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Gengar's Pokésav Request Section.

My Information:-

Diamond FC - 5284 7580 0009 (This is the FC that you will need to add)

Welcome to Gengar's Pokésav request, this section will be used to allow user's of this forum to request for Pokémon on P/D/Pt. I will be doing this in the Pokésav way in which I did previosuly back at the Pokésav forum. This will include you the user filling out the information that is below:-

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Once I've completed you're requests I will do my best to contact you ASAP to let you know that I've finished your requests. I will more likely send you a PM stating that I have. If you are able to leave your MSN or any other form of contact then this would certainly help because then the requests can be done faster and you recieve your Pokémon(s) a lot faster too.

Previously I didn't accept AR code requests, but I think it's only fair that I actually do this now because users were before asking for AR codes. So this time around I will be accepting AR code requests.


1. Please only ask up to SIX different Pokémon at a time.

2. Please don't double post asking the same request.

3. Please don't complain to me if I am not able to complete your Pokésav requests straight away. I will work as fast as I can.

4. If I not active and you are concerned about your requests, either PM over this forum, or contact me MSN - jordan-ross06@hotmail.com

More rules will be added at a later date.


  Reveal hidden contents

This time I am willing to allow people to help in my section, this will only happen if I agree to this person to help out. At this current stage I am wanting maybe one or two other people to help out this section because then this will be a very sucessful topic. If I would like to help out here, please PM me and I will consider you been a helper.



Edit:- More information will be updated when it needs to be.

Edited by Gengar

Sure you would be a great helper to the section. You can just make the savs/pkm files and then send them to me over MSN if you want. If you want also you can help make the AR codes?


You have been added to the team section. :)


I can also make some somewhat simple pokemon codes for you, they may not be legal... lol I am still learning about how to make them all legal. I will be finished learning soon.

  Pakar45 said:
I can also make some somewhat simple pokemon codes for you, they may not be legal... lol I am still learning about how to make them all legal. I will be finished learning soon.

I may ask you to help out, tell me when you are fully learned how to make them legal and then maybe I will consider allowing you to help out. :)

  Pakar45 said:
I can also make some somewhat simple pokemon codes for you, they may not be legal... lol I am still learning about how to make them all legal. I will be finished learning soon.

If you have any specific questions, you can ask me.

also Gengar, my nick is "damio" not "Damio" :P


I have a request please. I also have the Pokesav files which are found here:


My only issue is that for some reason on the editor the names of Forretress and Aerodactyl are blank, and I dunno if this is just a display error on my end or that it might appear like this in game. If a more experienced user could take a glance at this. All of this would be greatly appreciated.

  Oppressed said:
I have a request please. I also have the Pokesav files which are found here:


My only issue is that for some reason on the editor the names of Forretress and Aerodactyl are blank, and I dunno if this is just a display error on my end or that it might appear like this in game. If a more experienced user could take a glance at this. All of this would be greatly appreciated.

Sure thing I will take a look at this for you. I will then complete this for you and then get back to you later on.



to how's it going? if it's not to much trouble can you just trade me these guys over WFC from your game? Let me know


[Hold Item] Leftovers

[Trainer ID]46620

[secret ID]46620


[Nature] Timid



[Pokerus Infected/Cured/Neither] Neither


Max (Yes/No)Yes

HP: Atk: Def: Sp. Atk: Sp. Def: Speed:


attk-252 speed-76 special attack-180

[Contest Stats]contests are dumb, none


[Trainer Name + Gender]Conor, Male

[Pokeball caught in]Poke Ball

[Ability] Inner Focus



-Dragon Dance



[PP Maxed]

[Met at level]1

[Met at place] egg hatched

[Date Met] 4/6/09

[Egg Received] 4/6/09

[Date Egg Received] 4/6/09


[Hold Item]Leftovers

[Trainer ID]46620

[secret ID]46620




[shiny] Hell No

[Pokerus Infected/Cured/Neither] Neither

[iVs] Max (Yes/No)Yes HP: Atk: Def: Sp. Atk: Sp. Def: Speed:

[EVs] atk-252speed-252 hp-6

[Contest Stats]none

[Nickname]Garchomp (leave it as it is)

[Trainer Name + Gender]Conor (male)

[Pokeball caught in]Ultra Ball

[Ability] Sand Veil




-Swords Dance

-Stone Edge

[PP Maxed]

[Met at level]1

[Met at place] egg hatched

[Date Met] 4/6/09

[Egg Received] 4/6/09

[Date Egg Received] 4/6/09


[Hold Item]Focus Sash

[Trainer ID]46620

[secret ID]46620




[shiny] Hell No

[Pokerus Infected/Cured/Neither] Neither

[iVs] Max (Yes/No)Yes HP: Atk: Def: Sp. Atk: Sp. Def: Speed:

[EVs] atk-252speed-252 hp-6

[Contest Stats]none

[Nickname]Yanmega (leave it as it is)

[Trainer Name + Gender]Conor (male)

[Pokeball caught in]Poke Ball

[Ability] Speed Boost


-Bug Buzz

-Air Slash



[PP Maxed]

[Met at level]1

[Met at place] egg hatched

[Date Met] 4/6/09

[Egg Received] 4/6/09

[Date Egg Received] 4/6/09


[Hold Item]Leftovers

[Trainer ID]46620

[secret ID]46620




[shiny] Hell No

[Pokerus Infected/Cured/Neither] Neither

[iVs] Max (Yes/No)Yes HP: Atk: Def: Sp. Atk: Sp. Def: Speed:

[EVs] 44 HP, 252 Attack, 44 Def, 168 Speed

[Contest Stats]none


[Trainer Name + Gender]Conor (male)

[Pokeball caught in]Poke Ball

[Ability] Sandstream



-Rock Slide

-Dragon Dance


[PP Maxed]

[Met at level]1

[Met at place] egg hatched

[Date Met] 4/6/09

[Egg Received] 4/6/09

[Date Egg Received] 4/6/09


[Hold Item]Leftovers

[Trainer ID]46620

[secret ID]46620



[Gender] None

[shiny] Hell No

[Pokerus Infected/Cured/Neither] Neither

[iVs] Max (Yes/No)Yes HP: Atk: Def: Sp. Atk: Sp. Def: Speed:

[EVs] 140 HP, 252 attack, 124 speed

[Contest Stats]none


[Trainer Name + Gender]Conor (male)

[Pokeball caught in]Ultra Ball

[Ability] Clear Body



-Meteor Mash



[PP Maxed]

[Met at level]1

[Met at place] Caught at rt. 228

[Date Met] 4/6/09

[Egg Received] 4/6/09

[Date Egg Received] 4/6/09

When you get those done just post, FC is

1290 4120 3091

Ways to contact me are...

AIM: stopsignslie

MSN: connorrhoads@hotmail.com

Thanks in advance!


I'm not yet actually planning to enter a tourney. I'm just wondering if the hacked togepi can actually exist without hacking, is it considered legal. Not necessarily to a tournament, but I guess to anyone on projectpokemon.


Friend Code: 1719 5089 3792

Request Type (Trade): Wifi Trade

Species: Leafeon

Held Item: Master Ball

Trainer ID: 27559

OT: Thrash

Level: 65

Nature: MIld

Gender: Male

Shiny (yes/no): no

IVs: Maxed

EVs: Maxed


Ability: Leaf Guard

Moveset: Leaf Blade, Solarbeam, Sunny Day, GrassWhistle

Species: Dragonair

Held Item: TM 26

Trainer ID: 27559

OT: Thrash

Level: 99

Nature: Adamant

Gender: Male

Shiny (yes/no): Yes

IVs: Maxed

EVs: Maxed


Ability: Inner Focus

Moveset: Hyper Beam, Thunder, Blizzard, Fire Blast

Species: Scizor

Held Item: Master Ball

Trainer ID: 27559

OT: Thrash

Level: 100

Nature: Brave

Gender: Female

Shiny (yes/no): Yes

IVs: Maxed

EVs: Maxed


Ability: Technician

Moveset: False Swipe, Dark Void, Thunder Wave, Mean Look

Species: Flygon

Held Item: PP Max

Trainer ID: 27559

OT: Thrash

Level: 100

Nature: Brave

Gender: Female

Shiny (yes/no): Yes

IVs: Maxed

EVs: Maxed


Ability: Levitate

Moveset: Fissure, Hyper Beam, Dragon Claw, Flamethrower


Please PM me before you are about to make the pokemon

I want to have Scizor and Flygon have two different ID's

I want them to be teh same as the lottery numbers taht I get for that day

So if you could please PM me when you are about to make them, I will PM you back with the ID's I would like for Scizor and Flygon

This would be very much appreciated =)




Held Item: masterball

Moveset: roar of time close combat air slash focus beam


EVs:as high as you can get it

IVs:as high as you can get it

OT:dont care



SecretID:dont care


Stats: Atk Def Spe Sp.Atk Sp.Def: as high asa you can get it

Met At:65

Captured with: master ball

Ribbons:high as posile

Contest stats:max

Fateful Encounter: no

cann pp for all moves be 55/55


Friend Code: 4211 0113 4704

Request Type: Trade

Species: Scizor

Held Item:Leftovers

Trainer ID: 33549

OT (Ryu):

Level: 100

Nature: Adamant

Gender: Male

Shiny: no

Ball Caught In: Premier

Location Obtained: Link Trade

IVs: 31 all

EVs: 252 Attack, 58 Defense, 200 Special Defense

Nickname: Titan

Ability: Technician

Moveset: Bullet Punch, Aerial Ace, Pursuit, Roost

Species: Electivire

Held Item:Expert Belt

Trainer ID: 33549

OT (Ryu):

Level: 100

Nature: Adamant

Gender: Male

Shiny: no

Ball Caught In: Premier

Location Obtained: Link Trade

IVs: 31 all

EVs: 252 Attack, 252 speed, 6 Special Defense

Nickname: Bolt

Ability: Motor Drive

Moveset: Cross Chop, Ice Punch, Thunder Punch, Earthquake

Please PM me ASAP


Species: Bidoof

Hold Item: Red Scarf

Nickname: Gerbil


Nature: Timid

Shiny [Y/N]: Yes

Ability: Pickup

Original Trainer (OT): Dream

OT ID Number: 10219

Secret ID: (dont know)

IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31


Attack 1 and PP: Spacial Rend

Attack 2 and PP: Roar of Time

Attack 3 and PP: Superpower

Attack 4 and PP: Shadow Claw

Condition: None


Pokerus Infected/Cured/or none: None

Pokeball caught in:Cherish Ball

Contest Wins:All


*where*:Box 5

*request*:wifi trade

*which game*: Platinum


Hold Item:Focus Sash


Level: 10

Nature: Modest

Shiny [Y/N]: Y

Ability: Wonderguard

Original Trainer (OT): Gerbil

*OT ID Number:64732

Secret ID: (dont know)


EVs:255 Sp Attack, 255 Spd

Attack 1 and PP:Spacial Rend

Attack 2 and PP:Roar of Time

Attack 3 and PP: Seed Flare

Attack 4 and PP: Shadow Force

Condition: None

Friednship: 255

Pokerus Infected/Cured/or none:none

Pokeball caught in: Pokeball

Contest Wins: All

Ribbons: All

*where*:Box 8

*request*:wifi trade

*which game*: Platinum

I hope these Forms are ok.

For all PP I want highest legal possible, PM me when we can trade and I will post my FC


Hey there, there are 3 others yet to come but ill post after i have recieved these thanks =D


nickname: N/A


secret id: dunno (sorry)

ot: Raf-san


ablity:Natural Cure

held item:Mystic Water

move set:Psychic, Ice beam, Thunderbolt, Surf (that order please)

pp usage for move set: 10/10, 10/10, 15/15, 15/15


egg:No thankyou

shiny:No thankyou

pokerus infected:Cured

ball caught in: pokeball

battle stats: HP:230 ATK:155 DEF:175 Sp.ATK:299 Sp.DEF:175 Speed:361

ev stats: HP:0 ATK:0 DEF:0 Sp.ATK:255 Sp.DEF:0 Speed:255

iv stats:Unsure (if you know put them relevent to the moves eg highest on speed and Sp.ATK)

ribbons: Effort, Beauty normal, super, hyper and master

contest stats: 243 Beauty

location met: Migrated from Kanto LV.50

*where*:box (and mention which box)/party N/A

*request*:code/wi-fi 5327-6954-3756

*which game*: Platinum


nickname: N/A


secret id: dunno (sorry)

ot: Raf-san


ablity:Sand Stream

held item: Cherish Ball (unless it will skak up anyones game)

move set:Payback, Superpower, Giga Impact, Earthquake(that order please)

pp usage for move set: 10/10, 5/5, 5/5, 10/10


egg:No thankyou

shiny:No thankyou

pokerus infected:Cured

ball caught in: pokeball

battle stats: HP:366 ATK:403 DEF:256 Sp.ATK:289 Sp.DEF:242 Speed:172

ev stats: HP:0 ATK:255 DEF:0 Sp.ATK:255 Sp.DEF:0 Speed:0

iv stats:Unsure (if you know put them relevent to the moves eg highest on speed and Sp.ATK)

ribbons: Effort, Tough normal, super, hyper and master

contest stats: 243 Tough

location met: Migrated from Kanto LV.50

*where*:box (and mention which box)/party N/A

*request*:code/wi-fi 5327-6954-3756

*which game*: Platinum


nickname: N/A


secret id: dunno (sorry)

ot: Raf-san


ablity:Slow Start

held item: Cherish Ball (unless it will skak up anyones game)

move set:Giga Impact, Crush grip, revenge, Iron head

pp usage for move set: 5/5, 5/5, 10/10, 15/15


egg:No thankyou

shiny:No thankyou

pokerus infected:Cured

ball caught in: pokeball

battle stats: HP:416 ATK:460 DEF:303 Sp.ATK:242 Sp.DEF:259 Speed:188

ev stats: HP:255 ATK:255 DEF:0 Sp.ATK:0 Sp.DEF:0 Speed:0

iv stats:Unsure (if you know put them relevent to the moves eg highest on speed and Sp.ATK)

ribbons: Effort, Cool normal, super, hyper and master

contest stats: 243 Cool

location met: Met at LV.1 Snowpoint Temple

*where*:box (and mention which box)/party N/A

*request*:code/wi-fi 5327-6954-3756

*which game*: Platinum


---------- Post added at 06:20 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:20 PM ----------

Oh btw i dont have an AR or anything hence the WiFi Friend code =D

---------- Post added at 06:22 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:20 PM ----------

Sorry to be a pain but could the Tyranitar be named "Bangirasu" please? tahnks =D


Friend Code: 1118 6366 0447

Species (Pokémon): Kyogre

Held Item: Flame Orb

Trainer ID: 09036

OT (Original Trainer): Maxke60

Level: 60

Nature: Random

Gender: None

Shiny (yes/no): No

Ball Caught In: Premier Ball

Location Obtained: Surprise me ^^

IVs: Maxed

EVs: Maxed

Nickname: None

Ability: Drizzle

Moveset: Hydro Pump, Secret Power, Aqua Jet, Hyper Beam

Request Type (Trade/AR Code): Trade!


Species (Pokémon): Deoxys

Held Item: Random

Trainer ID: 09036

OT (Original Trainer): Maxke60

Level: 60

Nature: Random

Gender: None

Shiny (yes/no): No

Form: Defense

Ball Caught In: Premier Ball

Location Obtained: Surprise me ^^

IVs: Maxed

EVs: Maxed

Nickname: None

Ability: Pressure

Moveset: Cosmic Power, Zen Headbutt, Superpower, Hyper Beam

Request Type (Trade/AR Code): Trade!


Species (Pokémon): Palkia

Held Item: Random

Trainer ID: 09036

OT (Original Trainer): Maxke60

Level: 60

Nature: Random

Gender: None

Shiny (yes/no): Yes

Ball Caught In: Premier Ball

Location Obtained: Surprise me ^^

IVs: Maxed

EVs: Maxed

Nickname: None

Ability: Pressure

Moveset: Ancientpower, Dragon Claw, Aqua Tail, Surf

Request Type (Trade/AR Code): Trade!


Species (Pokémon): Rayquaza

Held Item: Random

Trainer ID: 09036

OT (Original Trainer): Maxke60

Level: 60

Nature: Random

Gender: None

Shiny (yes/no): Yes

Ball Caught In: Premier Ball

Location Obtained: Surprise me ^^

IVs: Maxed

EVs: Maxed

Nickname: None

Ability: Air Lock

Moveset: Extremespeed, Hyper Beam, Fly, Outrage

Request Type (Trade/AR Code): Trade!

Reminder: PM me!

I'm counting on you guys!


Friend Code:1805-8287-2398

Species (Pokémon): Eevee

Held Item:Masterball

Trainer ID:45057

OT (Original Trainer):Alex




Shiny (yes/no):Yes

Ball Caught In: Pokeball

Location Obtained: Trophy Garden



Nickname: Don't put a nickname

Ability:Run Away

Moveset:Blast Burn Thunder Waterfall Grass Knot

Request Type (Trade/AR Code): Trade

Game: Platinum

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