful moves). I want Blast Burn later, but I don't know what to give up, although I could just breed a Chimchar). The game isn't that fun knowing I have to go through the best parts without any trouble whatsoever. I'm too lazy to train anything else up to level 50, and I leave my legendaries untouched. My first Elite 4 battles consist of starter occaisionally fainting, me reviving it while some poor sap gets KO'ed, and ending with my close-to-fainted starter, and about 10 missing Revives and Full Restores. This is why I can't battle competitively :).


Congrats wraith on beating the E4 (bout fricken time) haha :P Lets see, Pearl E4, used like 10 rare candies on my pokes (this is when i was stupid to use them) beat the E4. Took me long enough. Platinum E4, well that was a big pain in my ass. I had a bunch of items at my disposal, used most of them. This time i put like 5 rare candies on my pokes (yea i was a little smarter this time around). I struggle through the 3rd part of the E4 and half the time i get my ass kicked by Garchomp with Cynthia. I came up with a plan and killed Garchomp. Finally i beat Cynthia and the E4. On #King (my channel) on IRC i was talkin to UnderXRay and a few other people when i was goin against the E4.


Thanks guys. Mac... you'll beat it eventually, you picked Infernape! :P

RJ... when does Gallade learn Close Combat again? And I was there when you were talking about Empoleon using Blizzard on Garchomp thingy...

And I know ARP... but at least I win in the end :)

Wow seriously... if you want the EASIEST game EVER... pick Chimchar as your starter. My Chimchar (currently a Monferno) is actually underleveled because I took the time to grind a Magikarp up to Gyarados and a few other Pokemon... I did that on purpose... but even then Monferno destroyed Roark and Gardenia single handedly... even with a - Atk nature (Bold)! This thing is utterly broken... yeah it would run into problems vs Fantina, but Gyarados took care of that :)

Yes, I am playing through a new file to see how easy Chimchar would be, and EASY is NOT an understatement!

EDIT: Opening up Pokesav, I find some interesting things...

  • My Pokemon do not seem to have enough Special Defense investment as opposed to attack (which is nearly overkill for most). Perhaps I have not met enough Tentacools/Tentacruels... which is odd. And the funny thing is, three of my Pokemon (Gallade/Flareon/Noctowl) all have really high base special defense.
  • My Brave Floatzel has 2 IVs in Attack and 24 IVs in Speed. What??
  • My Scyther has 30 IVs in Attack and Speed. That is amazing. Had it had a better nature, it would have worked better...
  • Gallade had perfect Special Defense IV... but 2 IVs in Defense.
  • For something with a Sassy nature, Torterra had 0 Special Defense IV. And it had 1 HP IV. LAME. However it did have 30 Special Attack IVs... I suppose it is helpful for Leaf Storm. =/
  • Flareon had perfect IVs for Defense.
  • The Staraptor I ditched (who had QUIET NATURE... it couldn't have been any worse), had 31 IVs in Speed!!! Her name is SHODDY and takes up Slot 30 in Box 1.
  • The Azumarill named ... in Box 3 Slot 7 has usable IVs for Attack at least. Her HP IV is 3 though... which is bad. But everything else seems all right... except for the fact she is Naive nature U_U


Gallade learns Close Combat at lv. 53 wraith. And yea i remember u bein there when i was talking bout empoleon taking down garchomp with blizzard. As for me pickin chimchar, eh i picked piplup obviously. But i did receive a Infernape from UnderXRay and used it in the E4 so that works out. all i need is Torterra from a trade and i have all 3 legitly (well one of the ways legitly. i did the other way already, restart the game 3, 4 times and trade the starters to diamond or somethin).

  RJFLA said:
Gallade learns Close Combat at lv. 53 wraith. And yea i remember u bein there when i was talking bout empoleon taking down garchomp with blizzard. As for me pickin chimchar, eh i picked piplup obviously. But i did receive a Infernape from UnderXRay and used it in the E4 so that works out. all i need is Torterra from a trade and i have all 3 legitly (well one of the ways legitly. i did the other way already, restart the game 3, 4 times and trade the starters to diamond or somethin).

Seriously? It only took 2 more levels of training to make my life much easier??? ARGH! And yeah, those were great times. I have Torterra as you can see... and if you have access to getting my Torterra from that SAV file, use your Action Replay to get that Torterra somewhere in your PC and consider it "traded" from me. :)

One problem with that is... it will not get in your Pokedex, but breeding solves that. Oh, and Piplup rocks. Too bad it is the worst Sinnoh starter, despite having one of the coolest typings in this entire game (I picked Piplup in my main file).


Wow that took a long time for you to get there:) I always chose the fire type and that sucks for FRLG and HGSS, but I enjoy it so you know if you like grass types why not use them? Well I thought the E4 in Plat was awesome as I sometimes breeze through them with my misconceived teams.

  • 2 weeks later...

Now I beat the second round of Elite 4... and MY GOODNESS THEY are TOUGH!!

Team After Beating the League:


Feedlstick the Noctowl (F)

Hasty Nature <--- FAIL

Keen Eye <--- MORE FAIL

Level 57

Eterna Forest/Level 12

- Hypnosis

- Roost

- Extrasensory

- Air Slash

I gave this thing a chance... it is even more of a dead weight than it usually was. Unless you want to raise a special version of a crazy stalling Noctowl for link battles with Night Shade/Roost/Reflect/Psycho Shift (breed with Natu/Xatu for Night Shade) then this thing is utterly useless... in game. It is a cool Pokemon though and if it is your favorite or something... nothing is stopping you from using one right? Hey, I did it... so you could too! But the chances are it will end up more of a dead weight than anything else whereas Staraptor would be the bird of choice for in-game, kind of like Doduo from RBY only attainable much earlier and a lot better.


spaling the Gallade (M) @ Mind Plate

Quirky Nature

Level 62

Route 212/Level 24

- Swords Dance

- Psycho Cut

- Night Slash

- Close Combat

Yeah, he is my loyal knight who fails at spelling by naming himself "spaling". He is pretty cool but he is kinda like Flareon, taking special hits, dealing physical hits, cannot take a physical blow, but unlike Flareon, he is faster and has STAB moves to abuse, not to mention TWO of them now. That's right, he FINALLY learns Close Combat! WHOO! He is good and all, but sometimes he goes down much faster than expected. Also, it seems his moves are mostly luck based, like Psycho Cut and Night Slash, which have high critical hit ratio. His Leaf Blade, which I replaced with Close Combat, also had that same effect. He is an interesting character indeed... and Swords Dance just makes his job much easier... although I rarely find the time to actually set it up. How about if I Choice Band him and put Leaf Blade in place of Swords Dance? That might work?


Blackout the Flareon (F) @ Charcoal

Quirky Nature

Level 63

Hearthome City/Level 20

- Quick Attack

- Fire Fang

- Flamethrower

- Fire Blast

I love her. Really... Flareon is so cute :D

Aside from that... if I had 8 Red shards I would have had enough for Superpower to replace Fire Fang with... but the game decided to be mean and I only found 7. GRRR. Yeah, she is the only one of the Eeveelutions who can learn Superpower... and that is something cool to abuse that base 130 Attack of hers. She is all right and does do her job as an amazing Fire Pokemon... even taking around 50% from Cynthia's Togekiss's Water Pulse (just imagine if she were the same level as Togekiss... she'd take even less!), this thing is also a special wall of some sort. Just lovely. Oh yeah, and the AI seems to be having fun with Flareon, when Marley's Arcanine Fire Fangs Flareon so that Flareon would be more powerful... yeah that made everything cool. And that Charcoal was from that route below Stark Mountain. It helps a lot. I would say Magmar is the better Fire Pokemon for in game purposes, but Flareon is actually not too bad at all, because unlike Magmar, she can actually take some special hits and dish out some crazy damage.


W.Fox the Floatzel (M) @ Mystic Water

Brave Nature <--- WHAT THE HECK????

Level 63

Valley Windworks/Level 10

- Surf

- Waterfall

- Crunch

- Ice Punch

Failtzel returns with his awesome Brave Nature with 2 Attack IVs and 24 Speed IVs. I did not replace anything though... but if I wanted to make my life easier, I would have used Aqua Jet and Ice Beam instead for this league... because even right now he failed to OHKO Infernape not only with Waterfall but also with Surf! Now why? Does Flint have 31 IVs on his Pokemon too? Just wondering. Anyways Floatzel is an awesome Pokemon guys and girls, especially in game. Just make sure to check his nature... they should NOT reduce his speed nor his attack or anything... unless you plan on going all physical or all special. Something like Adamant/Mild/Rash/Naughty/Naive/Lonely/Modest/Timid/Jolly/Hasty are all right natures. Anything else like Brave or Quiet or something lousy like that should be avoided at all costs. I REALLY want to Pokesav this guy and fix him, but that is against my policies.


Saimir the Scizor (M) @ Metal Coat

Sassy Nature <--- It's not as bad anymore

Level 64

Technician <--- ^^

Route 215/Level 20

- Swords Dance

- Bullet Punch

- X-Scissor

- Night Slash

Arguably the largest change from last time. What happened to Saimir? Why is he all red now? It is because I temporarily traded him to some other guy who would not take care of him properly and Saimir got really mad... he sacrificed all that speed he used to have for some defense and more attack power. And then he finally learned how to strike quickly with fists made out of metal... but lost the ability to Fly. Anyways, yeah, I evolved Scyther after beating the game the first time, and Heart Scaled Bullet Punch on him. And oh boy is he strong. Bullet Punch and a couple of Swords Dance is enough for him to sweep for the most part... and he can take physical hits. Is it any wonder why he is #1 in the OU metagame? He revenge kills as if it were nobody else's business. However, that dumb Day Care lady erased Wing Attack, which would have been more useful than Night Slash for in game purposes. Oh well... yes I was breeding Saimir with Ditto (O_O) and I bred Flareon with Smeargle for babies too. Their legacies? Well... look for Emilia the Scizor and Violet the Vaporeon in Box 7... they have some nice IVs and are EV trained properly :)


Mew2 the Torterra (M) @ Soft Sand

Sassy Nature

Level 63

Starter Pokemon

- Synthesis

- Crunch

- Wood Hammer

- Earthquake

I tried a different approach this time: Wood Hammer for more immediate damage and Synthesis to heal off the damage that it has been taking. Did it work? Somewhat, but sometimes Torterra is too slow to pull that off effectively. Nevertheless he is quite an awesome Pokemon and I would say he is very useful for a starter Pokemon. I think he is better than Infernape but that is just my opinion. But yeah, being slow never meant any good though, but he can take a Ice Fang from everything and still hit back hard (although me going last means I should switch) but he is quite nice to use. Sure Water, Fire and Ice (especially Ice) attacks seem to hurt it more than it looks like it should, and it gets OHKOd by stuff that I would not think it would, but Torterra has his uses. If you know who you are sending it against (just do not send it out against a Magmortar obviously) then he can prove to be quite useful.

Epic Wins:

  • Noctowl did have a use: she defeat Yanmega luckily with 2 Air Slashes although the initial one misses (Double Team screwed me up for a bit)
  • Scizor sets up on Vespiquen and takes her down
  • Scizor defeats his rival Scizor one on one
  • Floatzel sweeps 3 out of 5 members of Bertha's team (Torterra takes care of Whiscash and Hippowdon)
  • Floatzel sweeps 3 out of 5 members of Flint's team... survives Infernape's Thunderpunch.
  • Scizor sweeps Lucian's ENTIRE team
  • Noctowl lands a Hypnosis on Spiritomb on the second try, allowing Scizor to set up on it and KO it
  • Milotic is weakened by Floatzel and finished off by Gallade's Close Combat
  • Scizor finishes off Togekiss on his second try
  • Torterra survives Lucario's Aura Sphere and OHKOs back with Earthquake
  • Garchomp misses on Torterra... TWICE with Dragon Rush
  • Floatzel survives an Earthquake from Garchomp and CRITICAL HITS with Ice Punch, scoring an OHKO
  • Flareon soundly finishes off Roserade with Fire Fang and gains a level



  • Noctowl misses twice on Yanmega and Air Slash from Yanmega took a CHUNK out of Noctowl. For a special wall that's quite lame, so I promptly restarted.
  • Drapion Ice Fangs Torterra... Torterra survives, and Earthquake... fails to OHKO back, leaving with a sliver of an HP. Its Sitrus Berry activates... and Drapion retreats! What a chicken!
  • Heracross finishes off my Scizor with a Close Combat >.<
  • Floatzel failing to OHKO Gliscor with Ice Punch
  • Floatzel failing to outspeed Infernape and failing to OHKO with Waterfall AND Surf. This was bad so I had to switch to Flareon to finish it off with Quick Attack after one Full Restore was used.
  • Floatzel's Waterfall failed to OHKO Magmortar >.<
  • Floatzel failed to outpace Rapidash this time >.<
  • After three Swords Dances on Scizor against Spiritomb I would think I'd outpace Milotic and OHKO with X-Scissor, right? Noooo... Milotic proceeds to go first and attack with Surf. What a cheater... having 31 IVs in every stat. Surf OHKOs my Sassy Scizor as well. Lame.
  • Milotic messed me up so badly... taking little to no damage from Floatzel's Crunch while dealing over 40% damage to Floatzel with Surf. Continuous healing was tedious and Aqua Ring was healing it every time. Yeah... tough creature that I eventually switched in Gallade to take a Surf which did the same % of damage on it as it did on Floatzel (so much for resist >.>) but finished it off with Close Combat since it was weakened by Floatzel's mass Crunches.
  • Togekiss was even worse... surviving two Ice Punches from Floatzel, dealing 97% with Air Slash on Floatzel... ouch.
  • Tried revenge killing with my Max Revive'd Scizor... whose Bullet Punch left it with 1% HP (familiar anyone?) and Air Slash taking a HUGE chunk off Scizor (roughly 80%). Then Full Restore... GAH!!
  • Flareon revenge killing for Scizor... Fire Fang hits for tons of damage... Quick Attack FAILS to finish it off (this again???) and I had to go through the necessary steps to revive Scizor with a plain Revive and Bullet Punch Togekiss for a KO. Togekiss and Milotic... the two annoying ones on Cynthia's team...
  • I came in underleveled... all around level 56-63ish... and came out just the same. Against level 65-78 that is automatically a death sentence to me.

Every Pokemon caught AFTER the previous SAV file uploaded in the original post except for Uxie and Azelf (MewtwoEX named them) are NOT nicknamed. I even put some event Pokemon in and caught stuff like the Regis and the five rogue Pokemon. Box 7 is filled with Pokemon I got from breeding and some of them are EV trained with optimal settings. I am also working on a Pidgeot (it is a Pidgeotto right now level 48 with Fly/Defog/Mirror Move/Roost) which I caught as a level 47 Pidgey, but it had a nice nature and nice IVs, so I EV trained it with 252 Atk/252 Speed. Aside from that, that is about all, but most of the legendary Pokemon I have caught do not even have nice IVs and natures sadly (you will LOVE my Adamant Heatran, but then again as a non-believer of standard sets, a surprise physical Heatran with Stone Edge/Earthquake/Explosion/Iron Head could work?) X_X


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