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i used cheats to access mt silver and defeat red before getting all 8 kanto badges, and now blue is stuck on cinnabar island and will do nothing beyond ask to take a picture. could someone post a code to reset him or the conversation, or to place a version of him willing to battle in the viridian gym? thanks

Posted (edited)

I got tired of the one topic because there was freaking 1000 posts and pages on that one topic.

60% of it is just requests or Stipid Japanese Codes!

Only add codes if they are US! Don't repeat any codes please!

Here's a starter Codelist. Any US pokemon heart gold and soul silver codes that weren't listed here, please post.

Credits to the guys that made these.


Event pkmn Pichu, Manaphy Egg and Arceus. (Press L+R and pickup from mart)

  Reveal hidden contents

I'm working on the celebi one.

Legendary Pokemon Rebattler and Legendary Music Editor.

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Majority Pokemon SS and HG 100% US Action Replay codes!

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Btw put ALL codes in spoiler format, makes scrolling easier!

Edited by Mewtwo Ex
Added information regerding some codes.
Posted (edited)

Important Announcement: I have noticed that some of these codes DO NOT work when you use them on the Action Replay DS. But, the codes fully work on the Action Replay DSi. To make use of most of the codes, you may need an Action Replay DSi or wait till it gets updated to be compatible. I'll color code each one to show which are not currently compatible until it gets updated.

Code = Works on both the AR and AR DSi

Code = Only works on AR DSi currently

Code = Works on Emulator but not the Actual Game.

Code (No Color) = Not Tested (By Me Lol)


FIXED! Wild Pokemon Modifier:

* Modified by FreeSpirit *

Note: Press R to get 493 Masterballs. Discard to Pokemon Number you want. Then hold L to encounter them.

  Reveal hidden contents

FIXED! Wild Pokemon + Level Modifier:

* Modified by FreeSpirit *

Note: Press R to get 493 Masterballs and 100 Ultra Balls. Discard to Pokemon Number for Masterballs and Level for Ultra Balls. Then hold L to encounter them.

  Reveal hidden contents

Wild Pokemon Nature Modifier:

* Credits go to M@T for translating the codes. *

  Reveal hidden contents

Wild Pokemon Has Max IVs:

Note: If you want more control over the IVs to get the hidden power look at code below this one.

  Reveal hidden contents

Wild Pokemon Hidden Power Type MAX:

* Credits go to FreeSpirit *

Note: The wild Pokemon the max possible IVs for the hidden power type. The Base Power of it will also be max (70).

  Reveal hidden contents

TM 17 Modifier:

* Credits go to M@T! Big Thanks! *

Note: Press L+R to change the amount of the first item in your bag to 467. Then throw this item in order to have an amount that matches the attack number you want in the table below, and finally press R to modify TM 17

  Reveal hidden contents


Hold [L] To Obtain Egg :

* Credits go to M@T *

Note: Hold L and walk one step to instantly have an egg in in the daycare.

  Reveal hidden contents


Hold [R] To Obtain Egg :

* Credits go to M@T *

Note: Hold R and walk one step to instantly have an egg in in the daycare.

  Reveal hidden contents


Remove PKMN Battle Restriction :

* Credits go to M@T *

  Reveal hidden contents

Rename Traded Pokemon:

* Credits To M@T *

  Reveal hidden contents

Max Aprijuice Mildness (255): DOESN'T WORK YET I'M FIXING IT

* Credits go to FreeSpirit *

Note: Press SELECT to activate. Your aprijuice's flavor may decrease tremendously depending on what apricorns you put it but just add some more and reuse the cheat again.

  Reveal hidden contents

Remove All Items:

* Modified by FreeSpirit *

Note: Press SELECT to activate. This code will remove all everything in the "Items" bag. I decided to put this here since I saw a couple of people unable to get more items once they use the "All Items" code.

  Reveal hidden contents

Also don't mind if the codes have lowercase/uppercase letters, they still work either way.

Edited by FreeSpirit
Updated Codelist

I'm working on it. I gather the celebi, pichu and arceus codes. Just be patient and I'll post them soon.

Btw, the shiny code only applies to the WILD not party.

This includes eggs unless you battle a WILD egg.


I think it would be better if we just update the codes by editing our first post so people won't need to look down the thread; almost like the Offical Codes that are stickied on top.

Well I added the "Rename Traded Pokemon" code on top.

  Gengarca9tales said:
the wild pokemon modifier doesn't work. I said that (2x) in the last thread. Any word on one that does work?

I laughed a bit when I looked at the code. The activators are wrong. I'll go post a working Wild Pokemon Modifier soon.


That's a great idea freespirit.

I deleted all my posts of updated codes and edited onto the first post.

I will continue to add.

If anyone has the Weather mod code I'll greatly appreciate it.

I would love to have my suicune in the rain while walking.


Freespirit I'm working on your Evee code as well.

I could probably find the coding to re-trigger the Bill event.

*double edit*

That would be great freespirit if you corrected that wild modifier.

Just add the code to your post and label it FIXED


Not quite sure yet. I think it takes some coding (editing the right code lines) to have shiny affect ALL pkmn (including eggs, trainers and your party).

For now, your best bet is to use the pkmn modifer combined with the shiny wild pkmn code to get a particular shiny pkmn.


I'll try experimenting egg codes and the shiny codes together and see if I could make one*

  Gengarca9tales said:
hey PokeFreak64 are you able to make a working Wild Pokemon Modifier/Wild Pokemon Level Modifier in one code for me? I tried the one already released and ti freezes my game. :\
  PokeFreak64 said:
Not quite sure yet. I think it takes some coding (editing the right code lines) to have shiny affect ALL pkmn (including eggs, trainers and your party).

For now, your best bet is to use the pkmn modifer combined with the shiny wild pkmn code to get a particular shiny pkmn.


I'll try experimenting egg codes and the shiny codes together and see if I could make one*

Ok I got the Wild Pokemon + Level Modifier code to work now. Will post in a sec once I'm done double checking.

Edit: Ok posted the code.

Now with those codes done, people can have a lot of control over the Pokemon they want thanks to the Nature, IV, and Hidden Power Codes. Only thing that they still can't control is shiny and eggs yet.


request for a move modifier code

found this code for TM modifier for japan but with no instructions

[TM Modifier (X or Y)]

1208864C 00002006

12088880 00002104

120888AE 00002104

12088826 000046C0

1208885A 00002006

120710AC 000080C8

120710BC 000070C8

020710CC 88CA7048

E20710D0 00000030

8800481C 02092101

D0004208 00493210

D0004208 00493A10

D0004208 00493201

D0004208 F0003A01

A900F818 1C2180CA

E2071128 00000020

2001E011 21F007C0

428231E3 2200D900

D900428A 46791C0A

4770814A 021D0694

E2088804 00000020

021B230F D028421A

F85CF002 2100484C

F79B5828 484BFE5B

1C015C28 0F000600

E208A1A8 00000010

46C0E000 88164A01

E02F52EE 0207114C

12088836 0000E006

1208A094 0000E001

For platinum the tm modifier was:

::Move Modifier

:::Change TM01 Move (XXXX = move hex values)

920F0BFE 00000151

120F0BFC 0000XXXX

D2000000 00000000

honestly have no idea what the japan code does, but if maybe someone here could convert the japan code or the platinum code, that would be awesome.


When I beat/catch Red Gyarados it doesn't drop a red scale.

So can you make a Red Scale code so Lance will appear?

I tried the Scenario codes and the first one doesn't work, while the second one crashes my game.

I'm using No$



:::Go to your box 1 slot 1 to collect your PKMN

94000130 FCFF0000

62111880 00000000

B2111880 00000000

E000F710 00000088

685C0014 462A0000

4E640300 3DCD98AA

E5015248 2C45A57E

EBADFB57 A259F359

97EE7D12 50622E14

9DB56C71 F1FC5532

3A497C7D 6E52011A

C66C9B7A 9B76815D

373D2D40 8C545892

B553198B 0B0D2667

E2073D3F F46B6618

F83DC582 70E5862B

B095DA94 89DF3F1B


5EF4424D 2DBA035F

60A585DF DF5D19B2

08D64730 334C5371

D2000000 00000000

this is not the official celebi but does activate the event

  delano said:

:::Go to your box 1 slot 1 to collect your PKMN

94000130 FCFF0000

62111880 00000000

B2111880 00000000

E000F710 00000088

685C0014 462A0000

4E640300 3DCD98AA

E5015248 2C45A57E

EBADFB57 A259F359

97EE7D12 50622E14

9DB56C71 F1FC5532

3A497C7D 6E52011A

C66C9B7A 9B76815D

373D2D40 8C545892

B553198B 0B0D2667

E2073D3F F46B6618

F83DC582 70E5862B

B095DA94 89DF3F1B


5EF4424D 2DBA035F

60A585DF DF5D19B2

08D64730 334C5371

D2000000 00000000

this is not the official celebi but does activate the event

Crashes my game.


i used cheats to access mt silver and defeat red before getting all 8 kanto badges, and now blue is stuck on cinnabar island and will do nothing beyond ask to take a picture. could someone post a code to reset him or the conversation, or to place a version of him willing to battle in the viridian gym? thanks in advance

  PokeFreak64 said:
Just to let you know.

These codes are meant for the actually hard copy game itself.

Emulators with No$gba has too many problems.

Well all codes i've tried so far work.

The only ones that don't are from Pokesav

  icem1 said:
i used cheats to access mt silver and defeat red before getting all 8 kanto badges, and now blue is stuck on cinnabar island and will do nothing beyond ask to take a picture. could someone post a code to reset him or the conversation, or to place a version of him willing to battle in the viridian gym? thanks in advance

You screwed up the game's coding.

Because you skipped the entire kanto gyms and battled before you triggered the last badge with Gary, the game is messed up.

This is why you should never use key item or badge codes early.

I'm afraid There's no code to reset Gary. That's the gamesave itself that's messed up.

The only thing I can say is use pokesav to reset some of the stuff. You will lose your badges though.

  PokeFreak64 said:
You screwed up the game's coding.

Because you skipped the entire kanto gyms and battled before you triggered the last badge with Gary, the game is messed up.

This is why you should never use key item or badge codes early.

I'm afraid There's no code to reset Gary. That's the gamesave itself that's messed up.

The only thing I can say is use pokesav to reset some of the stuff. You will lose your badges though.

I kind of have the same problem with him.

When I beat Red Gyarados he doesn't drop the Red Scale.

So Lance doesn't show up after I catch/beat it, and I didn't skip anything lol

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