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  Lex said:
Codes by M@T

Get Infinite PKMNs From Prof. Elm (Select+Start)

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Get Infinite PKMNs From Prof. Oak (Select+Start)

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Get Infinite PKMNs From Steve (Select+Start)

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hi, ahm the 1st one crashes, and for the third, steven leaves and nothing else.

*for the third, the thing was to talk with steven at pewter city and return to saffron, sry.*

sry if you already answered this, but, there's a proper way to use them? :creep:

  willitoh said:
hi, ahm the 1st one crashes, and for the third, steven leaves and nothing else.

*for the third, the thing was to talk with steven at pewter city and return to saffron, sry.*

sry if you already answered this, but, there's a proper way to use them? :creep:

They worked fine on my AR no crashes or nothing

  willitoh said:
hi, ahm the 1st one crashes, and for the third, steven leaves and nothing else.

*for the third, the thing was to talk with steven at pewter city and return to saffron, sry.*

sry if you already answered this, but, there's a proper way to use them? :creep:

They work on the retail cart. If they're not working, it's your fault for using a flashcart. :P

  KyoMcFizzle said:
They work on the retail cart. If they're not working, it's your fault for using a flashcart. :P

it's not that. for the first one the trick was to use it inside, not outside, or maybe i missunderstood this: "Use outside Elm's Lab as a screen refresh will remove "Pokémon" option from menu".

for the third, it's just to make steven retunr to the building.

:L sry, at the end there was no trouble, it's just that i though they worked in the same way as oak's code.

  BDN15641 said:
Can Someone Make a code for:

Make Pokemon Shiny by Marking them

Change Pokemon Ability by marking them

I Want to Make My Rayquaza Have The Pressure Ability!

yea can some one figure out the shiny marking code... it would be a very helpful code...

or something that makes a select pokemon permanently shiny...


Is there a code to get multitype to work for all pokemon? or some way i can make my charizard dragon type without going through the move conversion??? A shiny charizard with the type Dragon would be so fucking cool! ANYONE?


Can someone please give me the ar codes for shiny legit shaymin and encounter shiny pokemon (if there is one) For pokemon heart gold us. i couldnt find them on page 21 so can you please just say them again


Requesting legit flying pikachu from pokewalker and shiny beast event poke mon (Jap. version recomended), I'm in no rush either, so take your time...:grog:


Im hoping that the codes on here work for the english/europe stuff cos im a begginer and im very impatient : ) so will i be wasting my time because most codes are usually for japan version. then again is US the same for my version : ) . i'm probably just a noob wasting people's time buut answer me please : D

  DLD_L_D_2 said:
Im hoping that the codes on here work for the english/europe stuff cos im a begginer and im very impatient : ) so will i be wasting my time because most codes are usually for japan version. then again is US the same for my version : ) . i'm probably just a noob wasting people's time buut answer me please : D

Well this thread started out for the Japanese version of the game, and I think it still is.

  Typhlo said:
yea can some one figure out the shiny marking code... it would be a very helpful code...

or something that makes a select pokemon permanently shiny...

Try this code :

Marking a Pokémon makes it shiny :

1206F04A 00004800

0206F04C 023C0B91

1206F050 00004700

023C0B90 88049800

023C0B94 88BE8845

023C0B98 407788FF

023C0B9C 0A24407C

023C0BA0 407D70C4

023C0BA4 407D2707

023C0BA8 B0147005

023C0BAC 46C0BDF8

  M@T said:
Try this code :

Marking a Pokémon makes it shiny :

1206F04A 00004800

0206F04C 023C0B91

1206F050 00004700

023C0B90 88049800

023C0B94 88BE8845

023C0B98 407788FF

023C0B9C 0A24407C

023C0BA0 407D70C4

023C0BA4 407D2707

023C0BA8 B0147005

023C0BAC 46C0BDF8

it changes the pokemon's nature. but whos complaining? i gots me a shiny charizard. :D


Im looking for this codes;

~ Wild Shiny without a change of nature.

~ Make shiny pokemons in pc without a nature's change.

~ Change Evs that a Vitamin Gives.. like a protein that give 252 :x [Riolu, how its going that code I need it! ]

Thanks :wink:


Question for all you people looking for the vitamin 252 ev code why not use the marking one? it works find and was broken down into individual stats not just all.


Question for all you people looking for the vitamin 252 ev code why not use the marking one? it works find and was broken down into individual stats not just all.

  Ranslactor said:
~ Wild Shiny without a change of nature.

~ Make shiny pokemons in pc without a nature's change.

Do you know what is PID and how are calculated nature and shininess ?

Modifying PID to make a Pokémon shiny has 24 chances over 25 to change its nature, and modifying a shiny Pokémon's nature will remove its shininess, that's why the codes you are asking are very hard to make.

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