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Regarding where it was said that some code only work on ARDSi or whatever, I think it might actually be that some codes don't work on the older ARDS(the one that doesn't have the slot you can insert the game into, so you have to swap between the ARDS and the game), but do work on the newer ARDS's and ARDSi. To me, this makes more sense.

  sagebrushfire said:

Forget it, screw it, I don't care. This is one of those situations where finding the answer is more trouble than the reward of knowing it is worth.

I'm not going to traverse 500 posts looking for the answer and I'm not going to start a new topic so I can be told to "Google it" so I'll just live without knowing how the "Show IVs & EVs" code works (Or if it actually works at all). All I wanted was a reliable way to check what my Hidden Power would be for each pokemon.

Actually, there's a person in the game(I don't recall where) that will what your hidden power type will be.

EDIT: The person that checks your hidden power type is found in the prize building next to the Celdadon Game Corner.


Is there any Pokemon Modifier that works in Safari Zone? I tried the activator one and the one that doesn't need it ( the one with hex values ) and neither work while working in normal grass. I like my pokemon looking legit, I actually EV Train them and everything.. so yeah , any chance?

  JUMPMANx3 said:
Sorry i must have missed them but im looking for some legit looking Mew's or Mew lol

I'll put a few together and see how well they work. PM me if you have any preferences as to lvl/stats/moveset/etc.


Not to be a pest, but has anyone come across a code to receive the national dex? a code was posted a few pages back but it won't work with an emulator. and the front page's complete pokedex fills up the dex, i just want to receive the national. any help gang?


i'm looking for a code that will allow me to get the HG kyogre in my SS

and a code that will max out or increase pokelthon stats but not give me the max points

Go to the key item codes and use the Blue Orb item mystery gift cheat.

Max pokethon stats are in the list.

See my last post.

And look!

These code will 100% work with the LEDGIT HG AND SS!!! NOT THE EMULATORS OR DSI AR!!!!

I am not responsible for making them work with those versions.

Hate to sound smart, but buy the ledgit rom version for you rom and emulator users.

And for DSi users, you're outta luck. These are certainly made to work for the original DS AR.

  PokeFreak64 said:
Go to the key item codes and use the Blue Orb item mystery gift cheat.

Max pokethon stats are in the list.

See my last post.

And look!

These code will 100% work with the LEDGIT HG AND SS!!! NOT THE EMULATORS OR DSI AR!!!!

I am not responsible for making them work with those versions.

Hate to sound smart, but buy the ledgit rom version for you rom and emulator users.

And for DSi users, you're outta luck. These are certainly made to work for the original DS AR.

i already tried the blue orb, having it in SS does nothing to get kyogre

and all the pokelthon codes in the links are for max points, the data card and the special room not max stats, thanks for the input though

  Razelquin said:
i already tried the blue orb, having it in SS does nothing to get kyogre

and all the pokelthon codes in the links are for max points, the data card and the special room not max stats, thanks for the input though

why did you not go to this page:http://pokefreak64.forumotion.net/ds-codes-f37/ultimate-soul-silver-and-heart-gold-ar-codes-t2347.htm#43036

scroll down till you get the event codes list....i think you mus use the event codes to obtain that thing from professor elm or oak...however and then the event will work in the embedded tower next to rt. 47!

  dsa said:
why did you not go to this page:http://pokefreak64.forumotion.net/ds-codes-f37/ultimate-soul-silver-and-heart-gold-ar-codes-t2347.htm#43036

scroll down till you get the event codes list....i think you mus use the event codes to obtain that thing from professor elm or oak...however and then the event will work in the embedded tower next to rt. 47!

used the code and got the blue orb in SS but when i went to the cave kyogre wasnt there, even with the orb.

did it work for you though? maybe i did something wrong so its not working...

  PokeFreak64 said:

Max pokethon stats are in the list.

And for DSi users, you're outta luck. These are certainly made to work for the original DS AR.

I've looked in the list and don't see a code for max pokethlon stats anywhere. Also, I use an ARDSi and every code I've used has worked perfectly. I think that the only AR that codes may not work on is the older original ARDS that doesn't have the slot to insert the game into.

Also, I don't think this code works:

::Pokethlon Total Point 999 (L+R)

94000130 FCFF0000

62111880 00000000

B2111880 00000000

1006CD08 000003E7

D2000000 00000000

  Essence said:
What ever happened to the code that raises all the pokeathlon stats of a Pokemon by 3? Can't seem to find it.

It was taken down as a private request from a few people of mine. Think of it as how the Shiny Leaf code (a thread was created also) was taken down.


Ah, I see. Well, does any of the other codes help with beating the flag collecting thing (2nd Part, Speed Course)? None of them seem to work. I hate all 9's, I want a score of 36 =(

  Razelquin said:
used the code and got the blue orb in SS but when i went to the cave kyogre wasnt there, even with the orb.

did it work for you though? maybe i did something wrong so its not working...

think this is because of the game mechanics....or did it work on the opposite if having HG and took the red orb....well you should better trick the game and use the code to capture Kyogre in grass or water and then bring both to the cave to get Rayquaza....i will try out the blue orb trick if i have national dex and so on!

  Mewchu said:
I'll put a few together and see how well they work. PM me if you have any preferences as to lvl/stats/moveset/etc.

thnx and im just looking for a normal legit lookin mew

  JUMPMANx3 said:
thnx and im just looking for a normal legit lookin mew

why not obtain it from a japanese WC? or take the wild Pkmn modifier code...and get it via that?

  JUMPMANx3 said:
thnx and im just looking for a normal legit lookin mew

Ok, well which game did you want it for? I'll fill in the rest.

  Pokemon walkthrough help said:
is there a code to activate the shaymin event i really want a shaymin event code please

Team rocket male code works :D

i´ve never heard about a shaymin event....but if you mean to obtain the gracidea from goldenrod city, then you just have to trade the event shaymin or the other one that was appearing when you got oak´s letter in dppt!

but i think since pt it should also work with a normal shaymin, obtained by the pkmn modifier code!

  dsa said:
think this is because of the game mechanics....or did it work on the opposite if having HG and took the red orb....well you should better trick the game and use the code to capture Kyogre in grass or water and then bring both to the cave to get Rayquaza....i will try out the blue orb trick if i have national dex and so on!

tried getting it from the grass too, it wont trigger rayquaza. neither will a kyogre from an earlier game, DPPt, it has to be the one from HG.

it's really annoying cause every time you talk to oak he has a paragraph about how you need the HG kyogre before he says anything else...

  Razelquin said:
tried getting it from the grass too, it wont trigger rayquaza. neither will a kyogre from an earlier game, DPPt, it has to be the one from HG.

it's really annoying cause every time you talk to oak he has a paragraph about how you need the HG kyogre before he says anything else...

maybee i can help you with that one....it has the same moveset like original one...i hope it works:

  Reveal hidden contents

hey.... i think you can also try the re-battle code from cute-pokefreak that can be found here: http://pokefreak64.forumotion.net/ds-codes-f37/ultimate-soul-silver-and-heart-gold-ar-codes-t2347.htm

just take the blue orb with you....place the oter one somewhere on Pc (if it did not disappear) and try it out!


Can someone make a code were you can edit the IVs (or hidden power) of your existing pokemon (not wild), like I wanna change the IVs on my gengar to have hidden power fire and all the codes only work for wild pokemon

Also, can someone make a code to edit the nature of a pokemon you currently posses, all they have is wild pokemon (again)

Ive looked weeks for these codes and if someone can find one, id really appreciate it


No you can't use the pokemon modifier, re battle or the blue orb to catch Kyogre on Soul Silver, because the game won't let you and it won't let you catch Rayquaza. Both Kyogre and Groudon must have been caught at the Embedded Tower, but you can use pokesav to generate a Legit Lv.50 Kyogre that have been caught at the Embedded Tower or use an AR code that lets you obtain a Kyogre that have been caught at the Embedded Tower in your PC Box. This code has been posted several times on a few threads by me.

No you can't trade a Shaymin from D/P/PL to HG/SS because it will not let you obtain the Gracidea Flower at Goldenrod City and even if you use an AR to obtain the Gracidea Flower you still can't use it on the Shaymin because it will say it doesn't have any effect. You must use an AR code to replace your first slot in your party. This code has been posted several times on a few threads by me. Also you can't use the pokemon modifier either.

I have tried every possible way to bypass this rule, but their is no way you can bypass this rule.

  mbruno said:
Here's a code that some people might like(I didn't make this code):


Hey I was the one who made that code. I originally had problems so I had to ask for elixerdream to help me out. And now it's been taken down as a request.

I even made a thread asking for help on the code provided with a screenshot which I deleted due to the request.

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