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About headwing45

  • Birthday 09/16/1992
  1. I'm breeding a Roserade but I can't use the 'wild pokemon hidden power' code on egg pokemon. is there a code to edit the IV of an existing pokemon so I can get the hidden power I want (I'm trying to get Hidden Power Fire) Thanks
  2. Thanks for the adamant code, if you have more natures in which that code would work for that would be great (or a link to were the code was found) All I need now is the IV code
  3. I just want a code that can change my IVs so I don't have to retrain my (insert random pokemon) just to teach it hidden power, the nature code isn't that important but the normal nature codes doesn't work when receiving pokemon like charmander from oak or when trying to breed them for egg moves. The IV code is more of essential for me
  4. Can someone make a code were you can edit the IVs (or hidden power) of your existing pokemon (not wild), like I wanna change the IVs on my gengar to have hidden power fire and all the codes only work for wild pokemon Also, can someone make a code to edit the nature of a pokemon you currently posses, all they have is wild pokemon (again) Ive looked weeks for these codes and if someone can find one, id really appreciate it
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