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here is a complete code giving you 995x pcs of every item (HG...but may also work in SS by take it into the SS cheat dir:

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btw: activate code in AR then press L+r when game has loaded

  dsa said:
i gues where to find them....but i don´t think you can get to the oter routes without cheating....even when beginning a new game....so my noctuh only got two leafs for now from route 39 and 44!

but if it is possible to get all 5 pcs. on one of that routes i still can reach...then i will be happy!

if you got leaves from routes 39 and 44 then its hasty right? routes 11, 18, and 26 also have shinny leaves for your pokemon.


Ignore my last post in here...Found and tested the all TM codes on a new game with AR DS and it works fine...Shiny code can wait, but still want and have been searching still wondering which shiny code is the best to use to have everything shiny.

Also, another code I'm looking for but unsure if its been posted or not, but if it has, I'd like to find a code to unlock all of the courses on the Pokewalker that even includes the special event ones...And thanks to everyone who made such fantastic codes!

  Razelquin said:
if you got leaves from routes 39 and 44 then its hasty right? routes 11, 18, and 26 also have shinny leaves for your pokemon.

yes.....but as mentioned i am not at the point in the game to leave jotho and visit kanto....so it is worthless....i gues the routes from serebii.net and pokewiki.de.....so i wonder if i can get more than one on the same route?

@mad: well i think you should use the code for shiny pokemon that was made by kenobi, and gues what here i´ll give it to you (well only the gift pokemon are not shiny, due to the OT is not you...e.g. the spearow you get from one of these gate-house guys to bring to a friend of him, it still keeps normal! :D)

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it works fine for me on SS but i think it might also work on hg.....and yes the eggs you get from Prof. Oak and from the guy in the Poke-Center if knowing the right sentences are shiny too!!!

  Cronus said:
ive done it and it does work though theres a 2/10 chance the pokemon will not be tradeable in the gts

That just means I'll have to breed more. :D Not that I use GTS, but I can justify 12 mew eggs now.

  Cronus said:
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i believe this is it if it doesnt work let me know and ill just get the one directly form my ar cuz ik it works

thanx man worked


Is ther another code to rebatlle the red gyarados? I have tried this, but not result...

94000130 FFF30000

B2111880 00000000

DA000000 00001110

D3000000 00000000

D7000000 02000010

A2000010 FFF70000

D4000000 0000FFF8

B211187E 00000000

D7000000 00001110

D2000000 00000000

  EduSC said:
Is ther another code to rebatlle the red gyarados? I have tried this, but not result...

94000130 FFF30000

B2111880 00000000

DA000000 00001110

D3000000 00000000

D7000000 02000010

A2000010 FFF70000

D4000000 0000FFF8

B211187E 00000000

D7000000 00001110

D2000000 00000000

Did you remember to use the activator?


Yes... I have the spanish version of the game, but other rebattle codes work perfectly, so I don´t think that´s the reason.


Try this, should work for Spanish version of the games :

Rebattle the Red Gyarados (Start+Select) :

94000130 FFF30000

B21118A0 00000000

DA000000 00001110

D3000000 00000000

D7000000 02000010

A2000010 FFF70000

D4000000 0000FFF8

B211189E 00000000

D7000000 00001110

D2000000 00000000

  M@T said:
Try this, should work for Spanish version of the games :

Rebattle the Red Gyarados (Start+Select) :

94000130 FFF30000

B21118A0 00000000

DA000000 00001110

D3000000 00000000

D7000000 02000010

A2000010 FFF70000

D4000000 0000FFF8

B211189E 00000000

D7000000 00001110

D2000000 00000000

Thanks, it works.

And is there any code to redo the expresmessed Dratini event?

  Mewchu said:
I believe I've posted a few in this thread. What are you looking for?

Sorry i must have missed them but im looking for some legit looking Mew's or Mew lol


Can someone please explain to me how to use the friggin show IV/EV code? It says to go to the pokemon stats screen (Doesn't really exist, would it kill us to use actual terminology?) and hold L or R while switching pokemon. This does nothing; this works on Soul Silver US right?

It's completely impossible to search for it because the forum won't search for anything with less than three characters( e.g. IV or EV.) :|

  sagebrushfire said:
Can someone please explain to me how to use the friggin show IV/EV code? It says to go to the pokemon stats screen (Doesn't really exist, would it kill us to use actual terminology?) and hold L or R while switching pokemon. This does nothing; this works on Soul Silver US right?

It's completely impossible to search for it because the forum won't search for anything with less than three characters( e.g. IV or EV.) :|

well my friend.....i think you should go to the trainer card and then press either l or r according to the thing you want to view....!but maybe you go to pokefreaks hp and check the codes there....they are explained very good there!


I never expected this topic to go this far (As I am the topic starter of this thread)

I became a bit inactive since then, but all these 36 pages (more than 500 posts) that had repeats of codes and questions posted.

I ask to see my new topic here.


This topic was meant for NEW codes, not codes posted above.

I kept seeing questions about using a code and reposting codes already posted or existed.

For example, I got people acting like the view IV and EV code was new or the TM mod.

No offense, but I am already a step ahead of everybody here at this forum, when it comes to codes.

In fact, at my forum, I released a V1.2 codelist of brand codes I had people at GBA temple make for me that nobody else has.

So I am asking nicely to stop posting repeat codes.

Seeing the IV and EV codes and questions about over and over again, is sickly.

Please check with this topic before asking for a code.


Ok? Good.

If you have trouble shooting with a code, I advise creating a trouble shooting topic.

I am sick of people flooding my PM box both here and at my forum, with a code they are screwing up on.

I am not a technican or handygirl, I simply make, share and discover codes. I don't do all the fixing with gamesaves and pokemon.

This topic was not meant for that.

Sorry if I'm sounding jerkish, but that's the reason why I created this topic in the first place.


hey, i've posted this twice before and i haven't heard anything back on it so i'll try again;

i'm looking for a code that will allow me to get the HG kyogre in my SS

and a code that will max out or increase pokelthon stats but not give me the max points (i wanna beat the events myself to get the gold star)

thanks for any help

  dsa said:
well my friend.....i think you should go to the trainer card and then press either l or r according to the thing you want to view....!but maybe you go to pokefreaks hp and check the codes there....they are explained very good there!


Forget it, screw it, I don't care. This is one of those situations where finding the answer is more trouble than the reward of knowing it is worth.

I'm not going to traverse 500 posts looking for the answer and I'm not going to start a new topic so I can be told to "Google it" so I'll just live without knowing how the "Show IVs & EVs" code works (Or if it actually works at all). All I wanted was a reliable way to check what my Hidden Power would be for each pokemon.

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